Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
@slaw on literal lyrics - you could write for Zappa !

in high school we would point a speaker out the window so we could have music in the backyard- my Dad came home to Zappa repeating over and over “ you’re an A hole...... “

needless to say, Zappa was banned....
Always been curious as to how we ended up with two so similar band names.
Steeleye Span from England circa 1969
Steely Dan from USA circa 1972

Not truly similar music but at least both on the lighter side.

@slaw yeah, I don’t really like to broadcast much about any spending that I do and I almost never buy anything very expensive, my system was mostly pieced together used and would probably  be viewed as mid-fi by the Audiogon gang, but as many of us audio nuts do, I looked around quite a bit for years for something different and new and I will tell you and my other friends on the thread here about it.  

What I did first was move my entire rig into a heavy cabinet in another room from where the big speakers are in the living room.  So the table could be on solid footing with very little vibration or air movement.  This requires kind of a long speaker wire run under the floor but I got good shielded stuff for the job from Transparent.  This change really made a significant improvement In SQ coming from my 30+ y/o 1200.  Feedback eliminated, resonances greatly reduced, less noise.  Might sound crazy but putting my turntable in the next room really worked.

So then, since I didn’t have to worry so much about isolation, I got my own idea (who knows if it would be considered correct to a real audiophile) that I should go with mass rather than springs.  I also thought I should demonstrate to myself what a good belt drive might do.

In the haze and deliberation of copious research I eventually became beguiled by the Pro-Ject xtention:


I did not have the prejudice against this maker of value equipment that I’ve heard many do because I really don’t know enough to have that problem.  

This turntable is so nice to look at, especially in person, that I sometimes second guessed my own judgements as well as the good reviews about it.  But I got over that and saved up for one.   Then, when my favorite stereo store, Echo Audio, here in Portland offered their demo example I bought it.   They also gave me a significant additional discount to take it without the packaged sumiko cartridge.  So all in I got a virtually perfect tt for about half of the retail price.    

I put my Hana SL on it with the Origin Live enabler between the cartridge and the fixed arm.  I don’t think the 1200, as much as I loved it, was quite able to show what the Hana was capable of.  

The dealer, who I consider a friend who helps me a lot even when I’m not buying things, put his elaborate TT software to the setup and got exceptional results.  The best he had seen on the software to that point.  I’m not even really sure what all the measurements mean but we agreed that it sounds very good.  

After a few weeks of listening here at home I remain astonished at the analogue sound I have now.  I know it’s considered too easy to say things like it’s magical but I find myself wanting to say things like that.  It is really astonishing. 



Symphony No. 6 in F Major

Op. 68 “Pastoral”

Berliner Philharmoniker

Sir Simon Rattle

From the 2017 Boxed Set

Various ‎– When The Wind Blows - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Virgin 1986)

B side - Roger Waters. Masterpiece. For those who dig The Final Cut.
I really like the sound of that tt from its description.
And it certainly seems to be moving you so it’s all good.
There is no snobbery or pretensions on this thread.
lofi, midfi, hifi.  Who cares.

Enjoy the journey and the music.
Dvorak- New World Symphony - Fritz Reiner - Chicago

1958 Red Seal LSC 2214

$1 Goodwill dumpster diving NM -
@uberwaltz Well, one's named after a folk character in an old song and the other a dildo. 
I could never get into them at all.
First law of Vinyldynamics: Turntables are neither created or destroyed....

try as I might, I am back to three... 
@uberwaltz, yes, this sound Of the music coming from this turntable is often very moving, indeed sometimes it moves me to tears the music is so beautiful.  
Haydn: “Clock” symphony and No.95 - Fritz Reiner and Chicago

RCA Red Seal - Dynagroove 1964
Holst The Planets by the London Philharmonic.

One of the few classical works I truly enjoy.

mfsl 1-510

I gritted my teeth and went from four down to just one table.
Course I bought more carts instead.......
Uber - I have a feeling this will become a gift table as well immaculate Beogram TX with MMC4 low hours, gramps bought a CD player.... Gr8 dude, ....

Soundsmith makes carts for it, weighs 22#, full auto fun....
@tomic601 you’re probably already aware, I’ve heard that Soundsmith will work over and upgrade the table in addition to providing carts for those old B&O design award turntables.  Makes them very respectable....


Symphony No. 9

Berliner Philharmoniker

Sir Simon Rattle

From the 2017 Boxed Set

James I had heard about the cartridges but didn’t realize they tweaked the table as well - big fun
Thanks for the link Spirit

Will stream it first to see what I think.


I was hanging onto my old Technics SL-10 as it was full auto and good for when I felt really lazy but it eventually went onto USAM and sold within 12 hours... go figure!
@uberwaltz I can't believe you sold all your turntables!  Becker and Fagen were reportedly disappointed with the way Katy Lied sounded due to an equipment malfunction.  It seems weird that MFSL would have done a treatment of that particular album given that.

@spiritofradio Nice to hear you are the one that picked up that Project table.  I spent some time with Kurt one day listening to that with the D'Agostino Momentum monoblocks and some of Kef's top of the line speakers (I don't recall which one).  It sounded mind blowingly good.  I remember telling Kurt at the time "Thanks.  Now I'm going to go home and my system is going to sound like sh!t after hearing this".  Thankfully, that wasn't the case.  I'm not sure if you bought the one they listed recently or a while back.  The one they had for sale a while back was Kurt's personal table.
Well I did not sell ALL of them... Lol.
Down to the only one I was using anyway, the Garrard just sounded so much more dynamic and lively than any of the others by far.

As a wise friend said.... You can’t unhear what you hear......

Besides I think we all know just having one will not last too long 😂😂
Post removed 

@big_greg, Thanks. Cool.  Isn’t Echo Audio a great store.  We’re fortunate to have them here.  I got the 10 in mahogany that had been in their showroom for awhile. I believe Kurt’s was a 12 but I’m not certain about that. I remember admiring it’s aesthetic back then before he sold it and before I knew more about its technical/sonic attributes. The other parts of my system aren’t nearly as expensive as what you heard but my table sure does sound sweet.

Kurt is a great guy. I kind of miss their downtown location, but understand why they moved and I hope they flourish there. 


I'm glad you felt you could share with us. I enjoy hearing of others' journey in audio.
‘Been streaming Beethoven Violin Sonatas I like all morning and got to thinking (again) about all the CDs that I wish would have been mixed for and pressed on Vinyl.   So I began a list of a few I’ve thought about lately and actually initiated a post....  


What’s at the top of your list For albums that need to be put on Vinyl?

Any of you guys own a Mint Tractor?
I decided to take some of my recent sales proceeds and buy one. I went to the site but have been unsuccessful in making contact? I'd appreciate any help.
Today was a very good day indeed.

I was able to participate in my favorite sport of bin diving!
Quite a good haul of Jeff Beck, Pat Travers, Robin Trower, Montrose, Grand Funk albums.
Even some Clapton that I did not have.
All getting a US clean first though.
Sorry Slaw.
No can help there my friend.
Don't you hate wanting to spend money and can't!
Anybody with an extra Grace F9 body lying about gathering dust and creating shadows.... ?
@tomic601 ,

Your lp is ready my friend. I'll send the shipping info later.
Hey @uberwaltz,

I get it. Unfortunately, Mint Tractor seems to be located in Hong Kong. This presents so many issues now.

I've been waiting for an lp coming from Australia for over 4 weeks now.
Does anyone have Music from Big Pink on mfsl?
Is the SQ sweet?
Considering buying but $55 or more so...