whats the best pre amp to pair with Bryston 4b cubed? A

asking because there seems to be lukewarm enthusiasm for the bp17 cubed which I wdve thought the obvious pairing.


Depends on, what kind of sound do you want and what loudspeakers you are driving. Can you help us out with that info? A budget would also help.

at present I run Totem Forests in a 16x 20 space-I listen mostly to classical music so value imaging and soundstage particularly.

Currently powering system with arcam a49 integrated .

So Im looking to upgrade the performance of the arcam in the areas set out above if possible.

In my space the arcam btw is pretty good in those parameters -more and better wd be the goal.

Budget not a factor as being 76 its likely the last major purchase in this arena but Id expect somewhere probably twice what the arcam cost wd be needed to get anything more than a sideways move -so say 16-20 thousand?

That of course for a preamp and amp combined.


with high level separates it is usually a 'no regrets move' to pair same make pre and power

everything else was not designed specifically to mate, even if they do that fine...

exactly my bafflement with lack of love for BP 17 cubed.

Wdve thought it a no brainer all things being equal paired with a Bryston amp.

Anyways thanks for yr comment jjss49 and all the other posters as wel 

don't worry about naysayers if you like bryston go for it, they are a quality outfit

I tried a set of 7b3 monoblocks in my system at one point in time.  It turned out to be pretty good after an internal fuse upgrade, but the overall sound was thin in bass, midbass, midrange.  I would pair this with a very thick sounding preamp with heavy on the midrange texture and warm slow bass.

Long time Bryston owner of multiple iterations of their amps.Tube pre amp is essential to flesh out the linear presentation and provide that deeper richer musical presentation.Always used Audio Research tube pre amps,well documented history between that marriage.Of course there are other accomplished pre tube pre amps which will meet your needs.

I’m going to assume we can pretty much start off fresh. Keep the Arcam integrated and...this is going to sound like a broken record but get a set of Triangle Deltas ( or better). The Triangles will give you what the Arcam doesn’t with the Totems. Tons of imaging and deep deep sound stage. A huge step up and well within the budget. Better electronics WILL get you more from the Totems but for the same money you can have your bucket list system that is way above a change in just the electronics.

yes well if the bryston amp is not a done deal, my no-brainer suggestion is get a hegel h190 and be done... superb amp, sweet combo with totems


I tried a set of 7b3 monoblocks in my system at one point in time.  It turned out to be pretty good after an internal fuse upgrade, but the overall sound was thin in bass, midbass, midrange.  I would pair this with a very thick sounding preamp with heavy on the midrange texture and warm slow bass.

This is my experience also.I did not work together with audio research ref3 preamp

Thin and bright sound.Things improved with onkyo p3000r preamp


The cubed series seems to have thickened the house sound of the Bryston line to add more tone and heft to the sound versus earlier versions.  I will just say this — I bought a Bryston BP6 because it was supremely transparent and provided the most unvarnished and clear, 3D soundstage I’d ever heard in my system, by far.  If you’re looking for no coloration and an expansive 3D soundstage, go for a used BP26 and you’ll be thrilled.  If you’re looking for more flesh on the bones, go for a VAC or deHavilland kinda thing with tubes if you’re not opposed to that.  Just depends what sound characteristics you’re after.  But, if soundstage and transparency are your primary goals, get a BP26 and you’ll be thrilled. 

Firstly thanks to all for the responses.

For me the totems are keepers-not least because over and above their merits changing the speaker leads inevitably to considerations of electronics and synergy.

Ie I expect if I change the speakers other things as well will be gone,'

As it happens an electrician is coming in in March to cost out installing a new out let in the basement to accomodate a walk in freezer my wife wishes to buy-Im thinking might as well run a dedicated line at that time to the listening room and ugrade the service to 20 amps .

When that will be done dont know but agreeing on price in Mrach probably not till early summer.

So plan is get 20amp service including hospital grade outlets and see where we are.

Noting people arent convinced a Brtyston is markedly better than current arcama49  a vacuum tube preamp is on the list -I can put the arcam into bypass mode in that case.

If that yields results stop there if not consider another amp with Bryston up first

If that doesnt work change out the bryston for another amp or in the alternative try to audition a bryston cubed amp with a bp 26 as one of the posters suggested.

At any rate thats my current plan of attack (unless someone detectes a flaw in the reasoning)

Should be able to make a start in mid summer I think and will report on rrsults thereafter.

Again thanks to all responders


I’ve had a 4b3 and BP26/MPS2 for the past couple of years. They perform superbly with my loudspeakers and I think would match up well with your Totems. The Bryston pairing won several Absolute Sound Editor’s Choice awards recently, for what it’s worth.
I updated from 20 year old 4bST and BP25 units I’d purchased new, neither of which had an issue in all that time. The new gear sounds better in many ways, but I was never disappointed in the old gear. I just thought 20 years of use was long enough, glad I made the move.

Noting people arent convinced a Brtyston is markedly better than current arcama49  a vacuum tube preamp is on the list -I can put the arcam into bypass mode in that case.

No.  Just..,no.  Nobody said the preamp section of your Arcam is better than a Bryston preamp.  Get a Bryston BP26 and enjoy your system.  

agree w @soix

dunno if op has covered what his source is up-stream (analog, cd, streaming)... if it is a single source, and if the source is not a turntable... there are very nice dacs now with remote volume control, can run straight into power amp... don’t need no linestage...

soix 4 notion of putting arcam into bypass was temp measure to assess preamps effect -whether tube or the bp26.

Never suggested preamp section of arcam might be better than the bryston indeed I expect not.

I can acquire here from a local dealer with a reasonable return policy a bp 26 which I can mate with the arcam.

If that pairing woks -keep the bp 26 and get a 4b cubed from same source on same terms.and see where we are.

If better than the bp26 +arcam keep it if not send back.


Was noting that contrary to expectations the music in my room sounds much better when Im standing up.

Thought it odd because most recommendations are to have tweeters at ear height sitting down.

Ques pasa?

Well I reasoned might be the fact that a tv (55 in) perched on my bdi stand between the speakers was the reflection point.

Removed it and Bingo.

Will try covering tv with a quilt during listening sessions but if that doesnt work it has to go.

The room im in has a window (its the back room of the house) so it cant be wall mounted.

I could replace the window curtains with heavier sound absorbing materials.

So as it sits things wd be improved if tv wasnt there .

AS a temp step thats the thing to do and then the question wd be wd a bryston 4b cubed and bryston bp 26 be a even bigger step up than that?

Well I will test that out after the dedicated line goes in -I can get the Bryston equipment from a local dealer with a 30 day return policy.

will report back mid summer Im hoping

Thanks again with advice from all

I would try the Schitt Freya+ ($1000) with the 4B3 if I wanted a warmer sound. Or someone other tube preamp. I know that a BAT VK-42SE that I had in the past worked well with Bryston 7B-SST. Though the cube line is warmer than the SST line. I currently use the Freya+ with a Benchmark AHB2 amp that is very neutral, and it is an excellent combo.

If you do not need the extra warmth and want a preamp that adds nothing to the sound, I would get a Benchmark LA4 ($2600). In a few months I will sell my Freya+ to get a second LA4 or HPA4.

Will try covering tv with a quilt during listening sessions but if that doesnt work it has to go.

I started a thread about covering up my TV with sound absorption cloth or panels. I did a lot of research and bought a good panel. However, the sound still was worse than having no TV in the middle, so I got rid of the TV. I use the panel now to cover my CD rack which is a nice improvement.


RE the tv fact is Ive moved

speakers around per Jim smiths book and nver even thought of reflections off TV.

Experience with sound absorption panel useful.

Looks like tv has to go to another room-so be it.

Well next move dedicated 20amp line and upgraded outlets.

Will stay with that and Arcam for a couple months then btrng in the Bryston gear

If its an observable step up keep them -failing that back to Arcam. a49- thanks to all for comments

Happy 5 year owner of 4B3 and have only used it with my 23 year old BP25. I agree with others who have recommended the BP26. I use the polarity/invert switch every time I listen to a CD, a very good feature of these preamps.

Glad to come across this thread.  I have a Bryston B135 Squared that feeds into Thiel 2.7 speakers.  Room is about 2000 cu ft with room treatments.  Wanting a lower noise floor (can hear speaker buzz with my ear about 2 feet from the speakers), I tried out the Bryston 4B3 and a VTL TL 2.5i preamp.  Sounded very nice..music had some extra solidity and the soundstage broaded compared to the B135.

I also ran the VTL 2.5i and used the B135 as an amp.  Imaging and breadth of soundstage was good but lost the solidity/weight.

Finally, I ran the B135 as a pre-amp into the 4B3.  While better than only using the B135, didn't quite match the TL 2.5i + 4B3 combination.

Decided to purchase the 4B3 and will likely go with VTL...although may ask to try the BP26 that's in the store before making the final call.

Decided to purchase the 4B3 and will likely go with VTL...although may ask to try the BP26 that’s in the store before making the final call.

@pacoinmass Be aware that VTL’s customer service has an awful reputation, and there are a lot of other great tube preamps out there — Atmasphere, Backert, VAC, Audio Research, LTA, etc. FWIW, and best of luck.

Waiting on delivery of 4b3 that I plan to connect to Plinius 9200 serving as pre-amp. If anyone has had experience merging Plinius and Brystom, would love your opinion.