Which to get rid of, TD145 MKii or Dual 1219?

I have those two turntables, and am thinking of selling one. Which would I sell?
Well, for my best interest, I would rather keep one that performs better but may fetch less money, and one that may potentially increase its value over the years. (Well, I don't expect much price hike since they are both so so tables.)
Reason for selling? Upgrade, upgrade, ...
Thanks for your input.

Showing 2 responses by ihcho


Good suggestion.
I would probably need to sell both and save more bucks to go for something noticeably better.
What do you mean by marking wildly? Pricing too high?

I am not aware of recent interests in the Dual table. But I see that the price of entry level Thorens turntables (TD145, 146, 150, 160, 165, 166, ...) and Dual turntables have risen steadily, as with many other vintage turntables.