Zappa question

I've always admired the playing of his bands, never particularly loved the music. Recently spun up "Burnt Weenie Sandwich" after reading about it here on 'gon and something finally registered. It's now in regular rotation, with "Guitar" up next.

Where would you point me after that?


How about Mothers Fillmore East?

So much good material. A prolific musician. Tremendous diversity.

Pick up a biography and read about him. A pretty amazing guy. Definitely will gain greater insight about the man. I read Zappa by Barry Willis, not this best book I ever read but informative.


Check out "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" and the track, Orange County Lumber Truck. Also, the movie soundrack recording from "2000 Motels". Frank was a genious. Glad "Burnt Weenie Sandwich" clicked for you. It has long been a favorite of mine. I love AyBeSea and The Little House I Used to Live In. In my opinion, "Reuben and the Jets" is one of the most romantic albums ever recorded. From "Uncle Meat", the King Kong tracks are worth special attention. Check out, "Yellow Shark" and "Strictly Genteel", as well.
Thanks to all who've taken the time to offer advice. Collectively, I'm pretty comfortable that this group intimately knows the terrain in the Zappa sandbox - so I'm off to CDconnection. You've give me quite a lot to digest (and even more to buy). I look forward to any additional thoughts sent my way.


I really like "Imaginary Diseases" which is a collection of live instrumentals released a couple of years ago. The recording is excellent. Go to Amazon and listen to a sample of the title track and "Montreal". I think this is one of Zappa's most accessible recordings and really showcases his ability to improvise on guitar which is why he is a music icon.
I played "Road Ladies" from Chunga's Revenge for my friend, a great Jimmy Page admirer. After hearing the blues licks he instantly began taking Frank seriously, became a fan. That was 37 years ago and I'm listening to that song as I write.
I love all the experimental early music, social satire.
BWS, Chunga's Revenge, Hot Rats, Grand Wazoo*, Waka Jawaka, Over Night Sensation come to mind as favorites. Love all the older stuff, not so much after Overnight Sensation, One Size Fits All an exception.
Overnight Sensation was the point that established the next level in his incredible guitar technique. He had always been one of the most creative players in rock.
I would have to recommend Hot Rats as the next step. The earlier albums are essential if you want to understand his music. I love them, but cant help suggesting you jump to HR first, it's special.
* Not only is Grand Wazzoo a great album, I say him perform it live in 1972.
"Don't you boys know any nice music"? Joe's Garage. Also, no fan is complete without the vintage poster, titled "Zappa Krappa"
I love Joe's Garage but would not recommend it as someone's second venture into Zappa albums.
totally agree with the synthfreek ( I wonder why, we both seem to like the shpongle too), hot rats + overnight sensations.. entirely different but they take you to the best and extremes of his moods.
Burnt Weenie Sandwich is a good one... a similarly fine aroma is emitted from Chunga's Revenge, Transylvania Boogie alone makes this worth getting, (check out Warren Cuccurullo's much later version on Roadrage if you really wanna' catch a fine guitar buzz). Weasels Ripped My Flesh is also close in vintage to BWS, (it might take awhile before you dig every track on it, but a lot of the best stuff works that way). And of course it's nice to see other 'goners offering up the Hot Rats record. Grand Wazoo and Waka Jawaka (Hot Rats 2) are damn spiff and Bongo Fury poots forth a quarter ounce green rosette on top of the Overnight / Apostrophe period. If you haven't taken these in yet you're in for a big treat.
Hots Rats for sure!

Overnight Sensation is great too, but it's full of humor that some don't care for. I love it for both the music and the crazy wit.


Overnight Sensation is my recommendation, (and the first Zappa album I ever got). Funny, and yet musically incredible.

Oh, btw, is that real poncho, or a Sear's poncho?

Well, gotta go ride the range.
Just me and the pigmy pony.
I'd watch the DVD "Baby Snakes." Unfortunately, I never got to see Zappa, though "Freak Out" was one of the first real rock LP's I bought (The other two were "Are You Experienced" and "The Velvet Underground with Nico"). "Baby Snakes" gave me a dimension of Zappa I had never appreciated, which is the deep emotional engagement he has in his music and his phenomenal and generous connection with his audience. That said, I can still sing ("sing?" okay, maybe recite) along with "Freak Out" and "Absolutely Free," having remembered most of the lyrics. Many audiophiles believe "The Yellow Shark" is sonically excellent.
If you liked Burnt Weenie (more or less a duo album with Ian Underwood), then both Uncle Meat and Hot Rats really ought to suit you. Also, Roxy and Elsewhere.

But there is so much and it's all pretty extraordinary. FZ is his own genre, and it is itself a very varied one.
I would go from there to Uncle Meat. It has some improvisional tunes as well as straight ahead Frank.
My favorite is "One Size Fits All" but enjoy lots of other Zappa albums just as well.
I've seen Frank and his ever changing line ups a few times...a real musical genius I think...too bad he succumbed. My favorite is Hot Rats followed by Wakajawaka.