Those who seek to deny access to information

Like many/most here, one of the main reasons I frequent audiogon is to gather information. I am looking for ways to enhance the enjoyment I get from listening to music on my system. The information most valuable to me comes from those who share their actual experience with products that I am interested in, but have not heard in my system.

The audio community is a diverse one, with many opinions, ideas and perspectives. Many of them differ from mine, and that is fine. Those who disagree with me are free to make posts and start threads about whatever they choose. This doesn’t bother me, I am free to choose what I read, and what I don’t.

What does rile me up up is deliberate attempts to deny me (and others) access to the information that I value. There are some here who repeatedly seek to disrupt, sidetrack, derail, and shut down conversations about topics and products that trigger them. They do not contribute any useful information or experience to the discussion, and make disparaging comments about things they have zero experience with. They are bullies who mock, ridicule and provoke those who use, make and sell certain products. They seek to stifle any discussions about, and especially positive opinions of, the products and people they clearly have a vendetta against.

They can start their own threads, and talk about what a fool I am all day long, I don’t care. Their deliberate and repeated attempts to deny myself and others access to the information we value, however, are intolerable.


+1 @pinthrift ... I do that for every CAN album I play...

+1 @dabel 

+1 @mahgister 

+1 moto-man

+1 almosthome

+1 GERMAN OPERA... as opposed to Italian


I have been an AudioGon member for over 20 years. I enjoy coming to the forums and getting information on things that I am interested in. Are there very opinionated people here? People who talk about products without ever having heard them? Who belittle other posters who disagree? Sure, the forums have all of those and more. But guess what? That is just a microcosm of our society at this point. There is intelligent discourse, there are morons, there are genuine people, there are bullies, there are shills for their own products, just like society (and especially, but not exclusively, the USA). So I don’t think that the forums and AudioGon should be judged because it is a reflection of the world in which we live, albeit a group with a particular interest. I have learned a lot here, but one has to take all opinions with a grain of salt, because all parts of a system and room affect the sound of one’s system, and a particular component may sound great in one system and no different at all ion another. I still like to read about it though. People should not be so thin-skinned.

i manage a medium size retail company and have to deal with the most difficult situations all day. it’s my job. damned if i will put up with any of it on a hobbyist forum.

if Audiogon is a cross section of our current society as a whole i want no part of that. if i won’t go physical places where my security and comfort is not protected, why would i do it on line? where i’m just chilling having a good time.

observe 10 or 20 random threads here that get attention. how many have 80% relevant responses? how many have multiple disruptor type responses? there are multiple other forums where that is not tolerated. 

how many serious hobbyists will put up with that? not many.....and we see them gone. do we like that?

@mikelavigne :

how many serious hobbyists will put up with that? not many.....and we see them gone.

That's exactly the goal of the disruptors (read: crazies)


Some people are cruel....   They collect the pains of hurting others like another may find pleasure in collecting butterflies.  They come here to disrupt when they can.  Its not complex.  We have sadists that live in the world.  They torment when they can. Some believe its why God created Hell.  To give them back what they gave others....   You must seek good information like a bear seeks honey, ignoring the bee stings by having a thick hide.  You must accept that sadists exist and you can not change them.,...   They enjoy what they do. 

@ozzy … Most certainly more times than you , can you even wire up a mains plug ?

A couple of my rebuilds , how about posting yours !




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I can assure you that I am not remotely angry quite the opposite in fact.

As a guy who professes to be long in the tooth at this game It surprises me that you

do not recognise under the hood of these well known amplifiers !

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Perhaps DonkyKong would like something a little more recently manufactured

Re populating Martin Logan crossovers


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Once Again, I am entirely of a calm frame of mind !

Perhaps you might post a few images of your soldering master class and of your DIY projects, It seems that I have much to learn from you.


I am just posting something here so that I can get a nasty comment from tsushima too 😀😁

I never soldered anything in my life.... But i created my own mechanical equalizer....

Does it count?




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Pul—eeeze !!! Live in the fantasy that your words bother me in the slightest 😀

You were playing the Ted Denny card in that you were hoping to expose a lack of knowledge and experience with audio equipment with what I may or may not own in an attempt to belittle and marginalise my point of view.

I remain looking forward to a few examples of your DIY soldering handy work !

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i replicated some many Ted Denny "tweaks" in my own way....AT no cost...

He only pointed to my old virtual room photos to denigrate me when i claimed that acoustic matter most than any tweaks.......

Not necessary to solder electronical parts, make your own room...

Acoustic is MORE important than electronic in SOUND.....

Ignorants did not know this simple fact....


«Money talk louder than brain »-  Groucho Marx 🤓





always supported the subjectivist stance, just critical of some of the behaviour that surrounds it, which makes me a rabid objectivist..

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Continual improvement may not define the audiophile. When the journey becomes Ahab. 

One can also reach a satisfaction dictated by results, age, budget, etc. 

My bone of contention are the miracle products and proponents of absolutism.

Also my wife has an issue with Mahgister's system. 

You are right continual improvement with a specific system tend toward a limit...

I have reach this limit with my relatively good system...

I know because my 7 headphones are in a closet and i will not use them anymore they own no advantages over my actual system...

I listewn music....Audiophile obsession is not for me.... Acoustic was the key ignored by most who spend fortune on gear....



This is one thing you musk know:

Before my retirement my wifehas agreed to let me use 15,000 bucks to live my audiophile dream before dying 8 years ago...


For the last 2 years in my dedicated room i succeed in controlling my acoustic to a level so refine that my 500 bucks system satisfy my taste completely...

No upgrade needed, no further expanse...

Yes my room contain hundred of tubes among others things....Junk material used to create my mechanical equalizer...

Then who smile last with a piano sound natural filling the room, an imaging and soundstage under control...

Instead of expansive throwing of money under a bus i learned acoustic ....I am proud...And any dude with one million dollars system make me better on my way..... Guess why?

Acoustic may cost peanuts....

...... 😁😊😊😊

My regards and my best to you...


Continual improvement may not define the audiophile. When the journey becomes Ahab.

One can also reach a satisfaction dictated by results, age, budget, etc.

My bone of contention are the miracle products and proponents of absolutism.

Also my wife has an issue with Mahgister’s system.



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Curious if you have a mental list that you can recall that demonstrates or outlines what the favored and unflavored brands are when it comes to this forum? 
I’ll check back to see if you were able to compile your experiences both with your posts, and the posts of others you’ve happened upon. 
As a new member, this could save me and others some grief.