Tube preamp for my Bryston 7B3

Hi Goners...

  I'm currently running Bryston 7B3 Amps from a Bryston BP26 Preamp to Focal Sopra 2's.  VERY HAPPY with things but thinking of adding (not replacing my BP26) a tube preamp just for that occasional sound change we get. Has anyone experimented with different tube preamps for their Bryston 7B3?  I realize the Bryston has a low 7.5K ohm input and may be tough to find a good tube match. 


Hi Goner's...

Has anyone tried Prima Luna (EVO 400 caught my eye but also heard good things about Cary too) and or Cary tube preamps with the Bryston 7B3 monoblocs...and what did you think.

Been very happy with my Bryston BP26 preamp but got the "Audio Itch" again.


c-j or herron would be beyond reproach... and would provide sensational tubey magic without sacrificing the benefits already in the op system driving by bryston ss
I’d look at a Linear Tube Audio microZOTL preamp.  I think they may even offer some sort of trial period, which would be a nice bonus.  Best of luck in finding that magic. 
Hi All,
Thanks for giving me units to research. Soix answer your question...budget $3K - $6K (but doesn't mean I wouldn't like to spend less if it's a real over achiever).  I love the detail and dynamics I'm getting from my current system but have a curiosity about the "Tube Magic" others seem to love.Our hobby is kinda like poison can do things to stop the itch for a while but without fail the itch returns. I'm looking at all your above suggestions......

tnx to all ...2bz.
Modwright Instruments makes pretty good tubed preamps. Don’t know your budget so from high to low price 1) LS300 is fully balanced pure class A… 2)  LS 36.5 DM,…  3) LS 36.5, … 4) LS 100… All of them made in US with 5 years warranty…output impedance is 100-110 Ohm, what makes them good match for your Bryston 7B3. 
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I'm using a Bryston 2.5 SST2 w/a Luxman CL38U SE tube preamp w/excellent results. 
Might look at Rogue RP series. Good value stuff. I have had the RP-1 for several years and really have enjoyed it. Put in matched Mullards from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Match that with class A/B solid state amp and Focal 926.There is an RP-5 over on USAudiomart.
RP-9 on here
I had a listen at Octave at RMAF a couple years ago and their stuff is way impressive.
Octave also has this baby for even bigger $$ but very cool.
Budget?  What sound characteristics are you looking to gain and/or not lose with the tube pre?