Stacking mats on Technics SP-10R

I have a new Technics SP-10R on the way, and I'm going to need to stack several mats on it the majority of the time for purposes of centering records. I collect and restore 78s, and a good portion of them are pressed sligtly off-center. The mats need to be high enough so that the record is seated within the round part of the top of the spindle. My arm, of course, has plenty of VTA adjustment to allow for this. I'm thinking that it's probably fine to get a bunch of generic silicone rubber mats and call it a day. An engineer friend who does a similar thing said he just collected old Technics SP-10/15 mats. Would this be optimal? The goal is to keep things as neutral and undistorted as possible.


Showing 1 response by fuzztone

Whatever you end up leave a silly millimeter for an Origin Live mat in top.