Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One

This is a bit of a loaded question, and the Forever line is probably still too new, but I'm going to toss this out anyway. 

For backstory, I currently have a Mofi Ultradeck and it's treated me very well, but I'm starting to think about the next step and which piece I'd like to save for.

The Technics obviously has a legendary status, and is probably one of the lowest maintenance tables on the market. However they have become much more difficult to demo and you really have to purchase on blind faith that it will live up to expectations. The only time I've ever seen a 1200G was when I purchased my UD back in 2018 I demoed it alongside a 1200GR the dealer has one on display but I didn't get to hear it. That was before Technics scaled back to only higher volume dealers, which is somewhat annoying as a customer. But it's also the more affordable of the two options and I've also noticed the number of reviewers that continue to depend on the 1200G for their main systems. Obviously the option to quickly change headshells is part of the reason for reviewers, and that wouldn't really apply for me because I'm much more of a one cart type of person. But none the less, the 1200G sounds like a no brainer on paper. 

However, I've always loved the looks and sound of VPI tables. I've heard several over the past decade, and every time I've enjoyed the sound and performance regardless of surroundings system and cartridge. It also helps that I normally hear them in fairly high end systems with quality cartridges. Last weekend I also got to meet Mat Wiesfeld at SWAF and got to spend a solid amount of time evaluating the Forever Model One. I really liked the sound of the table, love the look, and the modular design is interesting but also might be annoying. But the upgradability and repair options does have a real appeal to it, especially when I think about long term upgrades. The ownership experience will not be as easy. Replacing belts, oiling bearings, manual belt speed changes, suspended design. While it certainly seems easier to own than the older unipivot arms, it will require more effort and TLC. But it does have a cool factor that I just don't get from the Technics, and the idea of upgrading speed controls and arms over time does sound cool. I also have more faith that VPI will continue to honor service well past the production period of the Forever One. I'm not sure I have that same faith in Panasonic once the 1200G is discontinued. 

Would love to hear thoughts from others on which direction you would go and what pushes you that way. 


Have you thought about comparing the Technics 1200G to the Pioneer PLX-1000

those 2 turntables would be very similar, and the Pioneer is less than 1/2 the price.

@alucard19 No offense but I would not put the PLX-1000 in the same category as the 1200G in any way except for looks. There are a number of reasons that table cost a fraction of the price. 

"PLX-1000 in the same category as the 1200G"

Comparing a base model sedan with smallest motor and hand crank windows to turbocharged, computer controlled everything flagship.

Perhaps underneath everything the core used is made by same manufacturer, but NOT identical?

PLX however, does get high marks for the price.

Perhaps I can help.  I have 3 turntables: In my main system, sitting next to each other are a VPI HW40 and an SL1200 GAE; at our second home sits my VPI HW19 MkIII with SME arm that I bought new in 1986.  This latter, while not as spiffy as the Forever One, is undoubtedly the inspiration for it.  I also owned a fully pimped out VPI Prime, which was traded in toward the HW40.  And I had a fully KAB modified SL1200 MK 2 before the GAE.  So I not only own these turntables, I have a few hours of time evaluating them.  When a college student I worked in HiFi stores and became a turntable setup man too.  So those are my qualifications.  As you have already been advised, you can't go wrong either way.  The two turntables will sound different, both because one is direct drive and the other is belt drive, but even more importantly because of their arms.  The best way to evaluate the difference is to buy both and set them up at home and listen to them.  Preferably using identical cartridges.  I know that is a bit much, but that is the only way to be absolutely sure of the difference sound to sound.  Otherwise recognize that either will sound just fine and go with your heart in the knowledge that within a short time your ears will break in, or in other words, you will adapt to the one you have decided upon.  Now let me speak of this matter in another context.  No matter which one you choose it will undoubtedly give you many years of faithful service.  Speaking first from my experience with VPI, every 4 or 5 years it needs a new belt, currently $30.  I clean and relubricate the bearing at that interval using bicycle bearing grease that I always have on hand.  The whole task without rushing takes maybe 30 minutes.  Last year I had the arm rebuilt by SME in Canada after almost 30 years.  I have had occasion to call VPI for other reasons too.  I also own record cleaning machines etc. and these people answer their telephone.  They have parts for everything I have ever needed.  By contrast Technics is not the same animal. It is just a big corporation.  Currently the arm on my GAE needs service as the VTA adjustment is frozen.  This is a common problem.  It is not easy to repair and it is not easy to find qualified support.  KAB could do it if I want to ship the turntable from South Florida to New Jersey, but that would entail entrusting it to the tender mercies of a courier service.  So as a practical matter, in terms of long term ownership, VPI is the clear winner in my opinion.  YRMV, but I doubt it.