Walk me thru upgrading from my BS Node

First off I like the Node, the box was easy to install, form factor is excellent for my space (in a credenza) and the UI is excellent... and it has been bulletproof in terms of connectivity in the wireless mode. I have been pleased with the audio quality, but I haven't really compared seriously an upgraded solution

However after reading quite a bit of opinions across the digital thread I am really curious as to the order of magnitude audio improvement.

Budget is around $5-7k

I need the singular physical box to be reasonably small, it is in a credenza so I don't need to see a screen, I would prefer a set and forget interface like the BS... once it is up and dialed in, I don't need to mess with it...wireless only as the cable reach is prohibitive, connected to a Manley Stingray II...streaming Qubuz only...

The message I get is that the BSN is a good starter solution, but upgrading the DAC/Streamer is worth the ride..

Where to look, the YT reviewers (with the exception of Amir) just fawn over every product they test...


Thanks again to all for the council and guidance.... much to evaluate...much to think about and experiment with...

Although a wifi extender often helps there is no substitute for a mesh router/Ethernet for a dedicated connection.

As others have noted I think a one box solution is misguided as far as price AND sound quality.  Unless your home wifi network is robust I would avoid wifi.


@poke33 Yes NAD streamers use BluOS for controlling streaming services just like the Node does. 

I resent the PM from yesterday as I saw your message on not having received it. Let me know if you get it. 

FWIW, I stay away from Hifi Rose products. While the large screens are beautiful, I find them to provide a fairly bright and etched sonic presentation at times, and congested and unclear in others. This depends on the model used. I’ve heard them at shows, dealerships, and friends’ homes, never in my own, so take that with a grain of salt. But if you compare the innards of a Hifi Rose unit with say the innards of an Aurender, you’ll see that the architecture of the Aurender is much more robust, especially in the power supply and chassis isolation. I find Aurender to be both more articulate and musical. 

If you want the same form factor and an upgrade look into the products from Small Green computer. They are excellent and quick to reply to any email questions you would have.

+1 to the HifiRose or Lumin recommendations. Also +1 using an extender and cable. I don’t own one, but so many “fawn” over them (as you so aptly described). But serious, excellent sq and UI. I’m personally using a rpi based streamer by Pi2design. If I could swing the $$$$, however, I’d be all over the Hifi Rose. Have also heard a Lumin T1, and that is simply amazing. Also Lumin mini without a dac if you’re going to go with separates (recommended).

As far as the extender, just switching from wifi to using a cable from a network connected extender actually improved sq for my setup. Too many variables to consider exactly why? But the difference was clear, obvious, palpable. Just using a TP Link extender in client mode. It requires just a bit of setup by connecting to it via laptop (recommended instead of trying wps) but super simple after that.

I might also try an Ethernet RF filter. It’s been recommended on the rpi thread about my streamer. Also recommended to use only one in the path in the case of a streamer, not two. We’ll see if it does anything, cheap enough to try.

Lastly, a Melco ethernet cable is a very, very nice Ethernet cable for the money.



Do you have an external DAC?  Is MQA important to you?

And I tried Wi-Fi with an extender and I still had dropouts. I ended up getting a Netgear Powerline 2000+ and it’s been great! Check it out.

NETGEAR Powerline adapter Kit, 2000 Mbps Wall-plug, 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports with Passthrough + Extra Outlet (PLP2000-100PAS) https://a.co/d/hoRnpk6

All the best.


To the OP: Lots of info in yesterday's discussion  "NODE as a streamer". It will save me endless repetition. Life is too short.

@poke33 I wouldn’t assume wiring the BSN would improve sound quality. Only way to find out is to try. In example of AURALiC they typically sound best wireless.
Remember the Node is very good for what it is and what it costs.
But you’re looking for an upgrade. If you have a wifi extender in the proximity of the streamer don’t limit yourself to wireless only.

I would seriously consider a DAC with a built in renderer and Roon as your music server/database/UI as opposed to a streamer with a built in DAC.
Or consider separates - streamer, something like the Lumin U2 Mini and a good separate DAC. My reasoning for it? Streamers are essentially computers and as such their designs are emphasized around software/OS. A dedicated DAC or even a DAC with a built in renderer like Bricasti, Weiss or Mola Mola are designed with emphasis on DAC quality without any need to worry about the streaming UI.

Now, there are ultra high end all in one units where I’m sure all the due diligence was done in R&D and they may be a completely different ball game. But we’re not talking about those with a $5k-$7k budget. These tend to be well into five figures and more. 
That’s just my $0.02.

Other questions....

1.) Audphil1- I have a Wireless Extender...am I correct in assuming that if I position the extender close to my set up and use an ethernet cable to connect to the BSN my sound quality would improve? 

2.) Blisshifi- Just curious, does NAD use the BS UI for Qobuz

Thanks to all for your help!

@poke33 The one thing I would suggest is that while great one box solutions exist, I would strongly recommend using an Ethernet connection over wireless if you decide to invest heavily in a digital source. Why? Because having the wifi in the unit introduces noise that further degrades quality. Digital signals are very delicate, and any noise leaks will result in jitter and timing errors which will result in added fatigue and slight lack of focus in the overall delivery. This is a perfect example for why the Bluesound will sound fuzzy compared to many higher end solutions. NAD’s M50.2 dedicated reference streamer for instance (recently discontinued), requires a hard connection (NAD is the maker of Bluesound). Many other brands will lean this way as well.  

Some sources to look into may be John Darko’s (Darko Audio) YouTube channel or website. There are plenty of digital source threads already here on Audiogon that will be helpful as well. I’m happy to share links if you have trouble finding them.

I did also message you direct on some thoughts.

Thank you all very much... I enjoy the research almost as much as the music...let me dig into your suggestions and revert with further questions...

Hello APoke33, I had just this journey.

-Started with apple computer airplaying to apple TV to audio

-upgraded to Bluesound Node...nice improvement

-Added Roon Nucleus+ and bought lifetime subscription

At one point, using Roon, I had Node in one system, PowerNode in bedroom, and Pulse 2 mobile speaker.  Yes Bluesound is nice and plays well with Roon.  Istill use the Pulse 2.

-upgraded to PS Audio Direct Stream DAC w onboard streaming card (bridge)...nice improvement

-upgraded to Auralic Vega 2 Streaming DAC (can get used for under 4k)...big improvement.

-upgraded to Mola Mola Tambaqui Streaming DAC...HUGE improvement

-added Auralic Aries G2.1 Streamer...big improvement

-added Network Acoustics MUON filter system...big improvement

I was able to easily sell all the old DACs here or USA. 

Along the way I did most of the upgrades in the digital chain you discussed;

-Nucleus and my Bonn 8 switch on linear power supply (HD plex, two outputs)

-iFi Power Bar with iFi power cables and iFi power supply for the Modem.

-All the short cables are Supra Cat 8

You need a resolving system to hear all these upgrades.  Did one particular small thing make a difference?  Hard to say.  The major upgrades were obvious, but I do feel everything matters.


AURALiC is the only option if you insist on a purely wireless one box solution. 
If you’re open to adding a WiFi extender or mesh network with an access point close enough to your system to be able to use Ethernet cable to wire the streamer you’re expanding your options to Lumin, Aurender, HiFi Rose, Bryston BDA 3.14, etc. Bryston will have the clumsiest UI. Lumin’s UI is best experienced with a tablet and AURALiC is iOS only.

The above are all streamers with a built in DAC.

There are also DACs with a built in Network player/renderer. Units like Bricasti, Weiss, Mola Mola. These components have no wireless capability and have no UI. You would need Roon or something like Mconnect (by far not the best UI) if you go this route. 

432evos ervers sound amazing are upgradeable and start at 3500


no wifi but work eithan wifi to ethernet adapter

not tiny full size chasis you can stack your dac on top


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

432EVOs Us importer

For wireless only unless you are willing to use a WiFi extender the best option is Auralic. Aries G1.1 is $3250 and G2.1 is $5700. UI has worked great for me for six years through four models and now even includes Amazon Music if interested.  They recommend wireless as the preferred connection mode.