Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post

Hey Audiogon! Help me spend my money.

I've recently upgraded my speakers and analog rig and it now has me wondering if I could be getting more out of my amplification section. I've had a trusty Hegel H200 integrated amp for about 6 years and it's to its testament that until now I haven't thought about upgrading it. But the upgraditis is getting to me, especially after my analog section has taken me into a different tier on the source side.

My questions:

If my goal is to move into the "reference" quality tier (and by that I guess I mean, at least providing a sniff of the creme de la creme; Stereophile Class A-quality for lack of a better way to put it), should I take this opportunity to move back into separates? 

Second question: if my budget is around $7k, what should I consider that would be a significant upgrade over the giant-killing Hegel? Some components I'm considering:

For separates, PS Audio BHK preamp + PS Audio Stellar Monoblocks (though I'm hesitant about class D amps)
For integrated, Aesthetix Mimas, or a Luxman integrated
Someone in the running: integrateds from Krell, Mark Levinson, and Ayre

My requirements: my rack limits me to standard-sized 17"-wide components. I need at least 2 balanced inputs unless there's a built-in DAC. I mainly seek a "warm" tonality with rich midrange, and greatly value components that image exceptionally well.

My system: Hegel H200, Doge 7 DAC, Avid Volvere turntable, PS Audio Stellar phono preamp, Egglestonworks Emma speaker

Showing 7 responses by hudsonhawk

@4425 The ML 585 is one of the only pieces I’m considering that I’ve had the good fortune to audition. It is indeed an incredibly impressive piece of gear, absolute control of the sound and checks my imaging box, though it was more on the neutral side at least paired with the Revel speakers at the Harman showroom here in NYC. Gorgeous to boot. I am extremely satisfied with the Stellar Phono so I actually don’t want or need onboard phono. 

@millercarbon Ha, point well-heard. I wish I could go back to an all-tube integrated but my stereo does double-duty on my TV and it seems like a waste of tube hours to sit around marathoning Schiit’s Creek on Netflix. I am open to a hybrid tube amp like the Aesthetix.
@three_easy_payments Thanks for the thoughtful post. Exactly the problems I’m weighing! I recognize the value to be had from integrateds... but the flexibility of separates both tempts me and might be a rabbit hole.

If I were to go separates, I’d be heavily leaning towards the BHK (or the Pass Labs preamp my local dealer has). That would leave me $3-4K for a 2-channel amp - what would people recommend in that price range? I mentioned the Stellar Monos but my anti-Class D bias has me too scared to pull the trigger on those. Plus that’s 2 more components instead of just one more component to fit into my limited rack space and buy power cables for...
@erik_squires wish I could hear a Luxman, they’re certainly impressively well-reviewed an beautiful. I don’t really need the phono stage or tone controls but they don’t seem to stop people from raving about them.
@dayglow I really like the Hegel in every way, which is why it’s stuck around so long. That said, upgrading from my VPI Scout / Blue Point Special / Dynavector P75 analog section to my current Avid / Dynavector XX-2 / PS Audio Stellar Phono analog section has made me realize that there’s more to be had. It’s made me think I could achieve even great clarity, performance, and engagement if I upgrade my integrated (and maybe my DAC...) My DAC is tube and I’m a big tube fan, hence my interest in the BHK and Mimas.
@rbstehno thanks for your perspective - that’s interesting to hear how the H200 compares even within the Hegel line, I’d always assumed that it would have performed similarly to the H300/360. Definitely confirms there’s room for me to get a lot of improvement, just a matter of picking my lane. The C47 + BHK must sound incredible.