RIP Tommy Obrien - Cherry Amp

It appears from a thread over on Audio Circle that Tommy Obrien, founder of Digital Amplifier Company - CherryAmp - passed away a few days ago.  Not many details are available...below is a link to the Audio Circle thread.

He was  one of the brilliant designers who not only made great sounding products but always had time for his customers.  He will be missed.  Condolences and prayers to his family.


Here is a follow up from the Audio Circle thread.

"He died of complications from Covid.  The last text I received was on Friday 12/10 that said he was improving.  I reached out multiple times over the past week and didn’t hear back I am very saddened over this news.  Tommy was a single father of three children, please keep them in your hearts and prayers during this difficult time.

There are only a few really good guys in audio and Tommy was one of them. Although his passion was creating fine pieces of audio gear his true love and proudest accomplishment were his three children. Many times over the years I would received a text or an email describing something that one of his kids had done that he would be absolutely over the moon about.

He had a son and two daughters. Son is in early 20’s, middle daughter late teens- early 20’s and youngest 13ish as best I can recollect."


@snapsc Thanks for keeping us informed. If there is a gofund me to help children, i am in. Grace and peace.


I saw that thread and was both shocked and saddened. I purchased a pair of 3 Cherry King amps from him just a couple of months ago. He was always a pleasure to talk to and deal with. I wish his children comfort and peace.

thanks for sharing, they are at $3.5k against goal of $10 k…. please help if able.


I have 4 of his amps.  Tommy had great products and great service/repairs.  I would be a Cherry bot.

The donations are pouring in and that is a good thing. So sad about the kids.


Present owner of a 2 Cherry. I owned 2 of his amps 10 years ago. Solid products.


RIP Tommy.

@snaps, just in case if you know if there is some way to get a diagram of Tommy's Megashino amp. 

I made a few inquiries back in the day and never found anyone who was able to discover any circuit diagrams for tommy's gear.

Here is a thread that speaks more to the issue and what others found:

Here is a repair place suggested by Leo at Orchard Audio who knew Tommy and worked with him briefly: