The best CD Player for the money

I heard a MYRYAD MC100.for 1295 new its pretty special.its a class b in Stereophile.Deservedly so.
Find a used (If you can) Cary 300, superb sound quality.
The absolute best soundstage I have ever heard. My wife
said for the first time it actually sounded like Diana Krall
was standing right in front of us giving a live performance
and she is right.
I also have the Arcam FMJ CD 23 (also very nice) but it
just does not sound as real as the Cary. Find a Cary 300
or 301 for around $1400 you will not be dissapointed.
Great bass and sooooooo smooth.
intersting Shubertmaniac, my top would be very similar:(FOR THE MONEY)
Tjoeb 4000
RA CD50 (I should have never sold it)
My current set up with an AN dac1.1 has been very impressive so far and has yet to break in. I might start part swapping pretty soon once I get a feel for its sound.Very undigital.
Get a good DVD player and put it through a Assemblge 3.1 DAC.It gets no better than this.
1. Rega Planet (old-style)
2. Resolution CD50 (used)
3. Resolution CD55 (new)
4. Any Muse digital product
5. Metronome CD2
6. Spectral 1000SDR; ancient history but very smooth, dynamic, and not etched, very natural sounding, includes
a very nice preamplifier as well; under 2K if you can found one used.
I've been auditioning an Accuphase DP-65V. Nice piece. Great musical presentation. Very pricey. $4200 the dealer quoted me. Wondered what others thoughts were on Accuphase CD players. I'm sure I'd be doing myself a favor by listening to other CD players before plunking down this kind of money. Any owners/fans of the Linn Ikemi out there?
The sony 9000es needs more than 100-200 hours i own one and its more like 3-400 hours before it opens up and that is the problem with a lot of these comparisons of the sony,they were Not broken in or the people comparing would be singing a different tune.It also takes 3-400 hours of seperate burn in on the sacd side of things to fully bloom. You must hear the sony 9000es with decent gear,it will sound like you need a dac for the first 150-200 hours,after that you think well maybe i don't need a dac and when you hit 3-400 hours you will definitly not want an outboard dac.
The Muse Model 9 Signature is one of the most underrated CD players out there plus it is drop dead great as a DVD player (even without progressive scan). I've made extensive comparisons of my Model 9 sig with my Sony 9000ES using CD/DAD/SACD. As much as I like the Sony, and I like the Sony a lot, the Model 9 was a notch above it in every aspect, including video. The real suprise was that on every 2 layer SACD that I've tried , I like the CD layer on the Muse better than the SACD layer on the Sony. Maybe it's the super bit mapping, over/up/thru/around & behind sampling or whatever the Muse does, but it's the best CD play back I've come across yet. A used Model 9 Signature can be had for around $2600. Good Luck
Well for the money, probably a Onkyo DV501 used... about 80% as good as the real thing and about $200. Now for the music and the money an RA55 used... about $2000 and terrific!
I can't believe no one has mentioned either the Ah! Tjoeb '99 or the Njoe Tjoeb 4000, both of which are available from Kevin Deal at Compare the reviews by consumers (like me and you) of either of these units to ANY of the others mentioned in this thread. I've got close to $20k in equipment and the Ah! is possibly my favorite piece. Partly because it only cost me $475 brand new. The 4000, which is less than $600, will be added to my system along with the Ah! shortly.
Lindemann CD1, but I do not know if they have an American distributor (they are a small, family-run German company). The Rega Planet that has been suggested is an excellent option as well, but the Lindemann CD1 is far better.
In the "affordable" favorites so far have been the Electocompaniet, Meridian 508.24 and the Cary 303. It is possible to find the first 2 used, if you look hard. The Cary is a fave-rave of Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. He has special pricing on the 303. Next price level down, I think the Arcams are very hard to beat.
The girlfriend even thinks the Wadia860 is cool. I am one of the 30+ members of this communtiy. I find that if the girlfriend can't hear the improvement ( women do have a better sense of tonal discrimination) I am probably spending money on stuff that just makes me happy due to brand appeal etc. I do think I have created a monster though, since I thought I was happy with the Rega planet, and she ( and I ) now think the Wadia 860 is the way to go.
Check out the Millenium DAC II at I have not received mine yet (should be any day now) but am expecting great things.
I'd go for the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 upsampling CD Player. While not cheap at $6,200.00 retail, I got a great deal from and I was able to eliminate a pre-amp as the Capitole has a buffered subminiature tube output stage that drives my amps directly.Also the remote volume control has me spoiled.
The Resolution Audio CD55 gets my vote for the top spot. For a lot less money and close performance, listen to a Thule - it's very good.
I got a Cal Audio Alpha/Delta used, had it upgraded by the factory. The whole thing cost $755.00. I've had 6 cd players over 15 years, some costing many times more but this is the far lol
I found the Sony SCD777ES at J&R Music World in NYC for under $1600. You have to negotiate, and probably could get them to match other prices. If you buy mail order, they have a return policy, although I would be sure to get this in writing. My personal choice though, would be the Wadia 830.
Jazze22: do you want to consider a Sony SCD-1 at $2945, or a Sony SCD-777ES at $1545 (both include shipping)? Their price on Sony DVP-S9000ES is about $1050. These numbers are the lowest that I have known so far. Try If anyone knows better price than this, please let me know.
Jazze22..... I think I will have to side with Rosstaman and Medhorn on the Meridian as well. As you can see, I am scraping pennies together now in the hope of finding me a used Meridian 506.24 sometime in the next two or three months or so. But now, if you can get your hands on a Meridian 508.24, that would even be better. Only thing I must say about the Meridian 508.24 is to make sure that you have a system that can take advantage of its increased air, space and resolution first, otherwise, going with the more expensive 508.24 would be a moot point, and you might as well save some green and get the 506.24. The reason I am going with the 506.24 as opposed to the 508.24 is because my system is not good enough to take advantage of the better sonic refinement that the 508.24 will offer (which for the 508.24, then I would have to have a system along the lines of the Mirage MRM-1/McCormack DNA-125 (or a used McCormack DNA-0.5)/McCormack TLC-1/Cardas Cables before even contemplating such a purchase), and thus, a 506.20 or a 506.24 would be a better match for my particular system (KEF/Adcom/MIT). A used Meridian 508.20 can be had for about $1,200.00 to $1,500.00, a used 508.24 for about $2,000.00, a used 506.20 for about $600.00 to $900.00, and a used 506.24 for about $1000.00 to about $1,300.00. Also keep in mind, if you decide to go for a player in the ".20" series, they can be upgraded to ".24" status for about $600.00 to $800.00 (considered a bargain for players of such elite status). Some more options for you to consider. Hope I have been helpful. --Charles--
I've recently listened to the Rega 2000 and Adcom GCD 750 over a long weekend. I myself am having a similar problem. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 amp, ARC LS3B preamp, and ProAc Response 2.5 speakers. I am currently using a Magnavox car CD player... Don't laugh! Both were good but I felt the Adcom had a level of refinement not present with the Rega. Between the two I would have chosen the Adcom, but someone else bought it. If I can remember I would have paid 900? I noted that there is not much discussion on the Adcom. I'm still not ready to purchase until I listen more, but am I missing something here? I have considered a used ARC CD1 but have not been able to demo one.
for the money...well how much money???? used any of these is great....... arcam cd6 micromega stage 5 naim 3.5 arcam mj23 ead 2000 hdcd yba 3 alpha meridian 508.24
I found a used Arcam alpha 8se right here, used for $750 and am very happy with it. I am surprised not one person mentioned Arcam.. especially the FMJ...
Sony 9000ES needs 100-200 hours to break-in. After that it shows much superior midrange and bottom then Sony 777ES or SC-1, particularly piano (I am pianist by education) and voice! Cost, new around $1,100 while 777 cost is around $1,500. Second, kost important feature is SACD. This format, recorded or re-mastered correctly, is worlds away from CD sound, DVD-Audio and even best vinil. I experience emotions second only to live event. Obviously, hi-fidelity system helps. Third, it has DVD-Video. This allow you to listen all 24/96 two channel CDs, watch movie, if you like to watch... and Finally, this DVD with progressive scan (the first on the market?) will help you to retain its value and make easier to re-sell. Note, that two Dony 9000ES which was posted a few days ago (one is defenetly sold another I don't know) in VIDEO section 9not CD PLAYER Section). Of course the most important is musical experience. I ain't know any better (MaranzSACD is better$7.5k) I should sign as "SACD Addict" !!!
Under $1,000, the Rega Planet hands down. You can find one used for about $500 and be happy. The new model Planet just went up in price to about $950 so anything used might represent good value. Have heard alot of players and if the rest of your system is up to snuff, feel you should at least audition any of the Naim players. Nothing I have heard to date can reproduce the pace, rhythm and speed of a live event like a Naim.
Meridian 508.24: I'm far away from thinking about upgrading this beauty. Works excellent as transport and DAC, and renders the MUSIC -you know what I mean!- in its full glory!
The best CD player by far, paired with B&W N804s Bryston 250 W amplification, is the Cary CD 301. This has a four tube output stage. This doesn't have all the detail of the Wadia or Levinson, but make no mistake, it has the best sound stage, width, depth, separation, imaging, and overall live reproduction.
A used Meridian 508.24 can be had for around $2000ish. A great player (many rave reviews and Stereophile 1997 or 1998 "Product Of The Year"). It is amazing at isolating each instrument. The music overall, the individual instruments, the resonance of those instruments, every little sound, just presents itself to you. For the price, you can't go wrong.
Stereophile CD Player Class A of 1998 Meridian 508.24. Simply one of the best in the world at ANY price!!!
I think the Sony SCD1 SACD player is the best I've heard at the less than $14,000 price point. With SACD's it's the best period!
There are some really good players listed here but I listened and went with the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 and I'm just thrilled with it. Used you can pick one up for $2500-$3000. The new Version the EMC-2)I think is the name) plays CD/DVD.
The Theta Miles is a terrific player. It has the stable transport which feels rock solid and minimizes vibration. The soundstage is wide open and deep, the bass is first rate in both weight and definition, and the mids are beautifully detailed. Used these can be had for around $1300 to $1400 USD. Balanced version (worth it if you are running long cables) goes for a little more.
How about Theta CD player, any opinion? I am partial on good DA like Wadia's and balanced transport. The cost of used DA and transport combo is about the same as CD player.
It takes out everything there is from the red book CD. I also spend a whole day comparing it to the Sony 9000, which fails miserably to deliver a credible piano, a Mark Lenvison 36S, sweet sounding but a bit too laid back for my taste and lacking the base definition of the 830. Good luck
I heard you can get a sony 777es sacd for $1500 from some mail order places. I saw it in a thread on If this is the case, that is the cd player to get. If you are looking for something under $1000 then I would go with the Cambridge Audio d500se. I actually like the jolida sound better but the transport is terrible on it.
Jazz: You have a very nice system. You may want to try and audition the Linn Ikemi player. It is probably my favorite but usually sells for around $2500.00+ used. For less money the Theta Miles and Resolution Audio (I have only listened to the CD50 not the new model) are hard to beat for all in one players.
A few of us here really like our transport/outboard dacs. I really enjoy my DAC1 using a DVD player as a transport. The last Stereofool had high regard for the latest and fully upgraded MSB dac over the DAC1. I bet you would like either one. Check out these reviews, I think they might help answer your questions about the advantages of the outboard dacs. Total cost could be, with a used DAC1 and a new DVD player, only $1k, not including ic's. Good Luck. Charlie
I tried the Sony's as well. Great units, but the Naim CD5 was the best I heard by far.
I bought the Sony DVP9000ES a week ago and my initial impressions were very unfavorable - lean and sterile with very little low-end oomph. In fact I had decided to return it before I got on this thread! Kkirkpa's experience seems to suggest that I should probably let it burn in some more. I hope it changes character before it is too late to return it.
Kkirkpa, I have to agree you. I tried and tried not to like the cd playback,( I mean c'mon its Sony right?) but after 50 hrs or so of break in it really is pretty nice sounding. This is a total bonus since I only bought it for the SACD/DVD aspect. To find the cd playback is so good it really takes away any of that buyers guilt. What a deal.
First I would like to thank all of you for your input. It is nice for a change to have opinions that are objective but not putting down one another.I will take into your choises and look on audiogon for a good deal.One had asked what equipment i am using,audio research sp14,cary amp, a linn lp12 turntable and maggie3a speakers.If anyone else has any ideas based on the equipment that would be helpful.Anyway agian thank you all and have a great New Year.
Danvetc: Highlights of Sony CD sound are: Outstanding sonic color (feels like being tickled); Dynamics; World class treble (cymbals in particular); Resolution (much longer decay times than I'm used to -akin to upsampling). I have to say I like this unit more for CD's than SACD. I've purchased 6-7 SACD (mostly Sony) and confess I'm disappointed. I think it's more a function of the source material than the technology and look forward to "pure" DSD recordings (get off your butt Sony). My system contains: ARC VT-100 (original, thank you), ARC LS-9 preamp, PS audio PS-300, Kimber KCAG (balanced) and Silver Streak (RCA); Nordost Blue Heaven to Audio Artistry Dvorak mains (Linn wire to subs powered by Carver A/V receiver).
I was in your situation 6 months ago and my choice was narrowed down to the Linn Ikemi and Electrocompaniet EMC-1. I end up getting the EMC-1 and until now when I think about it I'm glad I bought the EMC-1. 'nuff said.
check out out new Granite Audio #650 cd player for $750.00 -- List is $1500.00 the reviews are fantastic ..we have a in home demo program so YOU can decide !! check our web site at - good listening stephen
ask your self! what music do i like - what sort of sound do i want(fast and pacy or laid back) what equipment am i partnering it with---AND how much am i willing to spend!--(do you care what it looks like) read different mags--email them 4 advise-- check out ya mates rigs and of course phone/visit a very good dealer/s and narrow your choices down then purchase--maybe you'll find a clean used unit on audiogon and that will be a bargain!
Thanks Sugarbrie. I have found the Sony SACD players to not do as well with CDs as a lot of good CD players. I have never had a chance to listen to them in a real good system(the dealers who carry them don't have the best systems), but the dealer told me he felt the same way. Said he didn't want to tell anyone, on account that people would think he was crazy, but since I came out and said it... Does anyone else feel this way, or do I need more time with the Sony players?