What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
+1 vinylfan62! John Bedini certainly designed and built some fine sounding amps! I too still have my 25/25 (purchased new!) and a second-hand 150/150. These amps thrive on driving electrostats!
Lest we forget, Audionics made some excellent amps and preamps back in the mid - to late 70's! I still have my third CC-2 (rescued from a deceased friend's collection). This amp made TAC's list as Reference B! And the BT-2 preamp (designed by Barry Thornton of SAE) was a very desirable unit back in the day!
One more SS amp from the old days: the Quatre Gain Cell DG250! A contender for "best sound" in its class (125wpc) and capable of driving the difficult Dahlquist DQ-10's with ease! I have this combination in my collection.
As my preference lean towards warmer sound the Naim NAP500 was a clear winner, until I went for the MSB M204 mono blocks. They offered to me a different level of musicality.
Gryphon Antileon Evo mono's on highest Class-A bias setting feeding the new Wilson Alexia MkII, there is no amp comericall made that can do what it does.

Cheers George 
@ejr1953 I have exactly the same pre/power amp combination. Very happy with it, and yes it’s one of the best I’ve heard also.
I’ve only owned 4 or 5 ss amps (and heard a couple others in my system)...but my current Wells Audio Innamorata Signature has worked and won out for 3 different speakers. I’ve always thought that must something. Cleanest most natural of the rest. 
Vitus SIA-025. An integrated amp too. So incredible that I had to purchase it despite it being 100% over my budget. 
Most of us will never know how good (or poorly) our amp sounds because of the components that send signal to it

I have Audio Alchemy DPA-1 which receives signal from my Oppo 105 with upgraded LPM, an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 outboard power supply, connected via top quality Coax. Speakers are Emerald Physics KCIIs, open baffle. It is quite an enjoyable system 

A friend brought over his laptop with a few demo quality recordings and a TOL cable.  This configuration bypasses the 105 and the preamp/dac. My jaw dropped. It was no contest. The resultant music was stripped of all artifacts, transporting me extremely close to the recording. 

The best SS power amp I ever heard was the FM Acoustic but extremely high priced.

Other than that I agree with the BEL (Brown Electronics Labs) power amps.

The others mentioned above are excellent power amps.  Some have a sound that you will either prefer or not prefer based on how musical you want your system to sound or how much detail you want to hear.

You really have to hear something in your own system to see how it all fits together.

Other than that, I can build you a pure class A power amp.

Happy Listening,

"how musical you want your system to sound or how much detail you want to hear."

If the amp in question is of a proper design.. then your stated parameters will fall into that musical and detail camp. If not, move on...
I am loving my Datasat RA2400.
I have liked the sound from Naim amplifiers and PS Audio BHK250 (with the pre), and a few small one off amplifiers unknown in USA.

As mentioned before, the synergy of the system components together makes the overall sound.
It will never win any contest here, but Rotel RA-414 has not been beaten in my mind yet. Attach it to AR 18S.
No mention of Jeff Rowland and Dartzeel here so far. I have been thinking about Jeff Rowland  625S2 and Datrzeel 208 or 8550. Any body have experience with these brands compared to Luxman 509 or other brands that are being listed as favorites?
Many of the newer gen class D amps offer a fantastic result, though one needs to be mindful of input impedance from preamp, which varies a lot
Every time I've "upgraded" amplifiers, the goal was to improve the overall sound.  Sometimes the upgrade worked, sometimes, not so much.  My current amplifier (2Cherry by Digital Amplifier Company) is the best I've had in my system yet...it has added a level of clarity resulting in music that sounds more alive and more real than I had previously been able to achieve.
Bakoon make the best sounding SS amps I have heard.Composed,clear and pure and they have perfect timing.And it is the timing where most big SS amps seem to trip up.
Concert Fidelity ZL-120s. Fell in love at a show and bought a set from Brooks Berdan’s estate a couple of months later. I have them on a pair of Sonus Faber Extremas. I had them updated a couple of years ago as part of a small repair, and it was worthwhile. They became even more resolving. They are one generation behind the current version. A close friend liked mine so much he purchased the current version to drive a pair of Maggie 20.7s. That system sounds astounding.
Despite ownership biases, I live the Burmester 911mk3. I’m sure there are amps which do things better than these, but in my view the 911mk3, especially in mono cofiguration have an incredible balance of power, finesse and control. 
The one I listen to now — D’Agostino Momentum S250 stereo amp. I’d been through some very nice Pass amps prior but the D’Agostino was the difference between live and life-like.

The first really good solid state amp I heard early on was a Bedini 100/100 1 Meg that I traded a Nakamichi 1000ZXL for. Driving Acoustats it was a revelation for its time (early 80s).

if you like kondo sound as life like but you will need more power one as ss  my advice is Concert Fidelity zl-120 mono’s or 200 mono’s.
There is a group of really good solid state amps I have
heared e.g. Dartzeel, Brinkmann, Soulution... but the
best in my opinion is the Tidal Audio stuff.

1) CH Precision M1.1
2) Gryphon Mephisto

3) many others, the two above do stand out.
My favorite of the ones I've heard would be from Herron Audio, an older model. I'm sure the latest is even better.
Well since I have swapped amps more than a few times in otherwise the same system. And I have also swapped some of the same amps through after other components have been changed through the years. I can tell you MY favorite amps have been but two: Threshold S300 II and Electron Kinetics Eagle 2C. Honorable mention PrimaLuna Prologue 6. 
No mention of Parasound in this thread surprises me. I run an HCA855 using only two of the channels and it is pretty spectacular. I know Parasound isn’t high up on the food chain but they make some very nice sounding amplifiers.  
My current power amps are the best I have ever heard by far. T+A M40 HV's which are monobloc's  with each having dual High Voltage (hence the designation HV) solid state output sections. It is configurable in "High Current" mode as class A only (about 60 WPC), or in it's "High Power" mode as class A/AB (1000+WPC). So power is adequate for anything, but it is the sound it produces that wins you over in spades!