Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

You’re better off ordering the MT Silver Ghost phono cable w/ KLE Absolute Harmony RCAs from him.

I did it my way for my personal information.

Congrats on the Sota Brian! I hope it brings you a lot of enjoyment.

I did some tinkering worth with my Technics SL-1200 MK2 today. Swapped out the Hana SL for my Nagaoka MP-500 MM cart. I think this is the first time I've tried a MM cart with my Manley Chinook.

Playing Allman Brothers - Brothers and Sisters, sounding quite nice. 
I increased the price of a MyMat to $59.99 each. Get em while you can.

I'm sure this price will rise significantly soon.

Steve - the SOTA is marooned in Seattle, have not seen her since Mid July. I have the MyMat on the newer SOTA platter mat which is glued to the platter - based on my listening it greatly improves attack transients for instruments like floor toms,
I just have the beater Nakagoka 110 on it - was waiting next visit to put Grado on it.. probably 3 weeks out.
Greg - i Hear that is a fine cart, buddy has it - I have not heard it but it replaced a SS Carmen which is no slouch, he has a Manley also....
I'm sure you'll be happy with that SOTA table, congratulations!

Uber, Slaw,
The amps are definite keepers. Very impressed with this design. They have the midrange beauty & soundstage of the Aloia amp with improved bass & upper end transparency.  
Good to hear Boxer!
Maybe I should have given a pair a chance at the time...ah well.
So much gear.
So little time and money!

Tarkus ..... ELP.

Cotillion label
Jim, the Nag is really good and I got it for a lot less than they sell for now. I'm playing a somewhat beat up copy of Idlewild South and it's keeping the surface noise to a minimum and bringing out the music. This copy is going to go in the culling bin though, I can tell already. 

Congrats on the Sota Brian! I hope it brings you a lot of enjoyment. 


I'm sure you'll be happy with that SOTA table, congratulations!

Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Now that I’ve (finally) made a decision, I’m excited about this next step in the journey.
Soul Coughing / Ruby vroom 
I like this band. It reminds me a lot of the band "Cake" 
Having said that, he was recently found to have a cart/arm mismatch after his years of experience.
Woah, back up a minute. I had one issue with a deep cut LP with a feisty Decca on a 12" 850 at the lowest tracking weight. 
The Jelco is solid. I have 4 of them.

@bkeske If you can stretch to the 850, it is worth it. Top arm.

Playing tons of favs since adding Nobsprings under the turntables. As I'm tuning and testing, and playing songs and sides, not going to bother listing albums.
All good.

@bkeske If you can stretch to the 850, it is worth it. Top arm.

I’ll look around, thanks!

I’m sitting and waiting on bidding on a 750D on eBay. I won’t bid until the last few minutes, and have a feeling the bids won’t go crazy until then, if it does at all. 3 years old in great shape. I’ll easily offer up $1,000-1,200 if needed.

Are you familiar with USAHIFI? Just found them.

They have an 850s for $1,070 new. 
Perhaps I should rethink the 750? Many 750’s I’ve seen are going for higher than that.
Brian, Call George Merrill. He sells Jelco. He may have some left.
There's a 10" 750 for $610 on eBay.
Audio Sensibility have the Mk1 850S 9" for $1100.
Don't spend $1000+ on a 750.
+1 USA hifi. I have bought from them.
The 850 mk2 has silver wire. The mk1 should be fine.
I think max on SOTA is 9” but that might be a dustcover constraint - check w Donna -At SOTA she was big time Jelco dealer 
Greg - how fitting I believe the very first post of this thread mentioned Idylewild south....


Brian, Call George Merrill. He sells Jelco. He may have some left.
There's a 10" 750 for $610 on eBay.
Audio Sensibility have the Mk1 850S 9" for $1100.
Don't spend $1000+ on a 750.

Thanks, much appreciated. Yes, I need a 9” arm to fit the 214mm center to spindle spec of the table/armboard I’m purchasing with a 30mm hole.

And USA HIFI has the 9” 850 MKII for 1,260.00 That Is doable, and also carry the DIN cables.
Grateful Dead - Europe 72. WB 1972

Although I thought about going ultrasonic for cleaning, I just don’t have the room. So, purchased a Record Doctor VI vacuum cleaner, which arrived last week. Getting the hang of it, and you have to go (spin) slow. I’m also finding cleaning using the Record Doctor wash, then using my old Spin Clean for an additional cleanse, and vacuuming again is providing pretty good results on albums like this, which have not been cleaned thoroughly like this ever, since the early-mid 70’s. 

Not bad. At first I was vacuuming too fast, and wasn’t getting the same results. I have some Mofi record wash coming, and will be interested in how that cleans vs what came with the Record Doctor unit.
How many springs did you end up with in each "pod" and did you place in the four corners or?
Thanks 👍
thanks noromance, did not see your reply there, my bad.

Pretty interesting the load variation and that using 3 spring pods, I had used 4 springs in my last attempt.
Cootie Williams - Cootie in Hi-Fi (RCA 1986 RE)

Long w/e coffee morning music. 


I remember you jumped in with both feet. Glad you like them all, I was a bit worried. I probably will end up with others, 

however, I encourage you to make a Rising Appalachia station on Pandora. I am going to try some of the other 'like RA' that randomly pop up that I never would learn about except via Pandora.
Spirit, S/T  Ode Records, original copy.

This is the very first album from Spirit.  I saw them perform 3 times, back in the day.  Fantastic concerts!  I'll probably break out their famous release, '12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus' later today.  I have an original copy and a reissue from Music On Vinyl.
I just finished cleaning my copy of Dr.Sardonicus....lol
Small world.

It will be up after this.

Live Deep in the Heart of Texas ... Commander Cody and his lost Planet Airmen.
Joseph Haydn / Michael Haydn / Richter / Molter ‎– Trompetenkonzerte 1966 / Klarinettenkonzert 1959 (Archiv)