Seas Excel Diamond tweeter or Plasma?

Interested in building a speaker using, I think, the most expensive “conventional” tweeter available at $6k a pair for the Seas Diamond. I only want to use the best drivers available. TAD 15” woofer, ATC dome midrange and a great tweeter.
I well appreciate the art/science of speaker design working with an established Speaker designer.
Surely the enclosure and crossovers are critical. I lean toward the Diamond but not sure if the Plasma is better.
I think the idea of shopping for several best components based on cost and assembling them into a working speaker is quite a challenge. 

You may be disappointed, as the best tweeters in the world sound like nothing at all.  They  vanish.  They are boring. They call no attention to themselves.

You should do your own listening, but I've heard plasma tweets and remained unimpressed that they were significantly better than other top of the line offerings from Scanspeak, Seas or Mundorf. The Mundorf and Beyma AMT's are also among the best available, with the Beyma horn loaded AMT having some interesting dispersion benefits.  Dispersion matters just as much as specs.  There's no best, there's a best for a specific application and intention.

Also, unless you will build a Magico-like listening room with massive bass traps I would no longer try to build a monolithic speaker with a giant bass.  Using a separate sub or separately powered bass section with PEQ in the design is the way to go.
Thanks for the post. I actually already own my designer’s former top line speaker (Tetra 606) that has the Mundorf dipole AMT in a rear horn configuration. For sure they disappear and create exceptional “sound”. We are hoping to make something that is superior. My guy wants to make a 4 way with a smaller woofer on top. His plan is to create a sound similar to a duel concentric point source. He is a master with crossovers. Interesting that we have decided on an enclosure shaped like a baby grand piano. Slanted back to time align with beveled edges. He is confident that he can make it sing.
Another friend involved in the design also is against plasma. 
LoL 😂😂.

oh man, that was a good one.  Impeccable timing.

I’m sure the op already knows that they need to be custom tunes to his ears
Careful invoking his name!
It's like saying 'Beetlejuice' three times....

There's really only a tiny bit on the Seas Diamond tweeter.  I have used the Seas Excel Beryllium tweeter and that is just excellent.  Much cheaper at $1400 a pair.  Although, I really like the B&W 800 series with their diamond tweeters.
The little I have heard about the Seas Excel is that there is none better.
A least it seems that it may be the hardest material in a dome. So the fastest? And the back is sealed and in a diamond cut... kind of. It looks very cool and the front as well. Price certainly does not always reflect quality. But Seas is a super established and great quality company. It seems that they made the Excel at the lowest price point possible. 
Oh, Kenjit, Kenjit, Kenjit!
Pretty much like Beatlejuice!
But I do admire his chutzpah!
He also has a way with words even if very obnoxious!
Do I require the "Kenjit stamp of approval?'. I HOPE NOT.
But I do kid of miss him.
Do you think he is a complete put on?

How about the Beyma AMT surrounded by a pair of Faital 6" pro mid woofers in a D'Appolito configuration?

Talk about great imaging and outstanding output levels.

Put them on top of a DSP powered bass cabinet.

The Beyma/AMT mix is not an original idea, I saw it somewhere in an uber speaker by some one selling bending wave speakers or something.

If you have the room, THAT would be an outstanding system with dynamic range to rival horns.
I have to say that overall I've never heard a tweeter actually better than the Mundorf AMTs. 

I've heard crappy AMTs and I've heard great dome/ring radiators and people I respect say the Beyma is as good or better, but never have I personally heard any speaker with a better sounding tweeter.

Point to that is, I have no desire for exotics for the sake of being exotic.
I'd sure like to hear them. 6 thousand dollars. I want to hear them.

I'm real happy with a couple of combos I use.  I mean REAL happy.

6K, got to be something to hear.. Are the domes plated with diamond?
Or made of diamond? 

A single pair of drivers for 6K. Makes my head twist like my dog when she hears a weird sound. Yup..

The plasma tweet is difficult to combine with ATC’s 75 unit -- mechanical compliance will be an issue, before even discussing electronic compatibility.If you wish to improve upon your Tetra, add low-frequency energy maybe even using a couple of 12-15" /channel in open baffle configuration. It will be a bear to cross, but you do say the designer is a master of crossovers.I would also play around with conventional tweeters, metallically coned rather than ceramic.

As a matter of curiosity, what’s wrong with your Tetra 606???

here's no best, there's a best for a specific application and intention.

I would agree with **There is no best,,,*

I've looked at every  SEAS tweet, and wondered if anyone actually employs the Seas Diamond. Most expensve= superior..? I am not convinced .
**Money no object*  may not result in *best ever speaker*. 
Makes sense to build on SEAS drivers only, as i've found SEAS makes the finest, most musical voice coils/cone material, magnet designs. 
Look if your customer wants a  speaker that is superior in musical reproduction,, 1st what is his source and then amplification power. 
A exceptional speaker, hooked up to a  avgerage sounding other components, may only result in just a avg speaker.
laying out that kind of money, synergy is critical. 
I am not convinced, expensive drivers = superior speaker. 
btw I also am interested in Mundorf's AMT Ribbon . But then keep in mind ribbons have that kooky characteristic of The Narrow Sweet Spot, Can't deal with that weakness. In order to have M's ribbon work, is a  row of 3, = $$$$$.
Keep us updated on the final design and give us a  test YT vid. 
We all want to see exotics in action. 

 I have no desire for exotics for the sake of being exotic.

What we are after is natural, uncolored, dynamics, nothing **warm**. 
Warm = coloration, murky lower midrange. 
Of all SEas mid tweets, the only 2 I am interested are the Thor's Millennium and tyheir *Flagship* Cresendo. 
The Millennium is a  incredible midtweet, natural,  voices the human voice with stunning realism. 
a 3 way witha  midrange, would upset this and add warmth, 
The upper midrange of the midwoofer meets perfectly the lower midrange registers of the Millennium, xing ,,, I think 1800hz
Here is a good discussion on xover points. 
To my ears a  3 way sounds blaring/dominate , mushy in the mids, Mids are 80%+ of the music. = a  more simple xover of midwoofer+midtweet is the ideal design for capturing clean, clear critical mid fq's. 
There is no need for a midrange in a  MTM design. 
Midtweet  = superior to   tweeter./midrage combo.
I love my Tetra 606s. But I am giving my perspective on this design from a marketing point of view. This is not necessarily a speaker for me to replace my 606s but a commercial product. The 606s are $33k, his 707s are $78k and the piano enclosure Grand Halls should be $88k. My input on this design is relatively minor and superficial.The enclosure will be complex and the crossovers world class and the drivers the best available. And the finish will be carbon fiber piano black. We will get a pair of the Seas Excels to test. The ATC (Volt-same or better, ATC no longer sells its midrange) and 15” TAD both already proven as best. The major task is to make it all work together to truly be an $88k speaker. I am convinced that Adrian Butts is one of the finest speaker designers. Check out his website. 
If Keith Richards, Herbie Hancock, Winton Marcellus, Ron Carter, etc. will not own any other speaker, who am I to not agree. Do some of the world’s greatest musicians know what is possible in High End Audio? Not necessarily. But they know when their performances sound like they did to them on stage, in studio, etc. Several of these guys own and love their 606s. 707s are a limited edition.