Stacking mats on Technics SP-10R

I have a new Technics SP-10R on the way, and I'm going to need to stack several mats on it the majority of the time for purposes of centering records. I collect and restore 78s, and a good portion of them are pressed sligtly off-center. The mats need to be high enough so that the record is seated within the round part of the top of the spindle. My arm, of course, has plenty of VTA adjustment to allow for this. I'm thinking that it's probably fine to get a bunch of generic silicone rubber mats and call it a day. An engineer friend who does a similar thing said he just collected old Technics SP-10/15 mats. Would this be optimal? The goal is to keep things as neutral and undistorted as possible.


With the problems of 78 rpm and the cost of the SP10R it was better to buy a used Nakamichi TX1000 and no more problems.
There is a serious risk that the remedy to improve reading of eccentric grooves by adding mats to mats is worse than evil.

reading comprehension not a strength, see OP statement about willingness and capability to adjust ….VTA


Stacking mats will jack VTA so far out of kilter I'm amazed anyone who cares at all about sound quality would even consider it. Especially since what it means is trying to center the record by hand. 

So imagine, you got a record on a stack of mats 1/4" high, which means VTA off by a whopping 1/4", playing a record wobbling around - and this is at 78rpm! Crazy!

stacking mats will work of course but it seems you might want to consider a rigid solution for the majority of the 'lift' ( metal, pom, whatever you think is right ) and then a single mat.

"  An engineer friend who does a similar thing said he just collected old Technics SP-10/15 mats. "


doesnt the OP's answer his own question ?

lewm, He has 78s with holes off-center. Stacking mats raises the record to the top of the spindle allowing him to position the record to be centered on the platter. He could drill a whole stack of them all at once and have them be centered, but for some reason prefers to mess around fussing with them one by one by hand.

I'm with fuzztone on the OL mat.

Sorry, I don’t get why you need to stack mats in order to correct for eccentric 78s. And most of us wouldn’t know what mat sounds best with old 78s, which I assume could be shellac. For vinyl, I definitely would not recommend the original SP10 mat(s).

Wouldn't it be easier to make a jig and drill them all to be centered? 

Whatever you end up leave a silly millimeter for an Origin Live mat in top.