Shunyata Alpha/Delta NR Line.

Does anyone have experience with the new line of NR cables? How would it compare with the previous line of Shunyata cables especially the Alpha HC or digital?
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Showing 1 response by techno_dude

New Delta NR powercord owner here. I am seeking advice from users that have compared it to the Alpha or Sigma NR. On paper, they only differ in total wire gage ( 10ga. 8ga, 6ga). So if my gear doesnt need the extra gage diameter for power draw, what else could be improved upon the DeltaNR model ?

The Delta NR is for sure a nice upgrade over my Zitron Cobra. I do ear more into the recording. But I have to turn up the volume a little bit more than before , as if the built in noise reduction circuit reduces the dynamics a bit... I believe this is what the previous poster calls as ''a certain stillness''. I can also turn up the treble a bit more on my preamp. Is the cord rolling the highs...I don’t think so... bizarre effect nevertheless.

Opinions, experiences with this new line of pcs ?