Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Tons of great music being produced today. My favorite radio show is “Extra Eclectic”. Check it out!


Also, there are more female composers producing work now than ever before. What an exciting time to be a music lover.

I wonder how many people know who Howard Tullman is or even read through the article.  I was on his legal team during the initial JamTV/Tunes.com work.  He's definitely not a small minded guy. He does like to stir the pot.

If you read to the bottom, his main point, really, was that big music execs got greedy and complacent and didn't innovate.  The article was in Inc. magazine and he was making a business point.

But yeah, the top of the article does make him sound a bit like Old Man Screaming at the Sky.  He does acknowledge the music activity in indie circles, but I doubt he's dipped very far into that.

To address the main debate going on in this thread, there most certainly is plenty of good new music coming out. Oddly, it's harder to find...or should I say it is easy as it has ever been to find, but harder to identify. Mainstream media just doesn't do the variety of art justice. 

It does take work to find great new music.  You need a thread to pull.  Roon actually helps with this, when it's working. 

You want some recommendations for great new music? Here you go:

  • Brother Dege
  • Craig Finn
  • Niyaz
  • Jade Jackson
  • Animals as Leaders

There's really lots. Find something you like and pull that thread!

Yes we must work a lot to discover new music...

But the number ofnew geniuses is astounding and growing ...

More than ever...

They are marginalized by the industries and by ignorant deaf crowds listening to their commercialized shit because uneducated by anyone ....


We must learn music, anyone saying the opposite is not only ignorant but musically dead...

Reacting passively to the same shit all our life is perhaps "entertaining" for some but pure conditioning implementation by corporations without even any working by our own consciousness...

Music is not only about nostalgia, but about awakening our spirit, emotionnaly to a higher level of perception...

It is "seeing" music like some perceive geometry or a movie...

Music contains so much holographic information than it make the heart beat out of your body at a higher rate...

Music is a dancing with or without the need for a body...

It is a seing with and/or without eyes....

It is a speaking with or/and without voices...

It is a color perception with or/and without any colors you already know...

Each cultural expression of music is like a new other planets to explore...

It is more than thrilling....

Then i am like most for sure,  i love to feel nostalgia for some old song of the years  50/60/70...

But if it is your only notion of what music is, you lack most of music information body...

And those who dont listen at least jazz and classical, if not all cultural expression of music are almost spiritually  deaf...


This is not my opinion it is the truth manifested through music complexities...

If you dont train yourself to understand complexities , they appear like a boring, confusing , headache, it is perhaps simpler to accuse other ofbeing  "snob" instead of acknowledging  our own limitation, acknoledging them and trying by listening experiments to "boldly go where no man has gone before"....

Music is not sound we already know only, it is a movie we have never seen or feel ever before...

It is a new planet, a new life, and a new understanding.... Nothing less...It is not a commercial  "tune" ONLY ....

Read me right i like very much popular music too...

I spend money on great musicians like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen and many others...

But it is only a small part of music.... And popular music in China or India is not Popular music on the american Radio....

The only music i hate is commercially motivated music....





When i claimed music content is "holographic information", in my erased/censored post above, it is not a useless metaphor...

It is an exact mathematical metaphor...

Music is produced by man in a non commutaitve space... Music information is not Hertz only it is chords distributions in a dynamic non commutative space...

It is not my saying by the way, but the claims of one of the greatest mathematician on earth : Alain Connes... I posted a video above...


Above Post erased not by me .... Truth is too much shocking....

A composer just wrote to thanks  me to dare  speaking the truth, and here someone erased my two posts above...

Thinking is "verboten"....Too socially disruptive like playing Mozart in a jail...Try it...It will cause a riot...





Perhaps Rick beato lesson will not be erased here by ignorance at the wheel..



So true, ESPECIALLY IF THE MUSIC CAN BE PLAYED AT 432Hz, which apparently can be done via Streaming, but so far as I know, not via vinyl or CD formats. I suggested the idea of a 440>432 interface to Paul McGowan a couple years ago, but it fell on deaf ears


But it is musician that must decide to use this frequency  or not.... Engineer can do nothing save "reproduce" what musician decide they will play...

And this is another question only musicians can decide anyway...




By the way it is not only some  " music that has lost his charms" , music for the crowds for sure, because the number of great artists  musicians has never been lowered; but cinema and popular movies for the crowds are more horrible than ever too , but the number of great movie makers has not declined ever , it is what the corporations control, the mass product which is atrocious and being made for low I.Q. people and made to lower our intelligence more...True artists are marginalized and pushed in a corner with less freedom  all over earth but especially where big business reign supreme... ....



Compare the more attractive mass movie of the beginning of the seventies with movies these years....

Compare the story line and the level of complexity in plot and cinematography...

A great work of art is also a riddle for the intelligence like an I.Q. test... Interpretation is part of art...


There exist then the same phenomenon than in music industry... More "popular" products reduced to be commercial junk product with no soul for no brain....

But the number of great artists is not less numerous but they dont have the visibility and the money to work better...

Big corporation power is death....More the technology progress less the art grows nowadays, it is not means nor in the obligation to be this way in civilization ...

Because technology is used by businessman who control the content not by artists first ...And the cult of technology is death anyway...

Music and cinema are not the only fields destroyed by big growing corporations owned by few and fewer people than ever in a less and less competitive world than ever ....

Guess which are the others human fields of life in society which are affected for the worst?

Politic, medecine and science itself....

Knowledge is not science and science is not technology ....


Stanley Kubrick will not be possible today, he will not be free to do his own art...He will be a slave to a movie business...He will kill himself because he was so talented... Who kill Orson Welles genius? Corporate powers...Nowadays they are more powerful because all united and controlled by very few men ...

Where is the human, poetical, philosophical content of most movies nowadays ?

In the trash bin...

Anyway the masses are no more guided by any ideals, religious or others...They listen and spoke only to a phone....

The destruction of education is the master work of big corporation, the higher education is mostly a taming of beast and a training of brain for big business...

I cannot imagine what Dostoievsky or Mark Twain will wrote today and who will read them ..





"Stanley Kubrick will not be possible today, he will not be free to do his own art...He will be a slave to a movie business...He will kill himself because he was so talented... Who kill Orson Welles genius? Corporate powers...Nowadays they are more powerful because all united and controlled by very few men ...

Where is the human, poetical, philosophical content of most movies nowadays ?"


Let's face it, even such noted auteurs such as Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and Woody Allen took some time to buy their freedom from the 'corporate powers'.

According to a Robert Mitchum biography (Baby, I Don't Care) it doesn't appear as if things were that much different back then. Back in 1950 Howard Hughes recalled arty director Josef Von Sternberg out of retirement to shoot RKOs 1950 movie, Macao.

Things didn't go so well for the autocratic von Sternberg who soon found himself reminded of his place in the pecking order by Mitchum himself when he threatened to fire the rising star for disrespectful behaviour.

"If anyone gets fired around here, it'll be you "


What disturbs me is that the 'corporate powers' now seem to have an all powerful grip on the entire production chain from creation to the delivery outlets.

And everything in between.

Independent movies still exist but who gets to see them?

For example, how many folks have heard about celebrated UK comedian Rik Mayall's final film, 2014s One by One?

Given what's happened since, this film now seems to be highly prophetic.

So why then isn't it shown more?

If they can so easily airbrush out the work of someone as well known as Mayall, it looks as if something rather unpleasant has happened to both our freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

It's definitely not a good climate for artistic production as it now looks as if we're following the same old cold war policies of the USSR or China's CCP when it comes to what can and what can't be allowed in art.

Only now, it's being exercised by the power of corporate money rather than communist show trials.

Give them time, give them time...

Let them make a demonstration of Julian Assange first.


Let them make a demonstration of Julian Assange first.

I will not contradict anything about your post...

Most people dont even think enough to know that Assange was a journalist, respectful of laws, they think he is a "traitor", they are like zombies wanting to kill someone who tried to awake them...

There is no freedom anymore in Canada, with Trudeau, only an appearence of freedom , now in the media no one dare to speak his mind...

In America the appearence of freedom is more convincing, but it is only an appearence.... All Occidental powers admire China success and control....


It is China not medecine who thaught government to control mass during the pandemic...

China and Gates/Fauci corporation....

The world economic forum say it loud...

No one pay attention...

And now in the world only one man is responsible for all problems , probably for covid too and the economic crisis, and why not also of the woke new "communism" totalitarian movement ? And for sure he reacted by aggression  to 8 years of civil war payed by Otan in Ukraine against the third of the country speaking Russian...

I will not name this man....Biden see through " his evil soul"...

Everybody know who Biden is....More despicable than the clown Trump, who at least never encourage war...

I am sorry for us and for America....





Coming back to the thread matter...

Like for music we can enjoy now thanks to internet, all the great movies of the last century...From an era where artist like Fellini were free...

We can enjoy movies from any country and be spared  from the worst of Hollywood cooking burger  factory...

This is on one side corporate destruction of art and on the other side we can enjoy true art in an easy way if we know where to look for...

Then my pessimism dont tell all the story...

Never in my life i enjoyed so great musicians in so great numbers...

Anyway financial capitalism is dying....We can hope....




Thanks for sharing that video about Alan Mearns.  I just bought two of his CD's.  Too bad he doesn't have analog (LP) form for sale. . . 

Your perspectives about music and the global trends are quite interesting. . . I'm a Bach aficionado myself, with the trappings that come with that.  I'll have to look into the mathematical metaphor that music may represent in more detail. . . any pointers for researching that topic?

That is a very good article, of course as an old timer I would consider it so. I well remember `Dark side of the moon` released when I was in high school. Along with Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep and many others we had a rich source of musical material to keep us happy. Buy even in those days there was a lot of dross on the radio. The difference was that there was investment in new and creative music.

Thanks for your kind words....


Music is an information hologram....Metaphorically and in real time....

I use music here in the MORE extensive general meaning of the word...

First: the first model of "Artificial consciousness" ( not artificial Intelligence here, the difference between A.I. statistical dynamical model and Anirban artificial brain is like the difference between a tool and a genuine brain using it ) use a "musical" set of tool, a musical geometry so to speak... Or time crystal fractals ladder of clocks ... Read his site to have an idea.... Anirban Bandyopadhyay....


The books is this one, completely amazing genius with a take on consciousness which is techologically superior to anything i ever heard of....... "Nano brains"


these videos introduce easily:


The writer is one if not the leader in in cycles and rythmic time geometry and information theory ...

His ideas were anticipated by a mathematician decade ago unknown to most, i read at the times, Charles Musès : Destiny and control in human systems. Studies in the interactive connectedness of time (chronotopology) (= Frontiers in systems research.). Kluwer-Nijhoff, Dordrecht/ Boston u. a. 1985

Anirban Bandyopadhyay theory, like Musès perspective is ultimately about musical synchronisation of all events explaining "life"....

In a complete different direction the great mathematician Alain Connes, father of non commutative geometry, explain the relation with time and music converging in his own way to Aniban theory from a complete different perspective...The deep meaning of prime numbers distribution and a musical interpretation of it...

But his theory is even more difficult than Anirban technological tools descriptions and his new non-algorithmic and non-Turing theory of brain/consciousness...

But the two reveal the breathtaking depth of vibrations and the music metaphorical and chronotopological meaning , Anirban Bandyopadhyay and Alain Connes the two geniuses, use the music of the prime numbers distribution at the CENTER of their theory, think about that a second.... 😁😊

You will fall of your chair understanding the meaning behind this fact trust me .... It will take time if you are new to this difficult subject matter though...

The third track is related to all works about unconscious and conscious cenesthesia in perception and interpretation of sounds meaning in music experience....Read about cenesthesia meaning research...
Also the fact that the vertical scales and horizontal chords are best described by Alain Connes non commutative geometry....

The mathematical/philosophical works of Ernest Ansermet the great french maestro about noetic qualitative logarythm and the way music is not a pure object but a position taken by a perspectival subject located in his own space give also a deep take on Occidental tonal history but i think the 1200 pages book is only in french...


@mahgister Thanks for sharing that video about Alan Mearns. I just bought two of his CD’s. Too bad he doesn’t have analog (LP) form for sale. . . Your perspectives about music and the global trends are quite interesting. . . I’m a Bach aficionado myself, with the trappings that come with that. I’ll have to look into the mathematical metaphor that music may represent in more detail. . . any pointers for researching that topic?

The Flynn effect is now reversing it’s course. Ie, that people are literally getting less intelligent. Literally.

perhaps the combination of things it takes to get to good music is taking this reversing effect and showing how bad it is, like a canary in the coal mine.

About a decade ago I finally decided that the effect that I saw was generalized enough and obvious enough that I was fairly confident that what the future seems to be holding..is a splitting into a definable two - of the human race. The actual beginnings of a homo superior vector vs a homo regressus vector. This, outside of all the other complexities of such an idea in analysis. (very complex mess, obviously, so debating it is difficult, at best). Eg, what does the end of the boomer years say about all of this? good luck measuring that...besides the complexities of coming up with good testable hypothesis and the like.

Re the Flynnn effect..it seems as if Idiocracy actually is on the record, now, as being a real thing at least with respect to the current course of humanity, in the now....

Does our social humane integrity end up painting us into a corner? What is even the question?


Everybody know who Biden is....More despicable than the clown Trump, who at least never encourage war...

I am sorry for us and for America....



Even Biden’s most ardent admirers must be having a few second thoughts by now, surely they must?

Isn’t it obvious that he’s a patsy, fall guy, beard for someone else - albeit an avaricious self serving one?

Someone with a terrible sense of humour.


As for the rest of the US electorate, they have my sympathy too.

Not everyone can relocate to red states like Florida or Texas.


Re the Flynnn effect..it seems as if Idiocracy actually is on the record, now, as being a real thing at least with respect to the current course of humanity, in the now....


Very entertaining and a grain of salt of truth probably...

I worked with gifted students in all fields all my life my only close contact with less awake people so to speak was on the bus...😉

Now retired, i am alone, and i take the pulse of humanity here in this forum...






I disagree with your reply, and offer you... The real push behind it was nefarious, though that is denied by those who had the power to make it so.

But it is musician that must decide to use this frequency  or not.... Engineer can do nothing save "reproduce" what musician decide they will play...

And this is another question only musicians can decide anyway...





I find most modern music to be degenerate and ugly. There are of course exceptions, but the to my ears with pitch correction being used as a production feature rather than a fix for poor vocals means that a lot of music now sounds like a robot singing over a simple beat. Much new music seems to be made to be played over phone speakers, probably the very worst sound reproduction equipment after the AM radio in your granddaddy’s Corvair. Music production and engineering has suffered terribly with the advent of DAWs and the loudness wars. Not to mention the "musician" has been replaced by the "artist" as in no way could you call these "artists" "musicians". They can’t sing, don’t play an instrument, don’t write songs, just shake their asses on stage while fireworks go off. For me music production peaked in the 1970s, when producers poured almost unlimited funds into an album, and featured actual song writers and musicians. Deutsche Grammophon in the 1970s somehow managed to capture every element of an orchestra through multiple microphone placements and mixing to draw out individual sections of the orchestra, especially the woodwinds which tend to be drowned out by modern massive string sections. Their use of giant resonators in the basement of their concert hall gave the Berlin Philharmonic’s brass section a wonderful power and edge to the sound. Modern classical recording tend to suffer from what I call "the blob" where a single microphone reduces the textures and separation of the orchestra to a single blob in the middle of the stereo image. Computer production now means that there is really no need for audio engineers to get creative in the studio like The Beatles, Brian Eno and Bowie used to do, and it shows. Again there are of course exceptions. Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories for example, they spent a million dollars of their own money to produce it on analog tape and digital and spent months mixing and mastering it, it is a triumph of music production. And the songs are wonderful, they tell stories. Tame Impala and War on Drugs are some other bands that sound great on record.

One thing the author didn’t mention was the advertising, the hype that made you want to run out and get that Beatles, Clapton, Who album.  Someone mentioned a group called The War On Drugs. A good current group that I stumbled upon. There was no massive blitz when their last album dropped. There was nobody waiting in line to buy a copy. To me, that’s the biggest difference. Like Netflix, a music streaming service can only suggest what their algorithms say you might like, but there’s so much more out there.


Very true, what you said. The music I grew up with is still what mostly  I listen to today.  It’s a good thing that I grew up with Jazz, Big Band, Show Tunes, Classic Rock, Classical Music, Folk, Progressive Rock…..


I disagree with your reply, and offer you... The real push behind it was nefarious, though that is denied by those who had the power to make it so.

But it is musician that must decide to use this frequency or not.... Engineer can do nothing save "reproduce" what musician decide they will play... And this is another question only musicians can decide anyway...


i was answering about this problem by the immediate only solution : an awakening of the musicians themselves...


But you are right about this  "conspiration"...


It is not the first and last "conspiration" origin ...A change so impactful cannot be implemented only by ignorance....

Medecine and education and banking were oriented by another "conspirations"...

History is like hunting, there is tracks...

And ordinary people, me included, cannot fathom evil depth...It takes a Dostoievesky at least...Where is our Dostoievsky today?

The only writer who described all this crisis i know of  and  most importantly proposed pragmatical  and spiritual solutions died in 1925...

He described before his visible advent the transhumanism/ globalist/ technological cult agenda orientation in this world in details...

Rudolf Steiner... The greatest Goethe scholar...A  chistian seer also....

He wrote about agriculture, medecine, education, art, science and spirituality...

He will be understood better soon, materialism is dying but alas! technology cult replace it... But humanity will not accept it.... If we do, we lost all  freedom...

The agenda is clearly written by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari...Only ignorance can deny it...



What was your career in? How long have you been retired?


I was guiding university students in their readings...3 years, just before covid...

My interests included mathematics, poetry, linguistics, spirituality, philosophy mainly... As an aside astrology and natural science....

My main interests is the way all fields of learning are connected by a higher perspective....

In one book the best writer about this , save Goethe himself, is : Jean Gebser, "the ever present origin"...

A changing life book.... Try it...But not easy reading at all.... The writer is a polymath...

If you study in the same time Ernst Cassirer  "philosophy of the symbolic forms" deep  exploration of a Goethan semiotic of culture to complete what is lacking in Gebser, you will  have the deepest possible perspective in philosphy  of knowledge and not only restricted philosophy of science... Cassirer was a deep Goethe scholar after being a Kant one ....He corrected what was missing in  Kant by Goethe  genetic and phenomenological  approach so to speak...Goethe is a greater phenomenologist than even Husserl... But Goethe dont explain itself for the sake of explaining itself,  he was  in art and natural science writing not philosophy...Leonardo da Vinci used the same method than Goethe before him.... It is astonishing...

This  goethean method is best described by a physicist disciple of David Bohm  in few books : Henri Bortoft....

 And this method is extensively applied in animal morphology by  Wolgang Schad in an 1300 pages  master book so great that anyone who read it will fall of his chair...😁😊


I must say about the 432 and 440 hertz controversies...I dont know if there is

only a pragmatic industry decision behind it, or not, but for sure our body react to frequencies in a direct way our consciousness did not...Then just comparing in non controlled condition few seconds songs to sense if there is a difference or not is preposterous...

It is not our biased conscious ability to do so or not, which is at stake here, but the way our body/mind react... The mind is not only the conscious tip of the iceberg we call ego...The mind is the body too...

Then we must listen to the two frequencies in an hour long comparison in few days repeat...

I am certain that a difference will be perceived...

I sense it but my listening is biased for sure... 😁😊





Context: The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, but there are no scientific studies that support this hypothesis.

Objective: To identify differences in vital parameters and perceptions after listening to music at different frequencies, 440 Hz versus 432 Hz.

Design: Cross-over pilot study.

Setting: A room dedicated to listening to music, in an Italian city.

Participants: 33 volunteers, not suffering from acute and/or chronic diseases.

Interventions: Two sessions of music listening on different days. Both sessions used the same music (movie soundtracks) but tuned to 440 Hz on one day and 432 Hz on the other. Each session consisted of 20 min’ listening.

Main outcome measures: Vital parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation), perceptions (physical and emotional sensations, for example fatigue and stress), levels of concentration during the listening session, and general satisfaction with the experience.

Results: 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of mean (systolic and diastolic) blood pressure values (although not significant), a marked decrease in the mean of heart rate (-4.79 bpm, p = 0.05) and a slight decrease of the mean respiratory rate values (1 r.a., p = 0.06), compared to 440 Hz. The subjects were more focused about listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.

Conclusions: The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. The study results suggest repeating the experiment with a larger sample pool and introducing randomized controlled trials covering more clinical parameters.



But this matter being very complex...

There exist also opposite conclusion from other experiment:




Conclusion: this problem is a bit more complex than meet the eye at first here...

I am not enough competent to solve it in an objective way...I hadmy opinion based only in my listening, but it will take me months of study to solve this for sure.... Not 2 articles...



But there is another one here in favor of 432 hertz:




I disagree with your reply, and offer you... The real push behind it was nefarious, though that is denied by those who had the power to make it so.



Here another convincing one in favor of 432 hertz:





Only sets of measures of the human metabolism under different frequencies exposure will settle the matter...

Research about "conscious" perceived differences between these frequencies are not convincing at all... 😁😊


Because the mind is not the conscious ego, and the effect on the listener is not an effect on his concious ego filtered by conscious biases but effects on his mind/body metabolism which for the most part is a subconscious sea...


To end or to begin the reflection: this very neutral article is interesting with the main proponent, Lyndon Larouche, before Dr.  Leonard  Horiwitz himself,  of "the 440 conspiracy" analysed :

Go on the internet to read this article, i cannot put the link to open here...

Perfect Pitch: 432 Hz Music and the Promise of Frequency by RE Rosenberg · 2021

@mahgister I appreciate the data relating to the 432 vs. 440 Hz thing.

I have not given the issue much time.  I usually tune my instruments to 440 as that is the common standard, and may look into a conscious effort to at least try tuning my guitars (I’m bot a piano tuner, so that bad boy will have to stay “as is” for now) to 440 Hz, see what happens.

I am not competent nor able to claim truth in this important matter...

I am just interested by this matter...


I am also very interested, not so much by tests about our ability to perceive a conscious difference, for sure there is one, especially for trained ears of a tuner or a musician...

I am interested by future studies of mind/body metabolism reactions...

If the few studies i pointed to were able to be verified and confirmed in the future, then this indicate something truly deep about our body/mind metabolism clocks multi-scale system and the way it inscribe itself in the universe which is also like Kepler already thought a multi-scale scales clock system ...

The greatest specialist of clock multi-scales body/mind and cosmic crystals time like fractal clocks integrated systems is an Indian genius working in a scientific city in Japan on the first artificial brain ( not A.I. ). He proved everything about microtubules relating to the Hameroff-Penrose hypothesis 8 years ago already...

Anirban Bandyopadhyay


For me music is perceived holographical multidimensional information...We see music and not only we listen to it...

Music is geometry on the making among other thing....Music is also love in the making....

Alain Connes the founder of non-commutative geometry say the same thing as Anirban Bandyopadhyay : It is not so much that music is mathematic like Pythagoreans were claiming, it is mathemathics itself instead which is pure music...

Prime numbers distribution is "music of the sphere"....


Because mathematics ultimately is a divine beating heart which is the basis of the cosmic memory...Like the human heart is the basis of deep memory...

The mathematic of the cosmic memory working translation is now investigated by the school of mathematician, disciple of Grothendieck, Shinichi Mochizuki in his "inter-universal geometry" which is only the mechanism of translation between cellular memories or "universes" ( memories here are also creative imaginations)....

But here also i am not competent to formulate any claim, i am deeply interested by these matter because it was a dream of mine when i was 24 years old...If it was not for this dream about the deep meaning of the prime numbers distribution , now confirmed by these geniuses works in very different fields , i will not have been able to recognize through this complex mathematics the truth i was looking for all my adult life....

If you need a proof of "God" or to feel the way love work, listen to Bach and study prime numbers theory....Or/and fall in love....

We do not pay attention , then we kill each other...




@mahgister I appreciate the data relating to the 432 vs. 440 Hz thing.

I have not given the issue much time. I usually tune my instruments to 440 as that is the common standard, and may look into a conscious effort to at least try tuning my guitars (I’m bot a piano tuner, so that bad boy will have to stay “as is” for now) to 440 Hz, see what happens.



Here's some reasonable videos about 440 Hz vs 432 Hz, which discuss the practical and historical aspects:  (even indicating that during the Baroque era, A was closer to 415 Hz)