The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


That seems reasonable, provided that manufacturers are actually decent enough to pass this money-making opportunity that is laid in front of them for the taking.

What reassurances do buyers have that a fuse that has been tinkered with will maintain its original function to specifications? Regardless of the sound.
To make an audiophile fuse, you must be an have to listen, tweak, listen, tweak, etc. etc. until you are happy with the sonic results.....Only those interested in how things SOUND would take the time to make our Voodoo fuses. Those who are not listeners (like most manufacturers of stock fuses, George and other nay sayers) have no knowledge about this game of "making things sound better by listening and not measuring". You cannot convince a naysayer that wire directionality, fuses, PPT, etc. make a difference sonically. These people want to just be right and live in the past. It does not matter what they think or say. Be your own GURU. Trust in your own experience, your own ears. Try things yourself and make up your own mind. If you think an idea has no merit....then why bother those who listen and hear a difference and spend their money on what they like?
I am thinking that maybe they see it as a very small number despite obviously much bigger profit margins. To sell such fuses advertising may need to be really persuasive and time and money consuming. Maybe they are not willing to get into that trouble. I have no clue but am just trying to think of what it could be.
No guesses why fuse manufacturers are not jumping on this business opportunity? None of us may know for sure, but what are your guesses?
georgehifi ...

You were the hall monitor who ratted his friends out in high school, correct? 

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The only thing toxic is the water you’re drinking down there, Georgie Boy.
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"There is no prohibition against using a stock fuse to build an aftermarket fuse."
How come that manufacturers, those who make "stock" fuses, do not try to take a slice of this "fancy fuse" market? They probably know their fuses are used for it, they have credibility (they actually know how to make, not just "treat"), and they have machinery. They could design them from scratch and instead of "made for us" market it as "in-house research, design, and production". Profit margin seems to be higher. Why are they not doing it? Should we let them know? We may end up with much better fuses in the end.
Geoff, really man, time to get some new material. You have lost it since Roberttcan came around and handed you your head, like you have tried to do with everyone else. Face it, time to change your spiel, 20 years of the same schtick on wire directionality, cryogenics and selling springs doesn’t impress any of us.

>>>>>What can I say in my defense? I like being in the center of a controversy. 😬 What happened with roberttcan was when he lost arguments he got involved in here (not only with your humble narrator) he lost control of his emotions. 🥵 Then he resorted to name-calling. He demonstrated he doesn’t know the first thing about scientific evidence and proof, or even the scientific method. Like many “professional debunkers” he was adept at using logical fallacies whether intentionally or not. He’s so emotional! I can spot a pseudo-scientist on a mission before I see the whites of his eyes 👀
There is no prohibition against using a stock fuse to build an aftermarket fuse. Let’s not get overly giddy here. Audio Magic uses a stock fuse to build their Ultimate Beeswax SHD Fuse 🐝- the current price leader at $225, as well as their previous Nano liquid family of fuses, which are all great fuses. I had an Audio Magic Nano fuse in my Woo Audio all-tube Headphone amp. Hey, there’s an idea for someone - a shootout between the SR Orange fuse and the Ultimate Beeswax! 

How do they get the beeswax 🐝 into the fuse without taking the thing apart? That, gentle readers, is a Government secret! You might as well ask how they get those miniature ships in a bottle. According to the “fuse page” on the website of The Cable Company there are only three count ‘em! Big Players now in the fancy fuse game - SR, Audio Magic and HiFi Tuning. However, any yahoo in town who hasn’t undergone a lobotomy can build his own audiophile grade fuse or improve the one he’s already got. It’s not really rocket science, folks. 🚀

The Cable Company Fuse page,
twodolphins ...

Your experiments were with the SR-20 fuse. That is an antique in today's fuse world. 

When I toured the SR factory a year or so ago, the fuses being processed at the time were the SR Blue fuses. So, that means that from the time your SR-20 fuse was released, SR had subsequently developed the Black, the Red and then the Blue fuse that is the point of discussion in this thread. And now there's the new Orange fuse. 

I don't think anyone is "misunderstanding" you at all ... you're just seriously out of date. 

Cred.......what you mean?  We all know what you think .  Do you really think I care about what is in your mind?  Truth is truth.  The only truth in audio is what you hear.  You don't listen, so you don't know.  You just go yama yama yama over and over again.  Why do you post at all in the "voodoo" threads?  Are you trying to save us from fuses and PPT and all things you don't like?  Why do you care that we like these things and hear improvements with them?  . Why don't you go to the moon and tell us if it is made of cheese or not.  Certainly would be a better use of your time.  You entertainment value is zilch....sort of like a fly buzzing around.  Annoying at best.  
The description says it is custom made for them and then they treat it. It may look like the stock $3 fuse but is it?

Serious!!!! your not going to gain any cred with that one. The description says it is custom made for them and then they treat it. It may look like the stock $3 fuse but is it? Did you do a listening test between both of them?  This thread is not about an old SR fuse that was first introduced years ago.  Have you listened to anything....or are you just wanting to find fault?  
I have unpealed my SR 20 fuse and posted a video on You Tube. You can find it with following code: CHl7Dsln19Q. As you can see in my video that fuse is a RU fuse costing 3$ on Amazon. So, if you have purchased SR fuses for 50$ or more (as I did), you may want to perform the same "medical exam". Unpeal them and let us know what's inside your fuses. And don't be angry... those nice stickers and packaging are costly... 
well, It seems that my post have not been understood. I have purchased SR fuse from the official dealer, then I have simply peal the sticker and I have discovered a fuse with RU logo which you can buy on Amazon for three $... do it yourself if you don't believe me . buy one "official SR fuse" and peel it...  then purchase another 10 on amazon. I'll send you pictures if you want... I have pictured all process on my iphone

I apologize for not reading your posts carefully. I carefully read one every month to know what the flavor of the month will be as, afterwards, they are all the same.

So reading georgehifi’s post above, I noticed an error in your previous post. Your adding "little wiener" to my description is just a little bit off the target.

By about....well, the fuse on my calculator just blew.
Poor little glubson. Still trying to be somebody by stalking the big guy. Poor little glubby. Poor little wiener dog 😢 Its gratifying to know I can still get under some people’s skin. I’ve still got it, Baby! 🤗
You've got sweet **** *** geoff just like like your voodoo website,
I wish admin would just ban you and your shilling mate from oregon.
You both bring audio and this website down to a level of disbelief with both your snake oil voodoo BS on fuses
I had a post removed too I’m guessing because I made a joke about Donald Trump’s tax returns. Not sure what rule that violates while so many rude and demeaning posts here go untouched.

"Jetter asked this question and I answered it:"
I got as far as finding this from jetter:

"I hope Frank answers littlecx’s question, "So SR just buying the cheap fuses outside and process them or they manufacture their own fuses?""
and this from you, albeit addressed to twodolphins:

"There's a lot more that goes into the process than just using an ordinary cheap fuse."
There are a few posts removed along the way so it may be that your answer to jetter was among them.

I am not confused anymore. Now I know we do not have an answer.

By the way, is no Synergistic Fuse blowing yet good news, or is it bad news? The only time you are sure that fuse works is when it blows. Is there a way to check reliability?

In case Synergistic research is buying someone else's fuses and then modifying them, how sure can a buyer be that this doctored fuse will still operate as it used to? In case they are not buying someone else's fuses, why do not they have machines for production?

I am on no side in this fuse battle buy it does raise questions.
I just got a notice that my post in which I crunched some numbers to get a ballpark figure how many fuses might have been sold, etc. was removed because of...

  • It looked like spam
  • It was abusive towards another member
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • It contains profanity
I cannot care less about post being removed, but I do wonder about definitions of spam, abuse of other member, violence, and profanity around here.

Do not flatter yourself. You are simply not my type. I like smart ones.
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"I saw no machine for manufacturing fuses in-house."
Wait, what do they do then? What is the whole factory for? It is getting confusing.
"...20 years of the same schtick on wire directionality, cryogenics and selling springs doesn’t impress any of us."
I disagree. 20 years of persisting on anything is an achievement worth appreciating. 20 years of persisting on nothing is even more commendable. geoffkait has reached Zen state of bunkery.
Geoff, really man, time to get some new material.  You have lost it since Roberttcan came around and handed you your head, like you have tried to do with everyone else.  Face it, time to change your spiel, 20 years of the same schtick on wire directionality, cryogenics and selling springs doesn't impress any of us. 
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Georgehifi, the "Professor Oregonpapa" sign on the wagon is pretty funny, no matter how you feel about fuses.

Good one thecarpathian, always fun to hear one on Geoffkaitcan’t.
Well not hard to produce evidence these days if that is the case. Take some pictures of the SR fuse, put them on Google or some other site with pic sharing functionality, and post the link here, maybe using a blown SR fuse if available so as not to disturb a new ready to rumble one.

Maybe the free advertising coupon expired.

Hopefully the days of the  SR snake oil salesmen are about to expire

Cheers George
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It’s a little bit unfair that new trolls should have to compete with the older established trolls like moopman who have been around the block a few times. 🤡
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geoffkait ...

  • So, oregonpapa, since you were at the factory, can you enlighten us how they control the directionality of the fuses? Shirley you asked about that. Please? Pretty please?
Nope, I didn't ask ... and don't call me Shirley.
mapman ...

  • "If they are manufacturing them in house, is it a machine process not requiring human intervention?"
  • "...   maybe using a blown SR fuse if available so as not to disturb a new ready to rumble one."
I saw no machine for manufacturing fuses in-house. So far, I've not had an SR fuse blow. 

The only thing being blown in this entire diatribe is the smoke being blown by  twodolphins in his above post.


Well not hard to produce evidence these days if that is the case. Take some pictures of the fuse, put them on Google or some other site with pic sharing functionality, and post the link here, maybe using a blown SR fuse if available so as not to disturb a new ready to rumble one.

In fact pics of innards of any blown fancy fuses to see what makes them tick would be of interest.   
I hope Frank answers littlecx’s question, "So SR just buying the cheap fuses outside and process them or they manufacture their own fuses?"

If they are manufacturing them in house, is it a machine process not requiring human intervention?
Just went to Amazon to check it out. No RU tube fuses come up. As a matter of fact after a Google search the only thing that comes up for RU tube is for Russia's version of Utube. No mention of that type of fuse whatsoever. So, twodolphins, what's up with that? What am I doing wrong?
So SR just buying the cheap fuses outside and process them or they manufacture their own fuses?