Wife approval factor?

So it seems that alot of you guys seem to have problems with your wifes or girlfriends on speaker issues and I was wondering what type of women yall date/married.

My mother has always approved of my speakers and has generally liked them. And my girlfriend also loves my speakers. When she heard my new JM Lab speakers she hugged me and gave me a kiss before she started dancing with me. Am I just lucky or what? Or are yall even serieous about the wife thing?

Thats not true...although my wife Maggie wasn't always an ugly room divider.

My wife and I have a great agreement. The front wall of the living room which is both audio and video is mine. The garage and backyard are also mine. EVERYTHING else is hers. This also excludes certain male anatomical parts. Unlike some friends of mine, I don't have to ask if I can borrow mine.

Colour me lucky - I have a separate room and co-operation/acceptance/approval/permission to do whatever I see fit. My wife on the other hand gets to horseback ride, and travel. We both work "extra" as musicians to help fund some of our respective hobbies, and we both try to be supportive of each others' endeavours.

Though she will shake her head from time to time at the expense, the audio room is usually given prime postion when she shows friends around the house, and everybody who comes here knows about "The Chair" and "The Spot".

Oddly enough my wife became much more appreciative of the sound of the big system when I put ESL speakers into it, and more oddly, so did many of her female friends. I wouldn't go so far as to say panels are a "girl thing", but I have noticed a marked difference in the attention level of woman who listen to music in my system since the arrival of the CLS IIz speakers. Anyone else notice somthing like this?

Even more oddly still, my wife has an excellent ear, yet gets way more use out of the crappy upstairs system. Go figure...

Garebear - maybe you should talk to the webmasters here about starting up "Girliogon"; the dating website for frustrated audiophile girls who are tired of dating guys with Cerwin Vega speakers.
i have a childhood friend who's wife made him put his rig in the spare beedroom where it sat until i bought it 3 years later.

he also has a brand new harley that he asks permission to ride & 99% of the time she say's no way hose unless she is invited.

oh, i cant forget the paycheck deal,he cashes his check & promptly hands over 100% of it every week & has to ask for small amounts of it back while she spends copious amounts of cash lounging in tanning salons & gettin her nails done.

god i just want to smack him in the head sometimes & tell him to grow a set!

every time i ask him if he wants to get on his bike & go on a run with a few of us im reminded of the sam kinnison bit from years ago.

(husband)honey some of the guys are takin theirs & i wanted to know if i can take mine.

(wife) no way little mister you got work to do.

(husband) i cant go,SHE'S GOT MY DICK!
just a quick opinion......when your wife leaves you don't blame the stereo...and when your sound sucks, don't use WAF as your sorry excuse
You guys are either lucky as hell or lying. My wife has fought most every step of my hifi journey until recently. She finally just gave up. Only because I have a dedicated listening room and she doesn't go in there much. I am able to move things in and out pretty much as I wish now. She knows I spend time and money changing and upgradeing, but she mostly ignores it.
A very serious girlfriend of 3 years walked out on me and never came back and asked / told me not to contact her again after I purchased about $3,000 worth of Acoustic Science room treatment stuff. Hey, I needed some help moving the ''tubes'' into their correct position.....best of all, it was MY house !!!!This was a situation that a women just did not understand this hobby and best of all, she really wasn't into music..... My friends tried to tell me....so back in the market for a new one. Hey, is there a site for that like Audiogon ?
My spouse not only approves, she participates! She isn't as obsessive about audio as I am, but at least we share that common interest.

We listen together frequently. We plan future upgrades together. We discuss equipment, acoustics, tweaks and music in general. Needless to day, I generally get no grief for eyeballing a new piece for the trophy room.

The caveat now becomes which piece? The one she wants or the one I want?

No free lunch I guess...
My wife is very accepting of all the equipment that comes rolling through here. Of course, I often suspect that's because She's cheating on me with the UPS guy. That's okay as long as the equipment keeps rolling in:)
The key difference here is, "your girlfriend" and not wife. Once married and you settle into a house, wives decorate their house a certain way, or have intentions to, and a set of speakers in the middle of the living room isn't always what they have in mind.

That said, I am in the camp that is blessed with a great wife and gives me a lot of leeway with my stereo, a lot!
My wife accepts it as long as I don't spend any money on it. She accepts my speakers (Thiel 3.6's) but would prefer something much smaller. She hates the vacum tubes on my pre-amp. I also want to get a motorcycle, I have ridden / raced for several years as a kid growing up, but she says no to that. So it sounds like most of you have it good if your wives are that accepting. Mine was fine before I married her; they change.
I have the most accepting and supportive wife in the world! Not only has she always let me play at will with my toys, but she has supported me since my business failed 11 months ago.

This is amazing since she is not only beautiful but her personality lights up the room when she enters. I'm either the luckiest fat man on earth or proof that women are absolutely desperate.

For the record, we currently have Dunlavy Vs in our great room and a couple of weeks ago, she took a day off so we could visit a friend and listen to his line arrays.
my wife bought me a pair of Harmonix Golden Performance ICs for my birthday, last year. Is that a love?...I left enough hints..Of course having put a pair of diamond studs on her ears, that year, certainly helped....My wife is great and understanding, but she would never let me go a of Maggie 20.1s: NEVER! Wives, do have their limitations. peace, warren
Mine let's me do anything I want with the stereo, thank God!!!

I have asked her about some higher dollar purchases and she replied "will you hear a difference?" when I said yes, she told me to buy them! Hell, she even gave me a new power cord for Christmas!

I guess I lucked out!
my wife's been a sport about the hifi & motorcycles for 20 years & has rarley complained ,unless you count the time i threw out a brand new love seat sofa because it was blocking one of my klipschorns.

oh,she was pretty pissed too when i had to cut holes in the ceiling so my tweeter colums would fit .

My wife pretty much runs things in our house...as long as it has nothing to do with my stereo. I explained this to her 21 years and a few houses ago and it has worked out fine.

Course...I'm a sweet old dawg, long as ya leave yer paws off my bone!

The only time that my girlfriend put her foot down was when i tried to use a pair of Klipsch La Scala's for our HT system. She absolutely hates the size and looks of those specific speakers for some reason. Given that i have electronics ALL over the entire house and she's never really put up much of a fuss, i decided it was better to replace them with something more to her liking than start her on a rampage. Rather than having to look at some 3' tall by 2' wide by 2' deep boxes, i've now got 4.5' tall by 1' wide by 15" deep cabinets in their place. No problems now, although i had to invest in amplifiers that were capable of WAY more power due to the differences in sensitivity. Went from 104 db's down to 87 dB's. Yowza!!! Sean