Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.
I have spent more on audio than my current cars but if I added up all the cars I've owned then I'd have spent more on cars. I spend less than an hour a day driving and manage at least three hours for audio so the audio gets more use.

In 1970 I purchased my first BMW which I still own and drive. I don't have any audio items from that period of time. Forty years of enjoyment is an excellent achievement. My oldest piece of audio in continuous use is a Sony cd player from 1989.
Well, I'm still driving around in my first car, a very reliable 1987 BMW 528 that I bought for $1800 almost 9 years ago. I paid more for that for almost every single component in my system.
I like that cartridge ;-)
As we have disposed of our car, the system comes in at full weight, but we might get a fantastic car for that.
But then again, I go for bows, and then we wouldn't get that far.
my watch, my fishing/hunting trip budget, my books, my music...heck everything i have is worth more than my car.. to calculate the audio? 40 times as much as my car. the only money i spend on cars is maintenace and gas. you have to have priorities. ha. i just got rearended by a kid with no insurance and spent my insurance companies refund on all new cables. people see my dented bumper and back off realizing i must not care...........i have put more than one high dollar car wash out of business,,,,,,,,,