Tube Preamp Recommendations

I’m looking to get a tube preamp in the near future. Budget is $1k, but might go up to $1.5k. The Freya+ is one that I’m considering. What else is out there in my price range? The preamp will be fed by a SMSL SU-9 DAC. My amp is an upgraded Quad 405, which I recently acquired, and the speakers are AR Classic Series 18.

Your SMSL SU-9 DAC has 5.4v output!!!! that is also variable at a nice low 142ohms output impedance, and your Quad 405 only needs 0.5v into it for full output!

I don’t know why your not using it direct with the dacs remote volume control.

The only thing I can think of is that the volume control on the dac going direct is turned down too low and could be "bit stripping" the resolution.

If that is the case then all you need is a $49 Schiit Sys passive between the dac and quad 405 to pre-set the volume, so then you can still use the dacs volume with it’s remote up to almost full for loud level, so no "bit stripping then"

Cheers George
The DAC is currently going straight into the amp, but I want to find the right tube preamp.  I tried out a Rogue Audio 66 Magnum and I love the tube sound, but the Rogue doesn't play nice in my system.  Way too much buzzing in the speakers.  Could that be caused by the DAC's 5.4v output? 
terrapin77 OP
The DAC is currently going straight into the amp

You really need to spend just the $49 on the Schiit Sys first. ( you can send it back for full refund)
As I’m sure 100% you were "bit stripping" the dac with 5.4v output "turned way down", into the Quad which only needs 0.5v in for full clipping wattage.

Cheers George
Thanks George!  I will check out the Sys.  The only reason I'm going DAC into amp right now is the buzzing from the 66 is annoying AF!! I wonder if it's the SU-9 causing it.  Wish I had a spare DAC to test. 
@terrapin77, could the buzzing just be a ground loop? Try a cheater plug and if that doesn't work, ask Rogue before giving up on the Magnum. Cheers.
+1 for the Van Alstine , only 1 tube but still is "tubey" .

His service is the  best  I have ever had in 50 years .
I picked up a refurnished/upgraded Modwright SWL 9.0 Line Stage from Dan Wright, and I couldn't be happier.

Just another thing to think about.

Aric Audio. Reasonable prices,great products. No affiliation,just a very happy customer.  I have an older Unlimited preamp,that I am currently running with a First Watt J2, with wonderful results.  I also swap in a First Watt F5. The real nice feature on his pre's is the  adjustable gain. The F5 doesn't have as much gain as the J2,so a little week of the adjuster,and bingo, I'm in business. 
A used Atmasphere UV-1 would be in your budget.
I own one and it is pretty sweet.
Thanks for the suggestions.  I will check them out.  I have a Hum X delivering tomorrow in one final attempt to quiet the buzzing from the Rogue.  If that doesn't work, I'm definitely going to need a different preamp.  The Don Sachs preamp really interests me, but I would have to save up some more for that.   
Check Agon ad for Lector ZOE. I had one decades ago, but ordered mine balanced. Really life like
@georgegifi. I checked it out but I don't see how it would help.  I'm looking for a tube preamp that isn't overly noisy in my system.