Thank you Veterans!

I just wanted to thank ALL veterans for your great sacrifices. Everyday should be Veterans Day. 


mr_m, looks like six degrees of separation from anything or anyone is a real thing and it this case, a good thing. 

All the best,




Nice video of the flag raising on Iwo Jima. My former Chiropractor up in northern Wisconsin is the son of Joe Bradley, one of the soldier's that raised the American flag on that famous picture!

Well said.

Also, thank you to the cops and firefighters who go off to work every day to protect us.

I think it would be best to contact your representatives in Congress to increase funding for the VA, as a way to show your respect for those who served.

Just today, one veteran committed suicide at the Lincoln Memorial.


Band of Brothers is on today. Really seemingly accurate portrayal of the horrors of war. 

Thanks to all veterans and their families.

Post removed 

Thanks to all who have served to protect and preserve our Constitutional freedoms.

This was the theater my dad fought in. 2 Puprle Hearts and a Bronze Star (it mught have been a Silver Star but I can't recall).

All the best,


Agree 100%. I grew up in a military family and my Father died in a training accident (chopper crash in Panama).

Just happy for the time we had and he was deployed several times.

Every day should be Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

Have a great day.