With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you

I've recently gone into retirement. I am a 52-year-old diehard audiophile. I've had just about every statement level speaker the American market has offered over the last 10 to 15 years. The speaker I have found the most satisfying overall is my presently owned modified pair of Maggie 3.6R. I've also had their 20s and started with the Mg 3A. for my second favorite speaker I would have to pick the Avalon radian HC, and not the Eidolon( I had problems with the ceramic midrange distorting with dynamic vocals and the base was not perfect). I had dozens and dozens of conventional and electrostatic speakers so many I could bore you with the list. So let's just say I've been around the block a few times.

Let's assume that I made no mistakes meeting the speakers with the proper equipment, power conditioning and acoustical environment treatment. I have been mostly a tube person but I switched over to the new passlabs equipment because I found that I am
the equivalent sound or better than my reference tube amplifiers, without the heartbreaking experience of blowing up and $2000 tube replacements.(As I said I am retired now, I can't afford the maintenance fees anymore.

What I'm asking of my fellow audiophiles that have been listening with reference great audio systems is that they e-mail me back and give me their opinion on what conventional loudspeaker they would own if they had say $20,000 or so to spend(20,000 retail). Semi-full range down to say 35 Hz or so.

I'm going to keep the Maggies but, they don't feel the need when it comes to wanting a more compact/dynamic speaker that I could also drive with my Belcanto SET. Although, they don't need to be ultra efficient.

I would really appreciate anybody's input, I would find all of your input invaluable in making my decision.

by the way what do you all think of the Grand Veena 3A speaker. Is it better than anything for under $20-$30,000?

Thank you very much for all of your help,


thanks again,

PS I am still keeping the Maggies.
Eggleston Andra-3 (better than the 2's which blew everyone away not long ago), or Magnaplanars (3.7). Or some variation of these two suggestions. IMO you either buy box-speakers or planar
speakers, although there are even more exotic designs if you are particularly adventurous (surround-sound like the MBL's for ex.). Then of course there are
the horn-mid and tweeter designs, but truthfully few audio stores put them out
there for an audition.
I'd like to audition a pair of avantgarde or used Jadis Eurythmie. If these did not wean me off the dark side I'd just upgrade to ohm 5015 save 10 grand and call it a day. 😎
Those Aries Cerat Gladius are beautiful - never seen those before. Best part about threads like this - discovering new toys.
OK, for sheer scale and value I would say Maggie 20.7's. Totem WIND DESIGN SERIES would also be a great choice with cash to spare. B&W802D2...not the new D3's....get em while they are liquidating them...an absolute steal for a high end speaker.
Not yet...trying to find time this week. I must admit however that I am partial to my D2 woodwork and spikes compared to the more techno D3 look and smaller built in spikes. Kinda looks more home theatre👀
I don't like the Ikea look of the D3 either. The demos of the 804 D3 and 802D3 sofar were extreemly poor. We will take a liten to them in shops soon. We are not convinced and we doubt if this will become a succes!!
You would probably like them better if they were called 3D instead of D3.
It is not about a name, it is all about quality. During the show of the B&W 802 D3 with Classe the stage depth and width was narrow. Not like the best highend what can create a holographic stage. So yes you miss the 3D feeling. When you are aware of properties, audio becomes very predictable.
Legacy AERIS or Whisper XDS (used price), Eggleston Works Andra II or III (or Savoy if you can find a pair used), Rosso Fiortina Sienna, Joseph Audio
Post removed 
Does Lamar look for a bigger bottom end or does he concentrate more on the upper end?
After tormenting myself for several months, auditioning lots of floor standing speakers, I became smitten the first time I heard the new Focal Sopra No2's.

I was lucky to order them just after they first became available in the U.S. and have been enjoying them for over two months now. My dealer says they have a six month wait for them now.

These speakers have enormous amounts of detail in the mid and high frequencies, most high-detail speakers made me really exhausted quickly, not these. They also have huge sound stage. The bass that they have is excellent and very well integrated with the other drivers, but only goes so low (no problem for me, I'm wedded to a pair of excellent sub woofers).

Two cautions. I heard a pair driven by electronics that I'd not characterize as "smooth sounding", with that incredible tweeter, I thought it was "too much". Also, I'm not sure the speakers would sound so good in a smaller room, as I auditioned a pair of 1038BE's in a room about 12 x 14 and they sounded very "constricted".
Myself, I'd buy the Sonus Faber Strad Palladio's just up for sale here for $18.5k Wonderful speakers.

Not affiliated with the seller....just a drooling audiophile. ;)
It is very kind of forum members to continue to offer the OP suggestions 6 years after he posted his question :p
If I had the cash, I would get the sanders sound systems speakers, or a massive pair of reference dynaudio's, 

or or if I had the time, a pair of cerwin vega 2000-15's, replace all the mid ranges with dynaudio drivers, and a nice beryllium tweeter, add more damping to interior of the speakers, re-do crossovers, you would have such a beautiful wall of sound.  Or those pendragon brand, those 1812 speakers are amazing, and at such a fair price for what one gets, save money and still have ref sound.  My 2 quid
Melbguy, hahahaha. I didn't check the date, I'm just looking around and reply because I'm bored.   Hahahaha has. 10 years later,. Hahahaha. :)))
I'm going to echo bassdude's post about the Linkwitz systems.  I fell in love with the big Avalon loudspeakers years ago when I first heard them.  Terrific loudspeaker, but at $35k/pair at the time, something I couldn't begin to imagine ever owning.

The Linkwitz LX521 at least their equal if not their superior and you can DIY build it for about $3000.  You have to add 10 channels of amplification, but the recommended amp by Linkwitz from ATI prices at around $1700, so for an investment of less than $5000, you can have sound equal or better than anything Avalon makes, or Maggie for that matter, and for both those guys, you're going to run a $10,000 amp to drive 'em.

I run a pair of Linkwitz Orions, though surpassed by the LX521, I have yet to entertain a visitor to my home who did not leave without envy.  I still marvel at how good they sound.
Anyone own or auditioned the Joseph Audio Pearl2 or Pearl3?
For $20K, this is where I would start.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Try Chario Sovran, or Chario Serendipity... Far more musical than any listed here, except may be B&W 802 D3. Also if you keep an open mind see if you can audition Eminent Technology 8bs. These are $2500 per pair, but boy do they sound like a $30 grand speakers!
Wilson would be great with various electronics and offer dynamics superior to almost anything available.
If you love your Maggies as you should, the only improvement possible are Sanders 10D stats.  With Magtechs for the panels...wow~