Volume Increase of decrease as system improves

Almost all of us have been on an upgrade journey with our systems. My question is as your system has gotten better has the volume at which you listen gone up or down. My personal experience is that it has gone up. I think because there is less distortion hence less fatigue at higher volumes.
I think listening volume for me is dependent on a couple of different factors. The piece of music, my mood and what I am doing at the time all seem to have an impact on volume level. I also seem to notice a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and volume. Although I have very good extended bass response, sometimes I like to feel it as well as hear it.......usually accompanied by alcohol consumption of course! 
Mine volume has gone way down. I used too have a system that had to be turned up to bring out the smallest detail. Now my background (noise floor) is completely silent and I can hear more detail than ever at low volumes. I'm thankful this is the direction it went.
My listending level has gone down since my last upgrade. Bass is extended, more defined, the noise floor is lower. Music now flows from my speakers with ease.
Ineteresting question,I would say it is very much related to what i am playing so it varies ,but the dork I am I often grab my db meter in the drawer next to me when I feel its rockin and it is often 80-90db so i guess increase lol 

Some of the speakers being touted as neutral today are a lot brighter than neutral, so you'll have a tendency to keep the volume lower. Or so I think. :)

There's nothing wrong with tailoring a speaker to be played at lower volumes, in fact it can be quite useful! But I think that's a little part of it.

More neutral speakers may sound a little less bright at low volumes, so you want it up.

BTW, I don't personally care what you personally like... so long as you are happy. :) I'm only trying to explain a possible cause and effect.


Distortion is interpreted as loudness so less distortion means louder will still sound good. You need a good recording without distortion as well as a large dynamic range to want to crank it and still find it engaging and enjoyable.
As I improved my system, the volume level I listen to has gone down.  My system sounds dynamic and lively without relying on high volume to deliver juice.
I would agree.  As the sound of my system becomes clearer and cleaner I do tend to listen at louder levels than before. Really fine software whether vinyl or digital, also tends to lead to louder levels.  One thing, my experience is that every indoor listening space has a maximum volume it will tolerate.  If you get carried away with the volume, the sound becomes cacophonous.  Ugh!