02-28-12: MarakanetzYes, it won't always be necessary to have a separate buffer stage, which is why I said "often." But if the output of the preamp section has to drive an external cable and component (such as a sub, which commonly have relatively low line-level input impedances), as well as the input to the power amp section of the integrated, and if that has to be done without compromising the integrity of the main signal path (into the power amp section of the integrated), not having a separate buffer stage would require a much lower output impedance from the preamp section than would otherwise be necessary.
Not necessary it would require to have an extra tube for each channel(buffer). Just like in conventional preamp with one main 'out' that can be disconnected from poweramp 'in' I don't see a necessity to have a buffer stage unless you'd like to have both preamp section connected to amp and another set of preamp outputs together.
So either way there may be a much more significant impact to the design than simply adding a couple of wires and connectors.
-- Al