Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Pat Metheny
First Circle

The Ballroom Thieves

Marc Cohn

Steve Forbert
Jack Rabbit Slim

Robert Palmer
Sneakin’ Sally Through The Alley
Not getting sucked into this BS. Just popping in to comment on the bullying, and the intolerance, and ignorance, and where it all leads. When some whiny special snowflake gets to censor and silence whatever he doesn't like, then turn around and pick and choose what parts of it to criticize, its total childish bullying of the worst sort. No attempt at finding anything of any real substance. Just stfu. Oh but we still get to pull up whatever slight we can find, right down to a single misplaced letter, and nail you for that. Which you don't get to defend, because we just take down what you post. While our BS gets a free pass every time.  


Oh, where it all leads? Well you would know that. Except they got to the books before they got to the web. So you never read Lord of the Flies. Pity. You would see yourself there. On. Every. Page.
Looks like my favorite member has finally lost it big time.
It's definitely Miller Time!
Sorry, it's off topic but I have zero time or patience for that clown whatsoever.
Just needed to vent.... Lol.

You think he "lost it", @uberwaltz? Did he have something to lose? Only the love of hearing the sound of his own voice. Geez, I feel like I’m back on Facebook. ;-)

Ha! Your prediction has come to pass: the thread has been "removed by a moderator."

Not really surprised Eric.
But between Miller and Mijo it's enough to make one think they picked a hell of a week to quit glue sniffing!
Anyways enough already, this is not the thread to drag down into the primordial ooze those pair skulk around in.

You can't stop the signal!
What’s happening? Am I in a Progressive commercial?
You are the star of it GK, in fact you sound a bit like Flo......
If you had said pastry guy I might have replied that I resemble that remark.....
Uber - take a break from conspiracy...

what album
was it ?

you are never alone with....
Linda R - Prisoner in Disguise ( MoFi )

War Dept. Houseguest gone, hooked up the RM-9 again.... ah 
Exchange with War Department ( WD ):

WD: did u check the mail ?

me: No

WD: yesterday ?

me: no

WD: last week ?

me: no

WD: you don’t have any vinyl on order do ya....
You don't like Chuck?
It's good to relax too.

And your post two up cracked me up but oh so true.

When I have gear out for delivery I am prowling the doors and windows watching for the FedEx or UPS truck.
When not, well they could dig up the drive and I might not notice that day......

Pink Floyd  The Wall

Ry Cooder   The Slide Area

The Band  Music from Big Pink

Lind R  Cry like a Rainstorm- Howl like the Wind

Allman Bros  Beginnings

J Tull  Aqualung

Thanks. Just got a Vintage Luxman M 4000 amp that I have been trying to acquire for a few years. It just makes everything sound great. Perfect match for my C 1000 preamp. Looking forward to another long listening session today. Amp has been re capped and fully serviced.
Brand new LP of "Clapton Unplugged". This is the album that’s got me wondering how vinyl can sound this good. I don’t get it. I usually listen to CD or stream music because I don’t always feel like doing the hassle of vinyl. But this LP has better sound quality than anything else I’ve heard on my system. CD’s don’t even compete. So what’s going on? CD specs are all superior(I think) to vinyl. I feel like something happens when music is digitized. It loses something but I don’t know what that thing is. It seems to have to do with the physicality(?) of the sounds of musical instruments. I can’t tell from the unplugged album cover if it was mastered digitally or from analog tape. If it was digital then my theory falls apart. If it was analog that might explain the sound quality.
Loggins and Messina - "So Fine"

Old timey songs and good SQ. Better than I remember it being when I last heard it about 40 years ago....

Yeah, L&M got a bad rap from the hip kids but I think those original albums are sweet. Sail away man!

Congratulations on your new acquisition.   That’s a cool looking piece.  Bet it sounds terrific.  
Thanks. I have them both stacked with the T 110 matching tuner on top. Looks and sounds fantastic.  Also have the Luxman PD121 and CD player. I am done for a while. A very happy camper.
@reubent and Spirit

love the song Same Old Wine by those guys...

just or more relevant today...

crank that up !!!!
Pollinator .... Blondie.

I streamed this couple years back and thought it was very compressed.

I bought the album at B&N 50% off sale on a chance.

It sounds quite good so nice surprise.
Downloading the early 70s L&M for the weekend trip to Bend.  Probably won’t get too much flac from Grey’s Anatomy if I play it on the ride over.   Have a great music weekend boys.  
So ..... Peter Gabriel.

Not my favorite album but for $1 in mint condition I'm not going to pass it up.

Great SQ for sure!

Led Zeppelin  2

Lowell George  Thanks I'll eat it here

Elton John   Tumbleweed Connection

Dire Straits   Love over Gold

Jackson Browne  Solo Acoustic 1

Grover Washington   The Definitive Collection

Dave Mason  Headkeeper