Which to get rid of, TD145 MKii or Dual 1219?

I have those two turntables, and am thinking of selling one. Which would I sell?
Well, for my best interest, I would rather keep one that performs better but may fetch less money, and one that may potentially increase its value over the years. (Well, I don't expect much price hike since they are both so so tables.)
Reason for selling? Upgrade, upgrade, ...
Thanks for your input.

Good suggestion.
I would probably need to sell both and save more bucks to go for something noticeably better.
If you are really saying you want to seriously upgrade then consider selling both, adding some more money, and buying a top notch table. I am sure the Analog guys will be happy to guide you to the best table , with value taken into consideration, at your eventual price point.
In my honest opinion, the Dual 1019 is the best of all the Duals. I have owned eight Duals, and currently own two, the 1019 and a 601. The TD145 doesn't match the Dual, also in my opinion. I currently own two TD150s and a TD165. On occasion, I listen to the 1019, but I am well past the others.

Your opinion may differ, and that is fine. That's why variety exists, right? ;)
One thing to consider with the Dual is the condition of the idler wheel. It is most likely in need of replacement. Even if you locate a NOS part, the rubber may be too old to perform properly. I recently refurbished a Dual 1229 for a friend, and had the idler wheel rebuilt by Terry Witt, who did an excellent job for $40.
Loan the Dual to a friend to get them involved in vinyl? Especially if a sale could involve shipping which turntables can get so easily damaged even with original boxes. I was on the receiving end of one, unfortunately.
you really should keep them both...the thorens is the better performing table, but the selling the dual would only fetch a couple hundred bucks, even in perfect condition. the value of both should continue upward.
What do you mean by marking wildly? Pricing too high?

I am not aware of recent interests in the Dual table. But I see that the price of entry level Thorens turntables (TD145, 146, 150, 160, 165, 166, ...) and Dual turntables have risen steadily, as with many other vintage turntables.
I guess the Dual, although I realize there is a resurgence of interest in them. I hope you aren;t the type of guy who marks them up wildy, but that is not my business.