To port or not to port speakers

Hi Gentlemen,

i have some Boston 120 micro speakers sitting around  They are small but heavy and sound nice  I have some ceiling RBH 6 inch rear effects installed that are not enclosed  I’m going to take the 6 inch speakers out of the ceiling mounting plates and put the Boston’s in.  The small problem is that they have rear ports  Should I plug the ports?



I am glad for you, my friend (with whom we play games on  this sites ) make something similar, it would be interesting to see the result on the photo)

For a  Surround channel / limited signal - the impact of sealing the port is minimal.

Plugged Port results in a higher bass extension ... finding a good material for the plug is of some import ... ' rigid foam ' ... for example.

Thank you and good questions. 
Yes and they sound really nice for mini speakers. They are quite heavy actually. I wish 2 of them were the B&W though. I found my listening home with my B&W’s. 
The port is out the rear

You know, I did not know that there was such a setting. I have Denon AVR 1913

  • Do you have a way to play one of them without putting it into the ceiling?
  • Is the port out the front?
  • What frequency does the AVR set these to?
    • Small, medium, large? (80, 100, 120, 150 Hz?)


Post removed 

These tiny speakers the ports are probably the only reason you can listen to them without subs. 

But before you go through all of this, why not replace with nice ceiling mount speakers??