Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference

Im fairly new to the hifi world and just recently purchased a couple of high end question is this:ive been reading alot about cables and speaker wire,do the expensive ones really make that big of a difference???Is it really worth spending a small fortune on cables?? And is Monster Cable really overrated like ive been reading? Any help would be useful,thank you.
I did a review of the cheap Radio Shack 14Ga. Megacable speaker cables that were so popular years ago, and it still appears at

One of the worst pieces of wire I have laid hands on.  :(
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Wow, I'm going to respond to a 7 year old thread...

Hopefully, the OP has come to his own conclusions about cables by now.

Here's my $.02:  Cables make the least difference in sound of any component change or upgrade.  I think speakers offer (obviously) the greatest difference in sound.  

But the MOST important components of any audio rig is the room itself.  A million dollar system in a crap room will sound like, well, crap.  A thousand dollar rig in a good room with proper acoustic treatment will sound like a million bucks.
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they do make a difference.
Get a cheap cable on high end system, how will it sound? DULL to start with. Get a high end cable on a cheap system, how will it sound? BRIGHT to start with.
Still cannot believe that people deny this fact after so many years of same topic.