Totem Element Metal Version 2 Loudspeaker

I am seeking to upgrade my current loudspeaker which is the Marin Logan 11A impressions.  Has anybody heard or have any experience with the Totem Element Metal Version 2 Loudspeaker which retail for $18,500.00 per pair.

My current system consists of the following:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impressions (hybrid electrostatic)
  2. Bryston 4b3 Cubed power into 8 ohms.
  3. Bryston BD-19 power amplifier
  4. Lumin U2 mini streamer with s Booster power supply.
  5. SVS subs SB-4000 (pair)

I am seeking a speaker with more slam and dynamics. 

The Totem was recommended to me.

Thank you. 


They are relatively small for floorstanders. The drivers are good but the cabinets limit their output. What size is your room?

Totem speakers for $18,500 no thank you. 
Look into used Wilson Sasha 2, some Magico models, Rockport. If you want Totem, the Wind is where they max out as far as I’m concerned. 

I am seeking a speaker with more slam and dynamics. 

You’d be hard pressed to do better than these SCM50 towers if that’s what you’re looking for, and they’re fantastic all-around speakers.  They require power to fully do what they do, but your Bryston should be up to the task.  Best of luck.

The new Totem speakers punch way above their size, same as Raidho and Borreson. Not sure if these Totem speakers are worth $18k. I’ve had many Totem speakers in the past and I thought the Mani 2’s that I had sounded better than the Winds, this was 20 years ago. Plus I’m not sure if you Bryston amp would be a good fit, they might be too cool sounding for the Totem tweeter.

You never stated your room size so I’m going to recommend decent size speakers for a medium size room that will sound much better than the totems for 1/2 the cost:

Revel studio 2’s, revel salon 2’s used, revel f226be/f228be/f328be new depending on room size.

Usher be10/be20/x-towers depending on room size new or used with the dmd tweeter.

When I was looking at new speakers, out of all the RMAF rooms, I narrowed my search down to 3 speakers: Usher be10/x-towers at $15k, Revel at $20k+ or the Raidho D4’s at $110k. My wife told me it was my choice so we went back and forth between the 2 rooms many times during the show listening to the Revel and Raidho, we already heard the Ushers at the previous rmaf show and at a dealer. Ended up buying the Usher x-towers, and this year bought Revel. 



The size of my room is 11 feet 6 inches wide x 18 feet long with 8 foot ceilings.

I have a 18L' (front to back as referenced by the speaker axis) x 36W with a 11' high ceiling.  I went with the Fire V2's instead of the Metal's and paired them with a pair of SVS subs.   I did this for both cost and placement concerns.  

The one thing these speakers do better than ANYTHING I heard at Axpona last year... was imaging, especially with many of the demo folks walking back/forth in front of the speakers, and never seeming to loose the soundstage.

They play sufficiently loud for my room, but have a punch and presence that well exceeded my old Golden Ear Triton 2's.  (Subs are necessary though)

I received an email message from James Dalto who asked if I live near Long Island. I live on Long Island. I requested information with regard to the Totem Element Metal V2.  Thank you for the message but I was not allowed to respond via a reply message to you,  as I have not sold any products on Audiogon.   Ken

Hi Ken, that was me. I sent you another message if you wanted to listen to the Metal V2s. I’m also in Long Island and have a hunch we know the same person, who actually recommended the Fires because I was originally interested in monitors. I had them for a few months and then moved to the Metals. 

Dear Jim:

Your assumption was correct.  Having the BD-19 Bryston preamp delivered this weekend by dealer. I too feel that he is excellent. Not happy with Martin Logan 11A. Thanks for your interest. 


Doesn’t seem to be a lot of love for Totem speakers, at least their new lines.  I heard the Metal V2’s at CAS this year and was extremely impressed.  Definitely a different flavor than their older models. I would take them over similarly priced big names like Wilson or Magico.  I heard them with Cord electronics which seemed to match up nicely  so maybe your Bryston’s would also be a nice match..   Certainly worth an audition.

Hi @kjl1065,

not sure where you are in your Totem Metal V2 journey. I just upgraded my Totem Fire V1, which I loved to a set of Totem Metal V2. I am driving them with CJ 50W tube amp. It works brilliantly. This Youtube review actually has the Totem driven by a Bryston integrated amp. Reviewer gave the match the thumbs up 


Regards, M.

I owned the original Totem Metal for a while and they were great for their size. The room was small and could not fit most of the other models I was considering. Too overpowered in that space. The Element Metal was a perfect fit. 

That said, I want to say I paid under $10k brand new from a local dealer back then. It was a good deal but probably not that hard to find. The V2 costing roughly double doesn't seem worth it to me. Even the Totem Wind, which I think is still considered their flagship model, is less than that and should be superior assuming you have enough space for them (I did not, which is why I chose the Metal).