Shunyata Alpha/Delta NR Line.

Does anyone have experience with the new line of NR cables? How would it compare with the previous line of Shunyata cables especially the Alpha HC or digital?
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I recently tried the alpha and delta V2 in my system on loan from the cable company. I also tried a Voodoo cable (don’t recall the model but it was very thick, large gauge). My system was already wired with Nordost (Tyr and Frey). I did this because one day I moved my one Tyr onto my preamp (from the amp) and it really opened up the system, seemed to have the most impact there out of anywhere else. So for fun I tried a Pangea 7 gauge copper cable on the amp since the Tyr was gone, and while not as clear as the Nordost, it did some really great things the Nordost didn’t. So that’s when I thought to try some more big copper cables. Long story short, the Alpha V2 was the best of any of the cables on the amp; very clear and smooth sounding while retaining a full body. I bought one for the amp (Luxman M900). I also thought the Delta was a great cable and a really good deal for the price, but it did not quite have the clarity or openness of the alpha. Since I had the Delta still, I tried it elsewhere in the system (DAC, preamp) and did not like it as much as the other Nordost cables, which of course were 3x the price or more. Overall I find the Shunyata cables to be very smooth and natural sounding with excellent midrange detail. They don’t have quite the top end clarity of the more expensive Nordost cables, but then that’s what Nordost excels at IME. I think having the two brands in the system is also bringing some kind of synergy and balance overall.  As with everything you really have to try different things and see how it comes out.
Hi @guakus.Go to the bottom of this page:

You will see the difference between Delta vs Alpha and Sigma. Not just the gauge, check the jacket, carbon fiber on Alpha and Sigma vs Polycarbonate on Delta.

With regards to gauge, check the Dynamic Transient Current Delivery (DTCD) on Shunyata website under technology 
I own a 3 meter XLR pair of the the Shunyata Sigma V2's and it has been my best interconnect to date.

I have this same question:

" am seeking advice from users that have compared it to the Alpha or Sigma NR. On paper, they only differ in total wire gage ( 10ga. 8ga, 6ga). So if my gear doesnt need the extra gage diameter for power draw, what else could be improved upon the DeltaNR model ? "

I chose the Delta V2 XC because the Shunyata Venom V16 has the same NR components in the NR version of the cable. I personally enjoy the type of geometry that Shunyata uses on the Reference line.  Concentric circles of layered copper as one conductor and the other a silver conductor at the center core.  This isn't too far off from Cardas' style of "golden ratio" cable design.

Looking at the Alpha and Sigma versions, they add $1000 to the price tag and what you get is thicker gauge of both conductors. Whereas my setup isn't really drawing so much power as to require thicker gauge, there is still the idea that the more conductor you have, the lower the impedance there is in transfer of signal.

So the question is, how would larger gauge impact the sound quality?
Allhifi: haven’t been in here in a while.
I’ve no need to get other equipment to evaluate the shunyata, thanks. There’s been a flow of equipment throughout the house: ARC, Hegel, Parasound. And if I needed it, a dealership with things i USED to own: Wilson speakers, newer ARC. And with my ASC-designed room with 30-40 tube traps, that MORE than makes up for the reviews I read by others. It more than made up for what I heard when HP and I compared notes in the old days when he was alive, and I’d point out something HE missed. So there. Besides, I’m going on my 7th decade of life. No point buying something expensive and keeling over the next month. My family wouldn’t even know what to sell my Nordost stuff for. I’d like to spare them selling Valhalla for $400, thanks.

What was left unsaid was that I was once a reviewer for TAS and the equipment manager for the now defunct Fi Magazine. I’ve heard -and owned - equipment most salivate at. And my ears are the most important instrument in evaluations, not the equipment. Poorly set up ARC (meaning, crappy room acoustics - a common malady, by the way, from what i’ve seen, as well as in a dealer’s showroom with a 100k system, which, while more ’detailed,’ sounded less like anything ’live’ than I’ve heard in 40 years of High End listening and 60 years of being in bands, concert halls and other live venues before they starting using microphones and PA systems for Ella (vile!)) - and heard, in others’ systems - give far less musical satisfaction than using "good" but not SOTA equipment. I’ve owned, ARC, Jadis, Goldmund, Infinity, Avalon, Rowland, Convergent, Transparent, MIT, Nordost, VTL, VAC, Clearaudio, VPI and my prized Versa Dynamics 2.3 turntable, as well as many others. And a CJ ET3 SE is nothing to sneeze at (You hurt its feelings! I had to anti-static the poor dear when I told it about your response!) These days, I just want to enjoy music, not - as so many - the equipment. Try to keep an open mind about what can be heard without SOTA. And by the way, the ASL Hurricanes’ realism trumps nearly anything I’ve yet heard. Which is why I still own it after 15 years, longer even than my Goldmund Mimesis 9 (THE most transparent, $14,000 amp I’ve ever had, along with the $13,000 VAC amps). Both fantastic, but certainly NOT the "Good-God-it’s-live-not-Memorex" ability of the ASLs. "More detail" is no substitute for "it actually sounds ’real.’" Have you ever heard the Hurricanes? Doesn’t sound like you have or you’d have kept the disbelief in check. I get it. "Marquee value" impresses you. It did to me, too - 30 years ago. Then I grew past it.
Am using Delta NR in place of a Python HX (hmm, green ends? Dont want to run 2 flights down to ck) on my Oppo 205. It has provided a nice small bump in sonics. Have a Hydra 2 & 20a Python feeding it.
gbmcleod: Seriously,  " ...NAD integrateds (I have several different models),  CJ/Antique Sound Lab..."  in evaluating Shunyata cables ?

Hmmm, it may be a really good idea to seriously consider equipment upgrades, before cable concerns -and (cable) performance remarks.

New Delta NR powercord owner here. I am seeking advice from users that have compared it to the Alpha or Sigma NR. On paper, they only differ in total wire gage ( 10ga. 8ga, 6ga). So if my gear doesnt need the extra gage diameter for power draw, what else could be improved upon the DeltaNR model ?

The Delta NR is for sure a nice upgrade over my Zitron Cobra. I do ear more into the recording. But I have to turn up the volume a little bit more than before , as if the built in noise reduction circuit reduces the dynamics a bit... I believe this is what the previous poster calls as ''a certain stillness''. I can also turn up the treble a bit more on my preamp. Is the cord rolling the highs...I don’t think so... bizarre effect nevertheless.

Opinions, experiences with this new line of pcs ?

I wouldn’t say that cables are "system dependent." I would say that many people have tailored their system towards a certain "type" of sound and when a cable comes in that contributes less to the sound, it can be mistakenly thought that it is the cable, rather than that the other components have colorations that are now showing through.

I wrote - on another thread - a post about my time with the Delta, where I found it to be highly detailed, with a very good sense of fullness (a la the Cobra ZiTron), but that, lacking the ZiTron technology, it has a certain "stillness," which is more akin to a shading towards "dryness." For example, Nordost has a "liquid" sound, as do MIT cables. Still the "stillness" does not push you away from the music at all. In fact, this generation of Shunyata cords has returned a "musciality" that had been subtly missing from previous generations, although Shunyata has always had a fully saturated tonal palette once you reach the a certain level. So, the Delta does have that trait, and it’s an important one if you listen to musical music (orchestral, or anything with acoustic instruments, which show "musicality" better than the highly processed recordings out now). The Clash's 'London Calling,' never sounded dry, but it isn't a 'musical' recording. So, for many, who listen to highly produced music, the criticisms will have less value. And, in fact, in this case, the resolution (you can really hear them in vocals, where you can almost always hear the singing taking a breath. In ALL previous generations of my Shunyata cables - including the Alpha HC - you will NOT hear the singer taking a breath. So, the low-level resolution is - from my observations - greater than the preceding generations's abilities in this area. And so, with pop music, you'll hear more of the instruments clearly. 

And keep in mind that this "dryness" showed up mostly in my NAD integrateds (I have several different models), but less so in my CJ/Antique Sound Lab setup, which is quite liquid. (I haven't het installed my tube integrated amp (also Antique Sound Labs, but a Class "A", 30 watt-number. I'll get around to that and let you know how it sounds. Also, it (the dryness) showed up more with digital than with vinyl, where it was far less evident. Analogue is a "freer" medium for sound, so the Delta allows that to be heard, so the sonics are a bit more liquid (again, my references are Carnegie Hall and The Metroplitan Opera, both in New York). (And the Bushnell in Hartford, CT). I don't stream music, so I have no idea how the Delta would sound on a music server. But for $700, it does a hell of a lot! (I just wish they'd put ZiTron technology into it and sold it for $1k).

Wow thanks everyone for the detailed explanation.  Gbmcleod you've had a lot of experience with Shunyata and it' nice to read about the models and their overall characteristics. I've owned the Python Helix in the past and currently have a Python CX.  The current line of NR cables seem to be much better than the previous models but like you said, it depends on what one needs in the system such as warmth, clarity and detail,  etc...
They were well broken-in. As I've already said, "cables are system dependant and results may vary." The Thunder impressed me so much I immediately ordered Hurricanes. Unfortunately they are on backorder for a couple of weeks. 
Were the cables new when you got them or had they already been used before? 

I tried Alpha NR and Sigma NR for several days. Cables are system dependent, but I decided to keep my Wireworld Silver Eclipse 7 power cords. I recently tried Audioquest's new Thunder power cord and preferred it to the Wireworld. I order Audioquest'S Hurricane, which is two levels above the Thunder. I recommend trying the Thunder in your 
P.S. Also have the Delta NR. Like it very, very much. And it's much less expensive than the Cobra Citron, which, when it came out was $995 in contrast to the Delta ($700). However!! You might - if you get the Delta NR -  order a longer length, since Shunyata's cords have shrunk in length: they started out 1.85 meters (72 inches) to 1.75 meters (68 inches). You can custom order a 2 meter pair for just slightly more money and get the full  78.7 inches. I prefer a longer cord. I'm not sure why they're shorter. Someone suggested "to compete?". I don't think so, but in any case, you might want a longer cord. I did. I found I couldn't get my amp's cord to reach to the PS Audio Power Plant (and wondered why). So, I'm opting for 2 meters. It's not that much more.

Yes. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.
The more recent generations (the newest and the Alpha) have greater noise reduction capabilities. At the same time, they reveal - to a greater degree than they used to - what your other components are doing. So if your component(s) is/(are) a bit...harsh-sounding, the current generations of Shunyata will not hide that.

Shunyata’s older generations of power cords had a "sweetness" built into them. Call it "sweetness" or call it "musicality" (the way music is in good concert halls). They might have even been a bit euphonic, but not to the point of making all music (including The Clash) sound "romantic." Just very slightly more "lush." Part of that lushness was the amount of "body" instruments had. A trombone was a very physically-present sounding instrument. Not just sound you could hear, but almost sound that you could touch. In that sense, similar to Transparent audio, which also had a very "rich" tone to its cables.

After the CX generation, the last generation with "warmth/sweetness" in them (and you should be able to hear it clearly and easily - if your equipment allows), the sound changed quite a bit. I didn’t notice the CX generation’s coloration until the ZiTrons came out, and then it was obvious that the CX colored the entire range of music. And then, the ZiTron cords came in. They had less inherent "sweetness,"which means they moved closer - in sonics - to Audio Research (ultra clear) whereas older generations of the Shunyata were more akin Conrad Johnson (beautifully musical (like Boston Symphony Hall, which has a rich tone to it) in contrast to Carnegie Hall (not as rich in tone since 1987, but still lovely). ZiTrons are highly detailed cords with very little coloration to them.

The Zitrons had that clarity-plus-lower-noise-floor first, then the Alphas even more of it and then the Sigma, the most. So, equipment that is more "analytical"-sounding will sound more like itself than in previous generations of Shunyata cords. But ALL generations of Shunyata’s power cords had noise reduction traits. The first generation did it thru some compound called ZeSi, which, when you turned the cord upside down, it sounded like a snake hissing. Hence the (older) name "Power Snakes."
I have or have owned, all generations of cords, by the way, including Cobra ZiTron, Alpha ZiTron and Sigma. (All the way back to Shunyata’s very first generation cord. Loved the King Cobra V2: sweet and dynamics to burn. It’s only flaw was a blurring in the upper midrange/lower treble, which made music sound "prettier" than it was). You wouldn’t notice this if you used their Aries interconnect, which had a "lift" in those very frequencies to compensate for the power cord (and speaker cable, too, although that was one gorgeous speaker cable).

By the way, I had Nordost’s power cords during the sam periods, but played them less than the Shunyatas. Just sold off my Frey 2 power cord. Also a GREAT power cord.

Surely someone has opinions on the latest line up of Shunyata and the past couple series of power cords?