Review: Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles Tweak

Category: Accessories

As crazy as I thought these products would be, I have to state here loud and clear...


I started out with just the Clever Clocks.
I cant tell you how stupid I felt trying to explain to my wife the clocks advantages. It sort of confirmed my sickness in Audio and what a sucker I am. (At least to her, in her mind).

The clocks tightened the focus . So much, that I had to leave them in the system. Even though I could have sent them back for a refund.

Later, I bought some Large pebbles. These along with the clocks improved the bass definition.
So, I bought some X Large Pebbles, and some mini,and small.
I also put them on the 4 x 4 ceramic tables with cones underneath.
I know it sounds like the guy who is buying moon rocks.
My hair is also growing thicker and faster (just kidding)

But, each and every time I put more into the system it has improved the sound.

These items improve the tightmess, clairity, soundstage , bass response, all the good things in Audio. And you can adjust the effect just by moving them around the room.

I am not totally sure what these things are made of. I have heard they are subjected to large magnetic fields and I dont know if the effects last forever or not.

However, the price of admission is low, so give it a shot.
I think you would need 2-4 of the items to truly hear the difference and this will allow you to play with different positions in your room.

Don't think I am crazy , just open minded and happy.

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Isochronism wrote,

"Geoff, If that is some type of proposal,
I sincerely do appreciate the compliment, tho' I'm not that type. HA"

I love it when you guys play hard to get.
Geoff, If that is some type of proposal,
I sincerely do appreciate the compliment, tho' I'm not that type. HA
Hmmm.... Pitchblend or Autumnite Fluorescent Pebbles anyone? Geoff, how about it.... I am wondering if some slow neutrons fizzing out from U235 and U239 totally natural nitrate minerals sitting on top of my glorious African mansonia stands would enhance my pan-dimensional audio experience.

I placed a canvas bag filled with 4 lbs.of narrow-band 1/2" gravel on the roof of my garage. The garage is located on the rental property below my house and sits approximately 85 feet from my listening room which, of course, is in the main house.
I also took a five pound bag of broad-band cat's-eye marbles of very fine quality and buried them in the sand at the ocean beach 200 yards from my stereo. Using my cellphone I then rang up my answering machine from the beach and allowed the message machine to run for 60 seconds before cutting the connection.
The results were nothing short of dramatic as well as being totally unexpected.
I definitely experienced increased detail, a much blacker background, improved dynamics, smother top end, faster response, and reduced listening fatigue.
I have tried similar tweaks inside my listening room and always found them overwhelming in their effect. I had too much detail, too much dynamic range, response that was faster than real life, even the background darkness was exaggerated to the point of absorbing one or two of the musicians into the black hole. To be precise, I used the same two bags of gravel and garnets
as the ones I removed to a distance but needed to create a distance from the actual listening environment to fine tune the effects.

These tweaks are inexpensive (industrial grade garnets work fine) and you can wait for a nice day to go to the beach and take a swim or surf while you are there. (Remember not to take your cellphone into the water or the tweaks may not work.)

In passing, I'll remark that the placement around my room of several world globes, crystal balls, glass marbles, and other spherical objects of varying sizes, weights and materials reduced perceived harmonic distortion and improved imaging before I tried the other tricks outlined above.
Isochronism, I will send the Large size. Your money is no good here.
Effect of crystalline structure on propagation of light through it is well known in many disciplines like Minerology, for example, but effects on sound is a new one for me. I wonder how that works?
While I am fond of amethyst crystals, and I use them in my products, like all crystals they are a narrowband device, as it were, and devices with multiple types of crystals, like Brilliant Pebbles, operate over a much broader band. Brilliant Pebbles include such crystals as amethyst, clear quartz, sapphire, topaz, onyx, aquamarine, sometimes ruby and even diamond.
amethyst crystals do what? How many does one need? Would like to try.

Sorry, guys I have moved on.
The rocks have been replaced by Amherst crystals and where needed ASC tube traps.
The clocks are gone...
I'm a little disappointed noone called it the Clever Little Crock. Or rabbit turds in a bottle.
Yea Judy was hot. Not much to look at in the '60's on TV.

Now Dr. Smith would have a huge bag of the BP's yes. ??
"I look back @ some of the things I posted and I was lost in space with Will & the robot."

That's a hoot! I always think of MD as the king of bad sci fi audio tweaks.

BTW "Lost In Space" was my absolute favorite show when I was a kid and I still get a kick out of watching it.

Danger Will Robinson! Guy in a carrot suit closing in....
A slight misspelling of "Clever Clocks" could turn this into an adult only thread.

Imagine having to explain your "Cleaver Clock" to the little woman.
"I started out with just the Clever Clocks.
I cant tell you how stupid I felt trying to explain to my wife the clocks advantages. It sort of confirmed my sickness in Audio and what a sucker I am. (At least to her, in her mind).

The clocks tightened the focus . So much, that I had to leave them in the system. Even though I could have sent them back for a refund."

So what time is it ??

I look back @ some of the things I posted and I was lost in space with Will & the robot.
In my placebo controlled double blind studies Fruity Pebbles produced a statistically significant improvement over Magic Pebbles. This study is soon to be published in Paranormal Magazine.
I think enough brilliant pebbles in a room could make a nice tweak to acoustics, say a ton piled in each front corner. Maybe bulk discounts are offered.
Me thinks 'tis the power of the new Dark Matter tweak....

May be one should experiment with it by spraying some bottle of Brilliant Pebbles.... You know, just in case 'em Pebbles were too bright and were causing some uncontrolled scattering of subtle invisible wavelengths in higher Kaluza-Klein dimensions... Goodness, this could be the real thing!

What ever happened to the Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles Tweak? "

Maybe he has been piling them up over the years for more effect and it might take him a bit longer to wade through them to get to his computer to answer now...:^)

Hopefully Ozzy is not buried by now. What a way to go....
I am not surprised Wellfed, the power of self-hypnosis is in fact rather astonishing.
I have been going out of mind at these silly products, and the fact that they are being sold is astonishing!!!. how can this guy even exist here on agon!!. putting a "dream" system together is a great task, but you should be awake when you do, not in the land of fairy tales and make believe!!. now I see I can receive a cell phone call that will make my ipod sound like a live concert without batteries installed, and even spit out front row tickets!!.
LOL! I had almost forgotten about Porziob's infatuation with coffee tables.
How does someone who sells these type of products get 500+ positive responses?
If it was just the pebbles I would say give him the benefit of the doubt but stop and take a look at the overall picture. Look at the Machina Dynamica auction for the "Teleportation Tweak". Go to the website and see each of the items for sale. Come on people! I have been on Audiogon for a few years now and think the members are far and away brighter than the average person. I have learned very valuable information backed by facts with proven research. You guys are better than this! Don't try and justify spending hundreds of dollars on common pebbles. Just admit you were like most of us, looking for another level of audio nirvana and goofed. It happens and you can move on. For the sake of argument, let's say the pebbles do work. The question should be "why are they being sold for $159 for a 3" jar"? At the very least it is a bad spend and should be touted as such(IMHO).
Look familiar?
It should not be too difficult to determine what minerals are being used. A quick visit to a rock/nature store, museum of Natural History, or natural science department of a local college should unravel the mystery. So called semi-precious stones actually cost pennies per kilogram in bulk. 'Precious' stones cost a little more, but often not exorbitantly so. A good rock tumbler and carbide grit can then turn those rocks into Brilliant Pebbles at a fraction of Mr. Kait's prices. Optionally, just visit your local rock and minerals fair, you will be able to purchase pre-bottled assorted beauties for just a few bucks a jar.
From what I understand, they are a wide variety of semi-precious and precious stones, hand-picked and placed in the glass jars by Geoff to give the ideal balance. I once e-mailed Geoff asking him what the ratio of semi to precious stones were and he wrote back, " The correct ratio.", or something to that effect.
There is an explanation (white paper) on their website. BTW can anyone explain why too caps of the same value and type sound different? (applies to valves too?
Better quality/construction does not quite cut it when the measured mathematical value is actually identical.
It also seems strange that someone would equate not understanding an explanation of how a component works with no explanation.

Whether one understands how a SS amplifier amplifies v. how a tube amplifier amplifies, for example, is not important. What is important is that this can be explained - that explanation is grounded in physics and can be described mathematically.

So the challenge is, describe the physics behind these products. If the product really works, there ought to be a physical explanation. Surely, someone will understand it.

Bob R.
Its very strange that many sceptics ask how these things work when chances are you don't how many things in your Hi-fi system work e.g CIRC for CDs or how a solid-state amp amplifies as opposed to a valve amp or how a cross-over works etc.

If you know someone who has these just ask them to remove the BPs from the room and then ask yourself if you can hear the difference.

You can't have an opinion until you have tried it and are sure it does nothing for you.

Don't shoot the messenger.
You can only bring a horse to water ....
They come with various suggestions as to where to place them in your room.

I really do not know what kind of science these would be listed under.
Perhaps Voodoo

The idea is crazy and I still wonder what they are all about.

Just as I was a skeptic about power cords and such, these Pebbles do make a difference.

All I can add, is try a couple of Large bottles in your room.
(you can also add Miller or Bud )
Reminded of that Tom Waits song "Step Right Up"....hmm, now where did I put that disc??

i saw this earlier and wondered how the 'GoN would do with it.

if this was on the audioasylum on the General Forum there would have been 50 to 75 posts by now with all the objectivists saving the world for the 'Brilliant Pebbles' sheep. these products do provide much entertaining posturing.

i've heard enough unexplained acoustic phenomina and enough of Geoff Kait's stuff to give it the benefit of the doubt.