Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.

All things you mentioned do appear to be true. I can't speak for others but it just does not bother me that much when Bo goes on his tangents. He does speak in a manner that he appears to present himself as "the" authority of better sound. In his mind and possibly from his trial and errors, he may possess something special but does need to learn how to better represent his findings and knowledge without downing others and their gear.


I respect your opinion; however if you read BO's post you will discover the following:

- he is critical of equipment that he has never heard
- he contradicts himself a lot
- he recommends that same things over and over again...Pass, Audioquest, and MA speakers. My experience has taught me that system integration is more important that individual components; therefore it's impossible to say that the aforementioned components will always be the best choice!
Hello Bo,
Why do you feel it necessary to insult those who disagree with your perspective? And why make derogatory comments on the system/components owned by other thread participants? This is a good site for discussion, exchanging information, knowledge and individual experiences. With your behavior and responses you come off as immature.
I find what Bo has to say and his passion for "better" sounding audio very interesting. I don't think he comes across as arrogant or as a know it all. I do think though with his language barrier that he does have a hard time conveying what he is trying to say without sounding somewhat pompous.

From my observation, the only times that he has resulted to "childish" speak is when some members have taken him to task in an attacking manner. That he is guilty of and even then that is not called for. I say let's take the high road and let Bo be Bo and maybe we might be "enlightened" a bit.

I don't take people serious who have low level audio. He could have get a much better endresult for the money he spend.

My clients also go to other shops, they have the freedom to choose for 2 dimensional when they want to.

I only let people hear my way of sound. That is all. I can't make the decision. I try to create a higher endresult than competitors.

Audio is about comparing. That is the most fun part in audio. The most convincing and involving sounds Always wins.

Audio can be very smple, so keep it simple!
Sounds like Bo is shocked that another person does not buy into his self proclaimed audio god status. He has resorted to his usual childish insults against yet another member that has shown keen insight into who and what he really is.

Great post Csmgolf!
CSMgolf: where are you talking about? A person who has a list of not special tools. Or tools who are able to give a 3D stage.

We are talking about low level audio. Who they F.... are you to Judge about me.

Your list of stuff is created by a low level of insight in audio and video. Next time please talk for yourself!
In the Netherlands they never talk a lot about how it is or was. Because they don't want to be to hard or negative about those who are not that special or good.

That is why I said often: audio needs to be more open and honest.

Many shops agree that the level in shows is getting worse. That there need to be a different approach on how a show is given to customers.
Remember, Bo has 16 years of experience selling stuff, and has heard live music someplace. Armed with cliches gleaned from the lexicon of subjective audio terms, he will not cave until every reader is astonished with his ability to reveal his innane and utterly self centered point of view. For that I am grateful as it's pretty damn entertaining.
"Today I will receive my new Audioquest Wild Signature xlr cable. I will write a review what it does and why it is an essentail part in a highend set soon."

How have you decided it is essential if you haven't heard it yet?
I use only 3 brands for amps: Onkyo, Primare and Pass Labs

Cables: Audioquest, Purist Audio and Kimber

At this moment I only sell Monitor Audio.

When I start projects for houses and shipyards I think I will use Sonus Faber as well. Because I do business with the distributer who sells it. And they also can give depth.

I prefer to use less brands. I am a very focussed person. This way it gives you a much better endresult in sound.

The main advantage about consulting is that I have more time for every single client. I Always had a much more personal contact with clients compared to all the different colleagues I had in the past.

The biggest advantage of Monitor Audio is that all theur speakers can build a wide and deep stage.

Do not forget that I sold many of the bigger brands in audio for a long time.

When I started in 1998 I became very addicted to audio. In 1999 it was 80 hours every week. Even on monday on my free day I visited distributers. Testing has Always been the fun part in audio for me. I never had any colleague who soend so many hours on testing. All my money I invested in audio. In 1999 I had a set of about 50.000 dollar. I was 27 years at that time.

I could test every single cable or speaker I want. I did lend many different expensive cables at that time. I felt like a kid in a big toyshop.

I always have been very spoiled with exotic audio stuff. But I wanted to create the same exitement for less money for my clients.

I know that depth and intimate sound are essential parts for highend audio. The difference between highend audio and more standard audio was too big in my eyes. I wanted to make it smaller.

Monitor Audio and Onkyo give me the freedom to create a 3 dimensional stage and an intimate stage for prices many people can afford.

There is no competition in how I create sound in these price ranges. Other shops loose because they only can create a 2 dimensional sound. Also my focus of instruments and voices is a lot sharper than what other shops create. In resolution it is the same story.

When you use tools which can give a higher endresult, togheter you will achieve an even higher endresult. Audio is al about comparing. Sending people to other shops and see them coming back laughing, is price less.

I have become dealer of stillpoints recently. They also create a bigger and wider stage. And even make the intimate stage wihtin the deep and wide stage more physical and palpable.

Review about the Stilpoints will be here on Audiogon in a few days.

Today I will receive my new Audioquest Wild Signature xlr cable. I will write a review what it does and why it is an essentail part in a highend set soon.
Thanks again Bo. Appreciate you giving us the name of the show and links. Now your really starting to step up to the plate.

The above is a compliment in America, not a slam by the way. So don't take it the wrong way.

From your revealing post above, we have definitely established a few things. One, you do sell audio products, whether through direct retail or consultancy and two, you have a relationship with Onkyo and Monitor Audio, the two brands you love to push.

So, when your buddies from Onkyo and Monitor Audio email to tell me their products were best in show, I won't be surprised. After all, I wouldn't expect them to say Pioneer or B&W. I'll keep my word and let everyone on the forum know that employees of Onkyo and Monitor Audio said Bo's presentation of their products were the best at the show.
What I said earlier; we have a more sarcastic kind of humor. Don't take it that serious! :)

The Xi-Fi was a show in september 2013. This was the worst show I even saw. And many agreed. There was a discussion under shopkeepers that shows need to change.

This was the worst advertisment for audio since I visit audio shows.

Next weeks you will get the emailaddresses.

The show was called; Nationale AV dagen, AV2day.
Was at 6,7 and 8 ( dealer day)of April 2013.

movie of our room. In front you see my set.

My company is Sound&Vision Consulting. Onkyo hired me to do their presentation. I had all the freedom to do it my way. I also test new amps for them.
If you look at my last post Bo, I gave you a sincere thank you. And what do you do, more schoolboy taunts.

Classy Bo. Real classy. Nevertheless, I will await the emails from MA and Onkyo even though it appears it may take a week.

Hey, what is the name of the audio show in Veldhoven that you named absolute best in show at? Was it the X-Fi 2013 High End Audio Show in Veldhoven?
Bo, you are completely out of line. You are apparently so stupid (using your words) that you think people are required to believe anything that comes from your mouth just because you say it is so. You are a fairly recent member here and no one on this site knows you at all. You have appointed your self as the one and only that knows it all in regards to audio. For some reason you expect people to take you at your word with no proof of the things that you claim. The world is full of people that are out only to further themselves. How does anybody here know that you are not one of them? The fact that you are defensive and insulting when asked to provide proof of your self proclaimed greatness only heightens suspicion.
I will ask Audiogon to make a special site for people like you. I have a few idea's what names they can use:

- Audiobudget
- Audiolooser
- Audiolow
Bo, what I'm looking for is an independent 3rd party account of what your setups are like. Of course Onkyo and Monitor Audio are going to say your setup sounds great because it's in their best interest to say so.

I checked out some links on the Veldhoven show and couldn't find anyone commenting about the sound produced by the Monitor Audio or Onkyo setups.
The owner of Monitor Audio Holland will be back next week. You will get your information :)

My Onkyo contact person is on holiday and will be back next week.

How stuppid you can be to think that I would tell lies. Everything I write and say is exactly as I told.

This is how I work and think for 16 years in audio.
Thanks Bo. I look forward to receiving them and when I do and if they pan out, I will be sure to share the info with everyone else here in this thread. Hopefully it won't be too long.

Meanwhile, have a good one.
Today I phoned with Monitor Audio and with Onkyo. Onkyo hired me to give a presentation last year. I told them how some people react on what I wrote. Paraneer will receive a few emailaddresses and he can ask if I told the truth or that I lie.

I like things to be open and clear :)
Why do you keep directing comments to me Bo? I said I was done with you several posts ago and my last few were directed to Zd and Seikosha. Yet you keep trying to drag me back in with silly accusations about making things personal, and immature attacks about equipment I have. At least I have pics posted to prove what I have. What pics or proof do you have Bo that own you anything at all?

I didn't ask for proof about you being the absolute best in show. Seikosha did and twice you won't provide it. Why can't you simply offer the names of the persons who bestowed this honor on you Bo along with a link to an article substantiating your claims? Then we will all be satisfied, apologize for doubting you and you will have earned some much needed credibility. This is how adults act. This is how a real man acts. He owns up to his claims and provides proof. He doesn't make silly attacks on Pioneer AVR's like a schoolboy.

Unless you can start proving your wild claims Bo, I can only surmise you are a fraud and worse, really know little about audio. Perhaps you should consider another hobby because this one seems to be blurring your reality. Now please go ahead and get in last word because I truly don't care what a fraud thinks about me or what I have. But a word of advice - you would be much better off providing proof of your best in show claim than continuing petty attacks on me.

Unless you miss me.
"That said, I find his posts very interesting and entertaining."

+1. Like Seikosha, I'm not much of a poster, but I enjoy reading and learning from this forum. Although he's a bit over the top at times (ok, way, way over), I generally appreciate the passion and enthusiasm in Bo's writings. I understand how some may find them tiresome, but in that case, better to ignore them I think than try to stifle the guy or make him go away.

Bo -- would you happen to be the author of At least in the Google translation, it seems to match your writing style.
@ Paraneer: You have a low level budget set, and you talk about the 800 series of B&W. I owned them and I sold them. This is my work.

You are a amature and you talk about stuff you don't have a lot of experience with. It is the same as you would talk about Ferrari's and Porsches when you drive a Ford.

You still may have the freedom to have your own opinion, but you are only able to tell..... what?
It is as it is. I never say things which are not true. Monitor Audio Holland has his email address.

So you want proof; just aks them. It is that simple!

Parnaneer; when you still want to make it personal. Fine with me. Pioneer makes one of the worst sounding surround amps. Poor imaging, no depth. Only people with no insight and knowledge are able to buy these kind of low level audio.

You really don't know were you are talking about.
Well Seikosha, you asked a very clear, intelligent and valid question and I quote you....

"I asked for the name of the show(s) that he was given this title and for any links (foreign languages are even okay) of website mentions but never received a response."

And you were told to write to Monitor Audio and basically seek your own proof and I quote a certain someone...

"Send an email to:
Ask them about the show in Veldhoven 2013. And ask them the email address of the persons who were at the show of Monitor Audio england."

Seems to me if I were named best in show, I would at least remember the name of the person bestowing the honor. And be willing to share it with a link to an article proving it.

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.
I asked Monitor Audio England why they did choose brands at shows ( which I never would use or sell) which are not the best options.

They said: political choiches. What can I say. This I really hate. I was asked for demos a few years as well by Monitor Audio. I only had the options to use the amps and sources they choose.

I said: even if you pay me 100.000 euro I will not do it.

I am only intrested when I have the freedom to choose. Last years I had. I used my own set. To be honest this made it very simple to win.
I read this. Send an email to:

Ask them about the show in Veldhoven 2013. And ask them the email address of the persons who were at the show of Monitor Audio england.

I cannot make it more clear.
I am not the one who is crying. Other people cry because they do not like my personal opinion. So who is crying? Do not turn it around.

It is my personal opinion that Naim is not good enough in depth and wide. It is not the best in blacks compared to other brands like Pass. It is not that good in individual intimate focus. This is how I see it. I never heard any of my client when I did a demo and explained the differences between this and Naim. Never any word.

Who is cryring?

The one who become personal
I am only posting this in reply to your question Zd.

Statements like Marantz, Arcam, etc are 2 dimensional but Pass Labs, Onkyo, etc are 3 dimensional. We have heard this over and over again Zd and just not restricted to the above brands I site. I have never seen a spec for dimensionality for an amp in over 30 years. Yet, he repeats these statements like gospel. So where the written proof? There is none - its subjective opinion.

How about this most recent example...

"If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house.
I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones."

His words, not mine. He says he proven it. So show us. How exactly do you overrule Naims sound and quality? And don't say by 16 years of listening which is the usual retort. That's not proof - again, its subjective hyperbole.
"Without getting into who's right or wrong, what do you mean by written proof? Proof of what?"

Bo has claimed that he has been best "absolute" sound at at least one show many many times. I recently asked him in a post about this basically pointing out that here at least in the US and even Europe, if you are best in show, you'll be written about on various websites. I asked for the name of the show(s) that he was given this title and for any links (foreign languages are even okay) of website mentions but never received a response. I'm still interested if Bo is reading this.

I've never posted but always wondered why, if Monitor Audio was aware of his methodology, which he claims they are and am impressed with it, why aren't they using the exact approach in all their demos and shows? Maybe they are and I don't know it, but if they are, the sound doesn't seem to be impressing people because no one except Bo is talking about it.

I know I've also had at least one other post in the past year asking for some specific verifiable objective evidence of one of his claims, but there was no answer.

That said, I find his posts very interesting and entertaining.
"So yes, it's a free world and I suggest you stop your crying about this. When you post absolute crap with no written proof to back your statements, be prepared to take the heat. Some of us may call you on it."

Without getting into who's right or wrong, what do you mean by written proof? Proof of what?
Audio Is about creating the best sound possible. It is not about me. My focus is only to achieve a higher endresult than others.

This is what sells best. And giving people the best quality for their money. I win almost all battles against other shops for a long period of time. Because I use better products.

These products do the work. I only use them to the max. At the end customers choose for the best convincing sound.

People take it personal when I am critical on the products they own. But I never made any remark on them.

You where the first who made a remark on me personal. So you got it back. I suggest we stop making remarks on eachother.

And we just react on the products and Threads.
I was starting to get bored Bo and was going to let this go, but I can't leave this thread with you thinking that somehow you were "hard" on me. You believe way too much about yourself already.

If being hard on me is making snide comments about my "list of stuff", no problem. I realize you cannot cross pens with me so you must resort to innuendos about my system. You have tried this before with others and to no avail. Besides, I am happy with my system and proud to say that I do not own one component that is Bo approved. In other words, I own no brands you sell.

And regarding me getting personal. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Lets just say that I am at the stage in my life where I can only tolerate a BS'er to a point. And you pal made my BS detector go into overdrive. Some may be too gentlemanly to call you on it, but I'm not.

So yes, it's a free world and I suggest you stop your crying about this. When you post absolute crap with no written proof to back your statements, be prepared to take the heat. Some of us may call you on it.

Now I am done with this thread Bo. Until your next insufferable diatribe about something else that's too over the top to leave alone.
People make it personal when I become hard on some products. It is only a personal opinion.

When people make it personal I can become hard on them as well. They just ask for it.

They cannot handle my personal opinion.
Unfortunatelly this thread became a personal arguing one which was not intended in the first place :) You can disscuss your preference of speakers/audio and not impose your oppinion to the other person :)
It is not bashing, it is a personal opinion. Audio is a free world. You made it personal.

When I am critical on some products, it is still a personal opinion.

You make remarks on me as a person. When I would do the same: I could say: that your list of stuff you own is not based on a high level of knowledge and insight in audio.
Per Bo...
"Paraneer; you need to learn to think further before you make remarks."

But when I am addressing one of your posts Bo, I hardly have to think at all.

And here is another quote from Bo...
"The way you react is what most people do"

I am not the least bit surprised that I have the same reaction as just about everyone else toward you Bo.

Have a nice day and don't forget about the REL thread I tipped you off on. Another golden opportunity to bash them. Better hop to it.
Bo this one's for you

As best I can tell this is a pretty good 3-D stage but unfortunately I am listening on my cheap computer monitor speakers so I'm not 100% certain. Enjoy!
Quality means those products which can give a more convincing and involving sound compared to others for the same price.

What is a top brand? You have top products in every single price range. The best speaker in the price range till 500 dollar is in my eyes a top speaker as well.

I use the word top speaker for the speaker who is the best in a certain price range.

Words can be read differently. That is why I said:


Even if a 3 dimensional stage with a realistic overall sound and instruments and voices with the right proportion is better than any 2 dimensional stage.

It does not mean that a person cannot prefer a 2 dimensional stage. You cannot make that decision for that person. Some people prefer a coloured low freq.

Even if it is not natural, he still can prefer and like it more.

Paraneer; you need to learn to think further before you make remarks.

The way you react is what most people do; choose for the way with the lowest resistance. You better can choose for thinking from a wider perspective.
Classic Bo...
On 6/2 Bo wrote "Audio is about quality."
On 6/4 Bo wrote "It depends Always about the price."
And in the same thread on 6/8 Bo wrote "Audio Always will be a personal matter."

So which is it Bo? Do you really have any idea what your writing anymore? I think the meltdown may be close at hand.
Naim is not crap. It is a brand what dares to be different. In how it looks and how it builds a stage and how it sounds.

What I said earlier; it are my personal thoughts and opinion that it is too far away how music could sound and need to sound as in real.

There are enough people who like it. It is not up to my to say that they cannot like it. Audio Always will be a personal matter.

The stuff I use create more resolution, a wider and deeper stage, a superior realistic and intimate individual focus of instruments and voices, better blacks and a more realistic overal sound.

I let people hear my sound, and you can compare it with other kinds of sound. It is that simple.

I did not jump into that thread because REL is not a brand what is interesting enough for me anymore. They still make good subs. I sold a lot of them in the past. I want a stunning endresult.

I am only interested in those who give a better endresult and integration. This is a personal choice as well.

Another person can think differently and that is fine with me. Audiogon is a place where we discuss about audio. When we would all think the same, there would be no discussion.

In our country it is not possible to talk this open and at this level about audio. For me Audiogon is a fun place to talk about audio. Nothing more, nothing less.

These days I sell Purist only cause of information and idea's of people here on Audiogon.

At this moment it are only words. I've said it many times; I am so much better in sound than in words.

The main reason why I am so direct is that in 16 years I have seen too much low level in endresults.

Audio is a very egoistic and hard world for those who work in it. This I really don't like. But I am still doing it because I want to raise the level in endresult in general.
Per Bo...
"If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house.
I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones."

Wow, and I thought he was bad last year. He finally learned to spell "when" and he is now out of control with his posts.

Come on Bo, level with us. Do you really believe the crap you write or is all this howling simply for our entertainment? Take your above post for example. Its better than the Sunday funny pages.

Also, there is a new thread going on about REL subs. I'm surprised you haven't jumped on it. You're missing an opportunity to bash them. Don't bother to thank me.
If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house. For me personal it stands too far away from how music and instruments should sound and should be played physical in front of you.

I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones.

This is not meant negative. Naim is a product on his own and different than many others. That's a good thing. I like to be different as well.

My way of working is comparing and choose that one what gives the best endresults. The rest I don't want and I don't use.

I even don't think that there is a person who does audio this way. For other competitors it is extreme difficult to set up a better and more convincing endresult than I can.

Perfectionism is synoniem to win. Audio for me is creating the best sound and crush everything else.

I love competition. But it doesn't mean that I want to win everything. When someone would be better, it is fine with me. If audio get's to a higher endresult in general. This is more important than my own benefit!
"06-06-14: Bo1972
Naim has a different focus on sounds and image compared to highend brands like Pass Labs. It is another world. I don't say that you cannot enjoy it.

This is a matter of taste, but I have listend often to Naim equipment with other speakers as well.

The image is still a lot different, less intimate en less precise."

I don't think you understood my post on Naim. lol. Not to offend anyone who likes Naim, but for me it wasn't that good. I know people like it because it has the PRAT qualities that the British gear is known for, but there is other equipment that can give you that, plus a lot more in other areas.

"06-07-14: Freesoulbg
I just got "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio" by Rober Harley and will read it.
I would appriciate if anyone can comment on:
"Any suggestions about my old Creative Gigawors S750 - the build in amp was class D, I think the speakers are still good to use with an nice extarnal one, but what exactly? :)""

If you are looking for some good info to read on audio, see if you can locate some issues online for The Audioperfectonist Journal. It hasn't been published since 2009, but its still the best thing I've read on high end audio. The first 4 issues were free. Even if you can only find those, it will definitely be worth the effort. They go into great detail on things like how to set up a turntable, room acoustics, equipment matching, choosing the right gear, etc...