Who's running this show?

I’ve hung around Audiogon for several years, have enjoyed it, and have learned alot. I find the forum discussions to be interesting and entertaining.

There were two threads that were recently removed by a "moderator". The first was the one regarding ASR featuring the one and only Amir. It ran for a long time and had well over one thousand posts. Then one day it’s magically gone. The second thread was entitled What will you not buy? and had gone on for a few/several days. It had over three-hundred posts and then earlier today it went away.
This is Audiogon’s site and they can do with it what they wish. If I’m unhappy I’m free to go. I’m okay with that. Here is my interest: who is Audiogon? It seems to be a mystery.  There is absolutely no editorial voice, no communication with the administrators/officers/owners etc. Other forums that I visit have some dialogue between the members and the powers that be. T

To quell this curiosity I did a bit of online searching and found out a few things like the presidents name, location, number of employees, etc. This was all third party information; I found no presence at all from Audiogon. Again it’s their business and none of mine. But curiosity killed the cat and likely this thread will suffer the same fate. Anyone else find this interesting or unusual?









Blah Blah Blah, it’s Audiogon not politics.

They all suck in DC and could give 💩 about any of us.

that minority that resides right of center puts pressure on Admin to quell other voices

@nonoise  , kind of like the electoral college?

You “left of center” people needn’t be so hypocritical. The thread that was shut down was mostly Trump bashing and it was deemed fine by the powers that be.

Glad you brought that up. Back when Obama was president, the insults came in all the time and when some came to his defense, they were called out for being political. Again, it's obviously a "the law applies to thee but not to me" lame argument with those who think they own this sandbox.

Then Rump became president and we were all told here by Admin that going after the president was off limits despite his obvious crimes and abuse of power. Now he's out of office, barely a politician and more of a lightning rod, a means to an end, a ridiculous avatar and he's still given preference over our now president, Biden. Where's Admin saying hands off the president?

The other thread was deemed fine and yet that minority that resides right of center puts pressure on Admin to quell other voices, to stifle the free speech that they're so fond of parroting while not believing a word of it.

Most of us here are grown adults and take a good back and forth. Most. 

All the best,



it's venting. I might as well write emails to myself, it is that meaningless. 

When it's not about audio, we have zero reason to read these comments. 

You “left of center” people needn’t be so hypocritical. The thread that was shut down was mostly Trump bashing and it was deemed fine by the powers that be. 

People on the side that gets a free pass most of the time freak out when they are told the rules apply to them too.


People on the side that gets a free pass most of the time freak out when they are told the rules apply to them too.

I found that they are in Greenville, South Carolina, but I think you can take it to the same conclusion.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, bum 'em if you don't.

After spending some time on Audio Asylum and experiencing the lop sided moderator over there, I find Audiogon to be a breath of fresh air and pretty much even handed as far as moderation goes.

This has been brought up before for the very same reasons you’ve cited. I’ve been told that it’s run out of Texas and to just take it from there to its logical conclusion.

When I first came aboard, there was constant trolling of anything just left of center to the point where it was accepted banter, something that "adults" engage in. When I pointed it out, I was the one accused of being political. Some here are gonna be pissed off that I mentioned it but it’s the truth. Go back, take a gander, and get back to me on that.

Too bad it wasn’t still in effect now that Biden’s the president. Some here think this is their personal sand box and are the first to go running to the mods when their thin skin gets exposed to sunlight. Bless their hearts.

And yes, this thread too will go the way of the Do-Do, but at least it will flame on for a while before it does so enjoy it while you can and smoke ’en if you got ’em.

All the best,