Speed Controller for Technics Mk3 lost in shipment, so I need a replacement.

Anyone out there know someone who has one?

Happy to reward a successful referral.

What should one of these cost these days?

Thanks very much in advance for any help you can provide.

Gentle people.
I have, had a controller with the voltage selector. 
I bypassed the selector which was a worthwhile improvement. But obviously, do this at your own risk and put a clear warning note on the rotary switch showing that it is no longer active.
The service manual shows the required wiring to set up the transformer to the local voltage.
You also need to consider the effect this change would have on the value of the unit once done. 
That said, it could be reversed if you decide to sell at a later date.

Cdk84, I am afraid the aforementioned 100v 50Hz/60Hz Technics Sp10Mk3 power supply as mentioned above has already sold.  However, we just received another power supply for which you, or perhaps another person, may be interested in.  This model is the rare Technics Sp10Mk3 XA series power supply, which is readily switch configurable for 110v/120v 60Hz and 210v/220v 50Hz operation.  Actual pictures of the power supply, including interior, can be provided upon request.  Operational condition and functionality is flawless.  Anyone please PM with questions.  On a last note, we occasionally work directly with Bill Thalman as well as Soren Wittrup in Chicago.   


I have a Technics SP10mk3 with Krebs Mk2 mods in a Porter Plinth and restored by Bill Thalmann. This is actually my second unit. I had an earlier one which I sold to a fellow audiophile in Australia. Great TT. Hope you get the power supply and get to enjoy the unit.

Cdk84, Since my policy for posting on this or any other thread is never to be offensive, your remark set me to re-reading all of my posts, because I had a feeling I might have been the one who offended you.  Obviously, my remark was in jest.  At that point in time, your post was about a year old, and you had seemingly abandoned the thread entirely.  I had no way of knowing of your recent tragedy, and I would never make light of such a sad event.  Please accept my apology and my condolences for your loss, as well.
Cdk, I am anticipating arrival of a clients spare Technics Sp10Mk3 power supply/controller shortly, which will be offered for sale with transferable warranty.  This model was originally serviced, bench tested and rebuilt by Soren Wittrup (CS Electronics), a real legend in the realm of high end electronics technicians specializing in part with open reel to reel services and modifications.  Soren is endorsed by recording industry guru John Klett and has worked as a private contractor for a variety of major recording studios and professional venues.  PM me if you are interested.       

I'm considering picking up a SP10MK3 with a power supply, maybe I can figure out how to make new ones, when I do ill let you know.

Good Listening

Well, everyone, Thanks so much for your input on the speed controller.

I love the amount of experience that is shared here. Almost all of us have benefitted from that at some point.

Albert Porter was the first person I approached about this, Bill Thallman was the second.

As soon as I found my first MkIII, I found a speed controller on ebay, and bought it. The seller, in Switzerland, sent me the wrong package and the speed controller went Heaven knows where. I tried to get back my money but the seller was either disorganized, dishonest, or both. Either way I have two MkIII tables with no speed controller!

Since the first unit, I haven't found another speed controller. People have made any number of suggestions for people who might have one, but I've not made any effective connections, and some people in the industry who are well thought of have not even returned my (numerous) calls. Frustrating.

That said, I am open to trading a SP10 MkIII base in good condition as partial payment toward a speed controller, operative or not.

Hope to hear from someone with a solid lead.

I didn't follow up with this because I've had family priorities. The comments about my still being alive aren't in particularly good taste. While I understand being light and I try to have a good sense of humor, my wife died in June. The speed controller dropped in priority, as I'm sure you understand.
I know Cdk84 and he lives just down the street. I will inform him of the recent activity in this thread. I know he has two SP10 Mk3s. I helped him mount his SME V-12 arm and Air Tight Supreme cartridge last weekend and he was ordering the correct bolts to mount the turntable to the custom plinth.

He hopes to have at least one of the tables up and running by this weekend.
Glad that you are enjoying my upgrade.

Re a controller for the SP10 MK3
The motor unit has all of the infrastructure in place. Commutation and speed sensors.
There are a number of quality industrial PMSM controllers that could likely work well. They are expensive and can be a time consuming pig to program. Thus one would need deep pockets indeed to go down this road.
Sorry, Ralph. I was referring to the OP's original question; he is or was searching for a complete Mk3 outboard PS. There is a lot more to that than just addressing the difference in wall voltage between the US and (Eastern) Japanese standards of 120VAC vs 100VAC, respectively. As you probably know, the Mk3 outboard box contains all the servo drive circuits as well as a PS to produce the various needed DC voltages. However, his post is now about a year old, and he has probably moved on to other audio concerns. So, we're basically talking to each other.
11-22-15: Lewm
That's lovely, for someone with a Mk2 or 2A. I am loving my Mk3, however, now with Krebs modification. Was listening to it all day today. Incidentally, if the OP is still alive and still cares, it is not out of the question that Richard Krebs might know who or how to build a Mk3 supply complete with servo circuits.

The OP would be advised to contact Bill Thalman. Richardkrebs has used Bill Thalman to repair his own power supply on occasions.
Lew, Just for the record the bucking technique I described does not use an isolation transformer and is a lot less expensive- literally can be done for under $20.00 in parts.
That's lovely, for someone with a Mk2 or 2A. I am loving my Mk3, however, now with Krebs modification. Was listening to it all day today. Incidentally, if the OP is still alive and still cares, it is not out of the question that Richard Krebs might know who or how to build a Mk3 supply complete with servo circuits.
Lewm, you are absolutely right the one above I suggested is for a Mk2, not a Mk3.
Recently picked up a MK2 sans its power supply for restoration, so I had to make a replacement power supply, turned out rather nicely I think.

SP10Mk2 Replacement Power Supply

Good Listening

120V to 100V step-down transformer is a common item that can be bought from eBay or any reputable mail order electronics supply house for low dollars. I have two of them in house, one for a Kenwood L07D and one for a Denon DP80. No biggie. Just make sure the wattage rating is more than adequate for the Mk3 supply, if indeed you can find any Mk3 supply.

PBN, I have seen that SP10 PS from England before. If memory serves, it is for a Mk2, not for a Mk3. But I sure could be wrong. As Chris points out, the Mk3 supply is much more difficult to build from scratch and much more complex, compared to a Mk2 supply, because it contains all the servo logic circuits, whereas in the Mk2, the analogous circuits are built into the TT chassis proper. The Mk2 outboard supply is naught but a source for regulated DC voltages needed to run the works. So, if the OP is still listening, be sure to ask whether that PS works for a Mk3, if you are at all interested.
Its simple: You can use a small power transformer that makes 20 volts to 'buck' the US AC line voltage down to 100volts (120V - 20 =100V).

The transformer need only handle the current required which is not a lot. The result is that it would be so small you should be able to find room in the power supply, despite its rather tight construction.

Any competent technician will know how to set up a bucking transformer connection.

Would you describe this method of conversion or some source of information?

Thank you,

If you can find a 100V unit, there is a simple method of making them work on 117V without an isolation/stepup transformer.

That might open up your possibilities.
Many factors are to be taken into consideration, much will depend upon geographic location, private or commercial seller, operational and cosmetic condition, whether or not the unit is original or restored (including the origination of service) and native voltage operating requirements. The rarest type, universal selectable 110v/120v/210v/220v/50Hz/60Hz voltage Technics Sp10Mk3 power supply will most typically demand higher prices than the most common 100v/50Hz/60Hz power supply or even the less seldom seen 120v/60Hz North American model. Considering the vital role of the Sp10Mk3's power supply, which of course contains the primary logic, drive and controller boards, its value will well exceed that of just an orphaned Mk3 motor, platter unit. I am afraid there is no etched in stone black and white answer, however, the market will usually dictate the demand and subsequently the asking price of rare and desirable components such as this.