Small space subwoofer: REL, Speedwoofer, ML


Pros/cons for the following subs in a small room with a single-driver speaker:

Martin Logan 800X

Speedwoofer 10S

REL t5i

Thanks - Michael
jss49 and b-limo - thank for the continued assurance on REL. I'm thinking REL suggested the 5 due to the size of the main speaker driver (3"). The 5 may mix in slightly better than the 7. It would be great to try both. Maybe I'll buy one of each and see what works best and return the other.
Rel.  Get a pair of T7i’s.

the T5i and T7i both use the same 8” driver.  The T5i is downward firing whereas the T7i is forward firing and has a 10” downward firing passive radiator, the same downward firing passive radiator as in the larger T9i.

Yep, a pair of T7i’s snd you’ll be good!  The downward firing drivers make the rumble, the forward firing drivers give it that hit you in the chest punch.

Pretty easy to integrate and set-up RELs too once you’ve done it.  Turn the crossover wide open, then turn up the volume until you hear it blend with the mains.  Now turn the crossover down until you can’t hear it overlapping the mains.

Volume will be dialed in with one small click of the volume knob.  You can play around with it but one click up or down is all you need in order to really dial it in.  
Pretty much everything I stated is on RELs website!  Great subs.  Very musical and fast subs with great finesse.  Their amps, crossovers, filters are supposedly uniquely “fast” in their response time.  8 ms compared to the usual 30-50ms if I remember correctly.  
Anyways, RELs are cool subs!  I do like SVS as well and rhythmik are supposed to be good to. 

in hi fi hi end audio there are usually complicated answers to various equipment questions

for 2 channel music with dynamic box speakers ... rel is always the right answer (not the only answer, but never the wrong answer, often the best answer) - that is what they do, they do it properly and their quality (after brief lull in the the late 2000’s when they moved production to china) is excellent

a pair will generally do wonders, but in a small room, if you are patient with setup and follow their instructions meticulously, one may be enough -- remember, use the high level input with speakon connector

no affiliation to rel (just have had roughly a dozen of their subs over the years, a pair of storms now in main system when needed)

properly implemented subs in many, if not most 2 channel systems is revelatory
Thanks for the replies: +3 for RELs - they suggested the T5i when I gave them my information. I'm likely to try one and possibly add a 2nd if warranted. Any other experiences still welcome! I'll wait until after the madness of holiday shipping before I place an order.
I agree with jjss49 the T5i really kicks. Very surprising little sub. Fast, articulate. An excellent musical sub.
lil rels are outstanding - make sure you use the high level output and follow instructions carefully

CHeck out the GIK Acoustic Soffit traps.  Very effective and relatively inexpensive for bass traps.

SVS is a great idea due to built in parametric EQ on some models.
Room size is 8X14, speakers are Finale Audio Vivace Mini. SVS is still on the list, but my impression is that the others would potentially blend better. Room treatment is blinds, couch and carpet, still looking to get room tunes up in the corners.

Be more specific.  How small, what single driver speakers, and what room treatment if any do you have already??