Why perfect speakers dont exist the truth revealed

Dear Audiophile music lovers,

The reason that perfect speakers do not exist will hereby be revealed. So a perfect speaker would be a wall made of concrete. It would have two or perhaps three small holes in it. The drivers would then be placed inside these holes. Linkwitz riley 24db octaves and you're done.

Now the problem is, most audiophiles do not have a spare wall in their home which could be used to construct such a perfect speaker. Keep in mind that the other side of the wall would have to be infinitely big. It would have to be a very big space which would contain an infinite amount of fibreglass.

Now lets compare that to what speaker companies are selling us. We are being sold cheap nasty mdf boxes which ring like a bell. They use a minuscule amount of polyester stuffing inside which doesnt work and they call it a day. 

That is the secret to why perfect sound cannot be achieved. Its because we are being lied to. A $100k Magico makes no sense when you realize that the same money could be used to build something approximating the perfect speaker. 

The magico speaker still only uses a cabinet that is a few inches thick at best. My speaker invention would be ten times thicker at a fraction of the cost!

Wake up and smell the coffee folks. That is the reason we are all in this predicament. We are all craving perfect sound. Some of us are even in denial about that. But perfect sound can NOT be bought. The only solution is a CUSTOM tuned by hand system. 

~audio guru bar none ~
....hmmm, I think we've been up against this Great Wall of Sound before....


Banksy, perhaps...

Actually, I've thought of doing a dipole pair mounted on sheets of HardiePanel...but at least they'd be portable....

A Sonic Stonehenge?   MmmmNo.

If speakers built on concrete walls are great  how come movie theaters are not building them,  Would be easy to build them while building the movie house?

I have listened to one of the smallest Magico speakers in an audio store  and can't believe how awesome music comes from these tiny bookshelf speakers on a stand. I used for demo one of my own CD I burned that I  listen  in my car, and I can't believe the details , the sound-staging and clarity that came out from that speakers.  I think its magic!!

@kenjit Kenjit jealously of others to buy great equipment (when he uses scraps in his own system) is yet again rearing its ugly head.

Kenjit just let go and accept your situation and enjoy what you have please :-) You will feel better in the long run and at peace, at least until you write another embarrassing post to make yourself look even more clueless. Sorry.


You shouldn't need to ask.

'room of appropriate size'

Kenjitposits 'the other side of the wall will be infinitely big'.

Therefore the wall will be infinitely big.

Therefore the room on our side of the wall will also be infinitely big.

Even if the room did not extend far in front of the wall, the infinite extent of the wall would make the room volume infinitely large.  This would conveniently end standing modes.

Get building mate.  I'll come over in a few millennia to check the start.

Kenjit uses a smallish bookshelf speaker as a reference. Recently,  he practically endorsed B&W speakers on another thread. Maybe he owns one and has to relentlessly promote,  like ebm,  in an effort to keep the residual value of his equipment higher. 
Remember how much he droned on about perfect speakers needing to be tuned for each person? Sure, with a concrete wall and small holes...
Maybe  "tuning " means using jackhammer to create "acoustical cavities " to personalize.  

" in which case you along with several others should be banned too for being insulting towards me."

- Are you serious? Starting from day one you have been insulting all speaker manufacturers, designers, the people that buy them and the ones that sell them.

" I am pretty sure I was first to suffer from abuse on here."

- Maybe this type of forum is not for you. Your views and ideas are over the edge and not proven by anything you have done yourself. As far as we all know, it's all flapping gums and so easy for you to do. By actually producing something people would take you more seriously, if in fact that really is your goal or as it seems, you are all talk and it's getting tiresome.

"if you dont like my posts the answer is to avoid them. You have no right to restrict me from sharing my opinions."

- But then if we avoided your posts, you wouldn't be here. Many of your previous posts, in different threads are not opinions. You make far fetched statements about speaker manufacturers, designers, salesmen, uninformed consumers and made declarations that only YOU know it all. Then, provide absolutely zero proof of anything you say or produce. You sir, are all talk and NO substance and you are getting called out. Too bad!
How would anyone know if they are the perfect speakers if they have not been built?  All the science is not proven right?  How would they sound?  So unless there is something that we can hear, then this is all science and guess work.  In building components, it takes us many prototypes to get to the final product and even then we are constantly making adjustments to improve the sound and the design.  We are never satisfied.  Plus there is never one correct way that will please everyone.  So while I have heard the Linkwitz speakers that were built by a friend of mine and they sounded excellent but they also had things that some did not like. Audiophiles will pick apart anything.  So while in theory something will be the best to you, it never is to everybody.

Happy Listening.
99% of my posts are about the subject being discussed
Oops. Just went down to 98.993%
Folks here need keep in mind,,, many modern jazz cds are over programed with computers and EQ's,,,take Diana Krall, all her cds are over EQed, computerized,, Diana Kralls  cds do not sound  natural..that goes for many post 2000 recordings.,. back in the day , (1960/70's) recordings had much greater  authenticity and high quality,,So what I am saying,,why even worry about  a  hypothetical speaker than can voice exactly like the studio live recording, 
AS I listen to only classical muisc,,I do not have this issue of  *fake recordings~~ there are no EQ modulations such as are super heavy in Diana Krall. DK's  cds have a  ~~fake ambience~~ in the sound recording. Sure Sophie Milman also is faked,,but at least not to the Nth fake degree as are DK's over mod recordings. 
Progress already! We've cut it down from infinitely large to an appropriate size. Which, sadly, cannot contain that infinitude of fiberglass. Oh, well. Today the pit, tomorrow the wrinkle.

How would anyone know if they are the perfect speakers if they have not been built?

Well, this is the theory that Kenjit has, and what it is to....I suppose.