Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post

Hey Audiogon! Help me spend my money.

I've recently upgraded my speakers and analog rig and it now has me wondering if I could be getting more out of my amplification section. I've had a trusty Hegel H200 integrated amp for about 6 years and it's to its testament that until now I haven't thought about upgrading it. But the upgraditis is getting to me, especially after my analog section has taken me into a different tier on the source side.

My questions:

If my goal is to move into the "reference" quality tier (and by that I guess I mean, at least providing a sniff of the creme de la creme; Stereophile Class A-quality for lack of a better way to put it), should I take this opportunity to move back into separates? 

Second question: if my budget is around $7k, what should I consider that would be a significant upgrade over the giant-killing Hegel? Some components I'm considering:

For separates, PS Audio BHK preamp + PS Audio Stellar Monoblocks (though I'm hesitant about class D amps)
For integrated, Aesthetix Mimas, or a Luxman integrated
Someone in the running: integrateds from Krell, Mark Levinson, and Ayre

My requirements: my rack limits me to standard-sized 17"-wide components. I need at least 2 balanced inputs unless there's a built-in DAC. I mainly seek a "warm" tonality with rich midrange, and greatly value components that image exceptionally well.

My system: Hegel H200, Doge 7 DAC, Avid Volvere turntable, PS Audio Stellar phono preamp, Egglestonworks Emma speaker
@hudsonhawk in my experience you need to hear these things for yourself to make a decision that leads to long-term happiness. You mentioned you'd love to hear a Luxman - I'm happy to send you a L509X to audition and, instead of wondering, you'll know.

- Colin

Luxman dealer
@dayglow I really like the Hegel in every way, which is why it’s stuck around so long. That said, upgrading from my VPI Scout / Blue Point Special / Dynavector P75 analog section to my current Avid / Dynavector XX-2 / PS Audio Stellar Phono analog section has made me realize that there’s more to be had. It’s made me think I could achieve even great clarity, performance, and engagement if I upgrade my integrated (and maybe my DAC...) My DAC is tube and I’m a big tube fan, hence my interest in the BHK and Mimas.
@three_easy_payments Thanks for the thoughtful post. Exactly the problems I’m weighing! I recognize the value to be had from integrateds... but the flexibility of separates both tempts me and might be a rabbit hole.

If I were to go separates, I’d be heavily leaning towards the BHK (or the Pass Labs preamp my local dealer has). That would leave me $3-4K for a 2-channel amp - what would people recommend in that price range? I mentioned the Stellar Monos but my anti-Class D bias has me too scared to pull the trigger on those. Plus that’s 2 more components instead of just one more component to fit into my limited rack space and buy power cables for...
I had the hegel h100, tried the h200, Then bought The h300. The h300/h360 are a big step up in sq vs. the h200.
When I moved up the speaker chain to the larger Ushers, the h300 just didn’t have the power for the 11” woofer. I went back to separates, now using the ps audio bhk 250 amp with a Mcintosh c47 preamp and a ps audio ds dac. Separates are the way to go if you have the $$$ because if something changes, you can swap out a single piece instead of the whole integrated
@rbstehno thanks for your perspective - that’s interesting to hear how the H200 compares even within the Hegel line, I’d always assumed that it would have performed similarly to the H300/360. Definitely confirms there’s room for me to get a lot of improvement, just a matter of picking my lane. The C47 + BHK must sound incredible.