What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


I am looking for this CD;

Atzko Kohashi - Dualtone

anyone have a copy or know where I can buy it?
sam phillips, martinis and bikinis--i was always a little surprised she wasn't bigger--she's very musical. impeccable production, i assume by her ex-husband.
bobby sutliff, allsorts--an oddball covers album by the more somber guy from the jangle-pop gods, the windbreakers. absolutely crushes  nick drake's "northern sky"
motors, dancing the night away. one of the great lost classics of the 80s--swelling, tight  epic british rawk with that great lighter-lifting intro. i think cheap trick covered this.

Justo Almario - Forever Friends

Ahmad Szabo - This Book is About Words (Prefuse73)

Mia Doi Todd - Cosmic Ocean Ship (She appears on a few Prefuse gigs)

jafant, pehare - what Beck for you? All I’ve listened to are Sea Change and Morning Phase. I gather those are not typical of his work??? Let me know if anything else by him comes close to those. THANKS.

FWIW - tonight Robin Trower's "Twice Removed From Yesterday" is cranking.  
pehare - don't know Grant Green.  Will have to check him out.  Beck, "Morning Phase", though?  An excellent recording of great songs.  In fact that might be what I listen to next.  Thanks for the input here.

Grant Green, Seven Classic (mostly blue note) Albums on 4 CD set from Real Gone Jazz label available from amazon for 17 bucks...I have a few Real Gone Jazz collections & they're great quality & insanely cheap.

Beck, Morning Phase.....both fantastic!

"I'm always on the look out for new music, but unfortunately finding music that you enjoy and sounds good isn't always easy. I've made a personal decision to just concentrate on music that I enjoy.

In any case, finding music that you'll enjoy is sometimes difficult. In an effort to make finding new music easier, I've subscribed to MOG and Pandora. It think that both subscriptions run me less than $20 a month. Although neither service can deliver high fidelity music, it sounds acceptable and it's an easy way to check out new music before you buy it."

This is an excellent way of becoming familiar. I do the same as I'm always hungry for fresh (to me) music. It also jogs my memory with there so much out there I tend to forget some stuff I was fond of at a time. If your very finicky on recordings maybe it wouldn't be for you. I fully appreciate those "perfect" recordings but I also have a certain amount of wiggle room there. I can still appreciate less than great. That being said it also depends how you like your system put together. Anything too clinical and you could be cursing the whole idea.     
Thanks to a poster on Audio Asylum and Bandcamp...

The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus - "Beauty Will Save The World" (indeed, we hope it does and SOON).

Shifting Sands - "Cosmic Radio"

Both from a UK label, Occultation Recordings.  

ghosthouse - I'm glad your enjoying Glenn Hughes. You know I'm a big fan. The first solo album I listened to was "The way it is". I was hooked immediately. 

Glenn Hughes "Music for the Divine".  This album is really working.  Sonics are not the best but the songs and arrangements have grown on me since I first listened to it a day or so ago.  One heck of a hard rockin' album.  Thanks to A'gon member "Nutty" for getting me to check out Glenn Hughes.  GH has quite the voice.

Also tonight, Nada Surf's latest, "You Know Who You Are".  NS's not a darling of the critics - but we like 'em anyway.  This one might be their best yet.  

mmb - Thanks for those titles.  I just sampled them on Spotify.  The sound quality on all 3 is very good.  The musicianship seems first class.  Thanks again.  

Shostakovich's no 5 Symphony on SACD, recorded live in Philadelphia at the Kimmel Center! I was in the audience with my brother...you can hear us shouting Bravo repeatedly at the end of the performance.  What a moving piece of music...an emotional roller coaster:)
Lots of music today.  Some of the highlights:

The Standard "Swimmer"
A.A. Bondy "Believers"
Marjorie Fair "Self Help Serenade"

Keith Jarrett, Live at the Deer Head Inn...you can feel the moisture in the air on that muggy night when they recorded the session in Delaware Water Gap, PA.  The air conditioner hums throughout the entire performance and occasionally you can hear a car pass by outside the Inn, spraying up rain from the roadway just outside the open windows!  Amazingly transportative and satisfying.

Systems Officer - Self Entitled EP

Systems Officer - Underslept

Two excellent well-recorded offerings from Pinback co-founder Zack

Lori Scacco - Circles

Explosions in the Sky - The Earth is not a Cold Dead Place

Icy Demons - Tears of a Clone

Found Karma.  Had not realized that's the album that originally contained, "...a Master Plan".  So nothing's changed there for me though maybe I can listen a little further in on repeated attempts  :-)  The review on The All Music Guide is helpful I think.  Orpheus had been talking up a vocalist, Leon Thomas, on the Jazz Aficionado thread.  I had noticed and enjoyed Sanders' vocalist on Master Plan and then on Colors.  It is this Leon Thomas.  Gosh - I really like his voice.  I'm no expert on such things but he's got a really nice sound to my ear.  OK.  That's it for me.  The one thing I'm curious about and haven't found it yet on the 'net (not done looking) is how was that Karma LP originally released.  You have Master Plan at 32:47 min in length and Colors at 5:36.  I'm guessing Master Plan was split into two parts on side 1 and side 2.  Oh...one final, final thing, Jafant, I'm right there with spacey and stuff that gets out of the main stream.  Miles' "In a Silent Way" comes to mind.  Do check out Andy Summers post-Police work if you aren't familiar with it.  In particular Green Chimneys and Peggy's Blue Skylight.  Might be enjoyable to you.  In my opinion - AS's solo work, post-Police is way more interesting than the stuff Sting put out.  Ciao.
Excellent report- ghosthouse.
this style of Jazz is more spacey or far-out of the mainstream, Bop, Hard Bop, Modal. Still, it is really cool stuff. Keep an open mind & Happy Listening!
Jafant - Listened to the album "Thembi".  Things like Astral Traveling and the title song are definitely interesting and more accessible to me.    Have to say, so far with Sanders, I like his arrangements...the percussion instruments he uses as well as the mix of wind and other instruments.  Track 2, "Red, Black & Green", however, I just don't get. Sounds like noise.  It's not like I'm a big fan of "smooth jazz"...that can get old real quick, but it looks like there are going to be chunks of Sander's output that I don't appreciate.  Certainly, not like other improvisational music that is at least a little challenging - e.g., Alan Pasqua's project, "The Antisocial Club" (Search The Antisocial Club in Spotify.  Sample Track 2, George Russell & Track 5, Fast Food) or even Zappa.  Check out Uncle Meat (link to album on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/4g97BOZb8mXl9BzBB3DX1m); 
in particular, "Ian Underwood Whips it Out" (Track 16 Disc 1) and the "King Kong Variations"...especially, As Motorhead Explains It (Track 6 Disc 2).  Motorhead was the deceased Euclid James Sherwood, an early member of the Mothers of Invention playing various saxophones for Zappa.  I will give Karma a listen next.  Have to do my reports in segments or I'll forget things.  Always enjoy sharing the music.  Thanks for your input.
jafant - decided to try, "Classics - Pharaoh Sanders".  First track is, "The Creator Has a Master Plan".  Like the title a lot (I don't think we're the product of spontaneous generation no matter how big you make the box).  At any rate, loved the intro and statement of the main theme.  Liked the instrumentation he uses. But had to say "enough" at about 20 minutes in.  It became very cacophonous to me...just can't get a grip on what he's trying to do.  I'll be certain to try some of the other tracks you mentioned but right now my opinion is not much altered from that long ago experience.  Will follow up about Karma and Thembi.  Sun Ra is another name I should know more about.
the beatles, rubber soul--good songwriting; quite underrated 60s pop
the byrds, preflyte--rudimentary production values aside, indisputable proof of gene clark's singular genius
kinski, alpine static--hypnotic, intense instro rawk in roughly the same vein as the equally great mogwai and neu. music to have pleasant dreams by. acquire it pronto. 
PS can be very similar to Sun Ra, at times. Not everyone's taste, but very good Jazz on a different level.
Sure- ghosthouse

Karma, Thembi & The Creator Has a Master Plan, for openers.
Jafant - but WHAT by Sanders?  Tried listening to him way back (live recording...maybe with Coltrane??).  It just seemed like noise to me.  Not dismissing him all together...maybe there are some things by him that are more "accessible".  Curious what PS you like.  

Gear Daddies - Billy's Live Bait (Their swan song)

The I-10 Chronicles - Vol. 1 (many great performers on this one; Bill Hearn, Joe Ely, Adam Duritz, Willie Nelson)

The I-10 Chronicles - Vol. 2

The Books - The Lemon of Pink

Evax - Parking Lot Music

Collections of Colonies of Bees - Customer

Explosions in the Sky - The Earth is not a Cold Dead Place

Baths - Ocean Death

Shlohmo - Dark  Red

Donny Hathaway "Everything Is Everything." The term "musical genius" gets bandied about a little too liberally sometimes, but Donny WAS a true genius. The sheer number of musical luminaries, both contemporary and from the past, who say the same thing is testament to the man's immortal brilliance.
Dave Rawlings Machine - "Nashville Obsolete". Just discovered him/them this evening...which is to say Gillian Welch & Dave Rawlings. Yup, only 15 years or so late to that party. Oh well...better late than never. Their music helping this day end on a very good note.
Badfinger "a--." A very underrated record and one that deserved a far better fate. Just like the band.
tomic901 - Pink Martini is a pretty great band. My wife turned me on to them.

The Album Leaf - One Day I'll Be On Time

Big Country - Come Up Screaming

Jeff Buckley - Grace

Blizzard today. Can't go anywhere. Too bad.   Enjoying 1812 overture on MLP CD.   Swingin with Django just prior.   Lots more to come.  Gotta go shovel now.  ☃

this is such a cool thread...diverse tastes..open new doors to explore..thank you all !!!!