Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I think this is another question you should ask directly to SR. I wouldn't think it would work.
I am looking to find Acrylic shelving for my equipment. I have a full S.R Tesla system with a Powercell 10SE and was suggested to me to get Acrylic for a shelf material as it will have the best results with the S.R active sheilding technology. I am also looking to purchase several sets of miggs to capitalize on the component tuning process which will be optimal with acrylic. I live in Canada so hopefully a close dealer would be preferred. Help anyone..Thx all...

Regards Bacardi

The other day I dropped in to my local Store, Music Lovers Audio is SF. It just so happened that Elliot was there setting up the reference room with ART and doing a demo of the Galileo and MIGS, He'd been there for a few hours and it so happened that we crossed paths by the water cooler. He invited me in to hear the room, one which I have a great deal of experience with and after a few seconds I realized the room was basically gone. The system had never sounded as good, as open and as spectacular. I was just about to get my bearings when he switched the MIGS from ambient to pin-point under the amp and there it was, a whole new sound.

He didn't tell me what was what, but it was such a huge shift that I would not have believed it if I hadn't hear it.

Simply amazing and a bargain.

Hi Guys,
I would like to ask for advice how to properly use Universal Speaker Cells with stand mounted speakers.

If I assume correctly the wires used for tails between cells and speaker binding posts are not as high quality as let say Tesla Apex cables. So should we try to make tails from cells as short as possible and make higher quality speaker cables to be as long as possible?
If so is it better to hang cells in cells with stand mounted speakers or let them normally rest on the floor and leave 32 inch tails long?

Second question – did I understand correctly that with cells I need one MPC for cells and another one for active shielding speaker cables used with cells? With full system cabled with cells and Tesla cables it going to be insane…
Regarding your first question, that is what I asked Elliot last week. He said the quality of the tails was the same as Apex, just insulated differently.... I don't have my demos yet to physically compare.
Milimetr, the cable leads to the speaker binding posts are 36" long and the connections are about 4" off the floor. My stands are 28" tall and the connections on my LSA1 Statements are at the bottom of the speakers. I don't think you or I will have any problem with the Universal Speaker Cell wires.

The Cells also come with a very long connection wire allowing one Galileo MPC to be used to both speakers. The Apex speaker wire's charger connection is at the amp end. The Apex speaker wires are thick and stiff so they might twist the Universal Cells around, but you can shape them to not have them do so.

I strongly recommend both the Galileo Universal Speaker Cells as well as the Galileo Universal Interconnect Cells.
I believe that the tails are available in 3 standard length.
A 16 inch pairs come standard with speaker cells but you can get longer lengths. I definitely think that they are worthwhile addition. I did get extension leads for MPC for speaker cells so a Galileo MPC with dual leads can reach both speaker cells.
Yes, you need one MPC for speaker cables and one for speaker cells. The blue LED on speaker cells are significantly brighter but you can rotate them and point them in different direction unlike the LED on cables.
Suteetat, maybe available in 3 standard lengths, but I didn't specify and got 36 inchers. The extension leads for the MPS on the Speaker Cells is standard.
Thank you guys for answers.

Does anybody used Cells (speaker or interconnect) with cables other than SR? What results?

Deos cells worth consideration regardless of cable barand used?
Cable Company told me about 3 choices for tail length. I runs 2 pair of 16 inches tails for biwiring.
One caution as it has been mention, Speaker Cells are quite light and with Apex speaker cables, they may not sit so easily on the floor. Also, my speaker terminals are about 12 inches off the floor so I thought that 16 inches tail would be enough. I was wrong. The tail are not very stiff but not exactly flexible either and 2 pairs of them with Apex speaker cables at the other end, I could not really find a way to have the speaker cells sit on the floor without putting extra weight on them. In the end, I have to get a 2 inches block to put under speaker cells so all spikes on the speaker cells can have solid contact with the floor.
Milimetr, I have tried the Interconnect Cells with Townshend interconnects. I would definitely say that the Cells improved the Townshends, but the SR Apexs are definitely better. However, I have a Summer home and am going to use the Townshends there with the Cells.
Have you got any idea what is inside cells? Are there any parts in signal path? I liked SR idea of active shielding without mess in signal path. I would not like that SR turn into MIT or Transparent.
I understand it is the same technology as the PowerCell and as I understand that charged plates are the key.
The Galileo Cells like Active Shielding and the PowerCell, use close proximity electromagnetic fields to condition signal out-side-the-signal-path. Aside from the fact its Electromagnetic Cell is enclosed in a "box" Galileo Cells have noting in common with network cables that work by placing filters in the signal path.

As to Galilleo Universal Speaker Cells the leads are available in three different sizes that should connect any pair of speakers up to Tri-Wire. Should you have a speaker that requires longer length leads, we will custom build leads to spec.

I hope this helps.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I just wanted to let you all know. I had the Synergistic ART room treatment setup in my room for a few months. In addition to the GIK panels, the Synergistic Research ART room treatment is the single most important improvement of all Synergistic products, because it correctly treats the room. It centers the image and widens the soundstage and even outs the bass. The resonators really work. It is worth a demo from The Cable Company. Even if you dont have any Synergistic products, I would give this a try.
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Ted, I just did the now recommended halfway between the front of the speakers and your ears on the Magnetrons. I am amazed at what this did for the involvement in the soundstage and ease of the sound. The image is now higher as well. Why did I not do this before?? Nothing else was changed.
I know what you mean; I have learned a great deal regarding Acoustic ART placement from voicing our new design studio. Let me know what you think about the additional Magnetron placements (hopefully before the end of the month).

Tvad if you are planning a visit to the SR design studio it will have to wait untill early July as I am getting ready so sail a small boat from Hawaii to California.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
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Tvad, these are very strange devices as it is hard to say why there is a breakin, but there certainly is. I have found that you can gently move them beneath components with little needed settling in. But if they are jared, they may take several hours. There placement under a component makes are great difference.

What I have recently noticed is that my initial preference for most being in the Ambience placement is now reversed. I have switched the phono and dac to pin-point placement.

I just had a visitor who was just incredulous at the sound. He said how is this done, adding that he has heard many expensive systems. He was here on other business and needed to get back to Dallas, so I did no a/b comparisons. As he left he was still babbling.

Ted, I suspect trial and error are the only way to see what works. True?
In addition to listening to your MiGs in pin-point vs ambient configurations, experiment with how close to the edge (of your components) you set them. After you find placement in relation to the edge of your components, as well as the configuration (pin-point vs ambient), give them a couple of days to settle in and you'll know.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
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Just ordered a set of miggs today. Should receive them early next week. If I like on my Blu Ray player,, I will order two more sets for my pre amp and Powercell 10SE....

Regards Bacardi
I have now had several people who had previously heard my present system who have listened in the last several days after I merely moved the Magnetrons on the side back to half-way between the front of my Tidal speakers and my ears. Both asked what I had changed. Neither would believe that it was merely the location of the Magnetrons. I was unwilling to move them back, but for one guy I remove the bowls. He was shocked at the loss of realism.
I have just ordered a set of Galileo speaker cells I'll let you know how I get on. I saw them at the recent London Heathrow hifi show on Soulution, Gershman Black swan system. It was the most open and engaging sound at the show and I was especially amazed when the chaps said they were using the basic synergistic cables.

In regards to the new recommended placement for the ART system, has anything else changed besides the placement of the side satellites? Anywhere I can read these new recommendations? I've still yet to finish setting mine up! stupid window...

I did however receive a demo set of universal speaker cells the other day. I tried them with my cheapo audioquest cables and was impressed with the improvement. Then I decided I'd try the cables that came with the cells and was blown away. They're settling in right now so I can do some real listening next week :)

I haven't moved my migs since I put them in. What difference in sound does moving them further inward under the component make? I have them at the recommended 1" from edge placement.
Adwiegert, there will soon be a recommendation of using four new Magnetrons, all on the front or speaker wall, and one new Bass Station for your rear wall. The new sidewall, Magnetron position does wonders.

All that I can say about MIG positioning is to try alternatives. If you move them under a component, do so smoothly. These things don't like to be moved. I have found there to be little to predict what will be best other than to have about the same load on each foot. After they are broken in (yeah, I know that sounds like nonsense for footers, but it is true), I prefer the "pin-point" position. I again tried putting three under my Mac Powerbook that I use as a server. I am again shocked at how effective these feet are.
I agree about MIG under computer. While there were noticeable changes with DAC, amp etc, I found the biggest improvement in my system when I placed them under my computer server also. However, it was the fifth set of MIG in my system so I don't know if it is the accumulated effect or if the computer actually benefited more from MIG or what.

The other day, I unplugged speaker cells for a little bit. I was surprise at how big an effect it has on the sound. Not that Apex on its own sounds bad but I don't think I ever wanted to remove speaker cells from my system again :)
If anyone can expand on this new placement I would love to hear more exacting details.
Adwiegert, my Mac laptop sits on two MIGs in the back and one in the front, all in the Pin-Point configuration. All of this is on top my StillPoints rack, which of course means I am gilding the lilly. Nevertheless, it makes a big difference. Last night it was not sounding as good as it had been. I noticed that the screen of the computer was against the crossbar of the rack. When I closed it just enough to clear the crossbar, all was well again.
I can't find anything online about this new ART placement. I'd like to try the new changes but can't if I don't know what they are.
I think the initial placement is as it was, except that the Vibratron is more open in its placement, requiring more experimentation. And this entails a stand for it, like SR uses at shows. The side wall Magnetrons go half way between your ears and the face of your speakers. The Gravatron is place as in the past, high on the back wall.

The four new Magnatrons go on the speaker wall between 3 and 6 inches from the side wall, with one pair at the same level as the Vibratron. The second set go above the first somewhere about 2.5 feet up.

The additional bass station goes somewhere on the back wall in a corner. Here experimentation is most important.

These instructions when finalized will appear on their webpage. I had asked about treating a small 10 x 13 x 8 foot room, but hold for all rooms at least up to a very large size.
Wow, so much extra stuff to add to your audio system adds up to big $$$ for....

Is there any room left in the room of tweeks and stuff to sit down for a listen?

On Monday there will be a new efferator released to the market that will tie into your speakers that will cause the music to jump out and touch you in a 3D way. It comes in two models, one where the music hits you with a mild swat in the face and the more $$$ one slams you in the face and says, "Hand over to me more $$$ for the 3rd version and see what I will do".
Glory, yes this all would be quite expensive. I am going to try adding two Basik art systems after I use them in my small listening room in a summer home.

I am assured that a 10 x 13 x 8 foot room can be made to sound much larger. I will report on this later when I get this all settled down. Then in the Fall when I return to my home in Texas, I will bring both sets back with me and use them to complement my ART system here.

Were it not for hearing the ART system demonstrated, I probably would not have bought this system and greatly benefited from it.

I feel largely the same about the MIGs. Both are implausible but have great benefits. And the MIGs are cheap. I still am perplexed as to how and why the MIGs work, but nevertheless enjoy their benefit.
Thank you TBG!
I wonder, since I use the BASIK system, if these recommendations work for it as well. IE add a second BASIK kit, using the 4 satellites on the speaker wall in addition to the satellite used in lieu of the Vibratron, and then the bass station put in the rear.
Adwiegert, that is precisely what I will be doing in New Mexico. I doubt if it will be the equal of the full-blown ART system. I have never heard the Basik system.
Maxwellssilverhammer, Did you get your speaker cells yet? Let us know your impressions. I have not tried them yet and calling for a demo soon. I always try before I buy and keep items that show marked improvement in my system. I never buy things just to have them like others may think. I have tried many other products and nothing is as good as the Synergistic equipment in my system. If I would find another product better, I would own it. ;-)
I've had the speaker cells installed for about 2 days now. My system was very highly resolving before the cells addition and remains so. I am noticing 3 things so far - the imaging seems a bit better and there seems to be a bit more air around the instruments, which is good. What I don't like is that the soundstage seems to have backed up about 6-8 feet.

This is what I have noticed so far after about 8 hours of play over 2 days.
I agree the PowerCell's highly glossy plastic polymer used for the chassis is way too prone to inadvertent scratches. It is one of the few pieces of audio equipment that actually made me want to use those silly white gloves that come with some audio products. A matte metal or plastic finish would allow the unit to keep its looks.

Personally, I ultimately didn't find the PowerCell 6 to work for me. It increased dynamics by making the music seem a bit "technicolor", which was nice for short listening sessions but got a little fatiguing over longer listening sessions. Admittedly, I am very sensitive to overly revealing/bright sound signatures, so I may be a special case. If your system sounds dull, the power conditioner is great. But if it is already highly resolved and revealing, it may be too much of a good thing to add the PowerCell conditioner.

Finally, all the glowing blue lights of the SR cords and the power conditioner are annoying. You cannot darken a room completely when the MPCs are plugged in. Unless behind a rack, a SR-based system starts to resemble the space ship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Shouldn't the sound itself, rather than a neon blue light, tell you that the SR power cords are working?

Electrical tape... use it, it works wonders for hiding the LED light without changing the sound any.
I'd like to hear about additional experiences from existing speaker cell users and also people who tried them but didn't get them. To me they seems like power cells for my speakers and I'm in that gray area of almost "too much of a good thing" since my system was already highly resolving prior to their insertion. Am I the only one with this concern?

Thanks for your feedback.....
Hi Flanner2010, Did you try comparing them connected to the Apex speaker cables and the Galileo Basik speaker cables that are included for free? What were the results? That goes the same for the Apex interconnects plus cells Vs. the Galileo Basik interconnect plus cells.
I did not. My Apex cables are 12'. Even if they were only 6', it would seem like a step backwards. I've got a pretty special 32-bit 20 DACs/side APL DAC prototype that already takes the whole system up several notches, as well as a Powercell 10SE, Holgram PCs, Apex cables, etc., etc. I know there are worse problems to have.... :-)

Maybe I just need to keep listening....... I'm also wondering if there is a break-in period similar to the powercells?
Most definitely there is. The cells that I borrowed were just starting to come into their own when my time with them ran out. They were stunning in my system though!
Has anyone used or know of the Quantum Ground Lifter. What is it's function???

Regards Bacardi
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