Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Showing 4 responses by drbond

I find the rather myopic perspective quite comical:  the author acts as if music quality has only been dropping for the past generation due to some of his opinions of what good music is. . . why start in the 1960's; couldn't you say the same about music since the 1600's?  A longer perspective could rather argue that musical quality has been dropping for 300 years, and we have only been alive to see the past 50 years of deterioration. 


Thanks for sharing that video about Alan Mearns.  I just bought two of his CD's.  Too bad he doesn't have analog (LP) form for sale. . . 

Your perspectives about music and the global trends are quite interesting. . . I'm a Bach aficionado myself, with the trappings that come with that.  I'll have to look into the mathematical metaphor that music may represent in more detail. . . any pointers for researching that topic?

Here's some reasonable videos about 440 Hz vs 432 Hz, which discuss the practical and historical aspects:  (even indicating that during the Baroque era, A was closer to 415 Hz)