Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)

AudioFacts frequently tests new products. Because for us this remains one of the most beautiful parts of our beloved profession. Our drive for perfection keeps us sharp because we're always looking for new products for our customers. During all our testing over the past nearly 20 years we rarely discover a product which surpasses all our expectations.

Thanks to Tru-Fi we can understand all the properties and talents of Audioquest cables optimally so we can use them all. It makes the impact of a power cable so much greater. The way we use a powercable, it becomes just as important as a component.

The Hurricane immediately shows that it lives up to its name. From the first moment on you realize that you are listening to something really special. This cable overwhelms you with its utmost precision and speed. The music you know well directly sounds 2 levels higher from the beginning.

Constantly there is that surprise during listening and the big smile on your face.

In timing and speed the Hurricane made a huge step compared to the Audioquest NRG-1000 and also other more expensive power cables. Each attack is so much faster (and shorter). All your music is being played with significantly more grip and AUTHORITY. We never encountered this degree in ease and additional control (due to a powercable) in this price range before.

You can even observe more diversity (layering) in sound. Diversity in sound is the most determining factor that influences the human emotion. Voices turn out to have more layers than we thought. Instruments gain a more natural and realistic sound. And voices become silky and more fluid than ever before.

The degree of 3-dimensionality of the sound image becomes larger. Since 2009 AudioFacts creates and sells only a 3-dimensional sound stage. Because humans also experience and perceive sound in a 3D spectrum. Thanks to the increase in resolution the stage becomes deeper and wider. Making voices and instruments more apparent and free from each other. So you can even walk through the recording during listening.

Voices and instruments are even more compact and therefore more intimate. The physical tangibility of both voices as instruments are even more authentic. In reality both voices as instruments are played very directly and displayed in small proportion.

Thanks to a lower noise floor the Hurricane creates an even better black level. This is the space between the voices and instruments of a recording. When the sound becomes more tangible and more voices and instruments get a stature (shape), we speak of a higher black level.

What also impressed us with the Hurricane is the huge increase in resolution (details) which can now be perceived. The space in which the recording is made is now very easily observable. Also the articulation of voices becomes more clearly audible. Even the decay around voices and instruments becomes clearly observable.

Regarding to the frequency range you immediately hear that the response of both the Monitor Audio Pl-500 as the Platinum subwoofer goes even deeper than before. You feel the increase in power and energy of the low frequencies. When the low frequency range of an audio system increases, often the degree of emotion becomes larger. In addition you can even hear an increase of information and layers in the middle and high frequencies.

Thanks to our research and developedment of Statement Audio Pro-measurement, differences in height of voices and instruments become more clear to observe. This allows you to better perceive the harmony of voices and instruments together. It makes the music more emotional and intense. The Hurricane creates an even higher degree in diversity of the height of voices and instruments.

It is more than clear that Audioquest have made a big step with the Hurricane power cable. At the price of 1599 euro (for 1 meter) we have never auditioned a power cable of this unique and high quality.

The impact and influence of the Hurricane in an audio system is rather big and decisive. And it makes clear more than ever that power cables should be an essential component in any audio system. The price of 1599 euro (for 1 meter) is more than justified by the large step in quality gained.


Richard, easy explanation... Hurricane must be quite successful in the marketplace... Demand is overrunning production capacity. Audioquest is evidently flooded with large order for Hurricane, and production has a finite speed... You are 60 days down the queue.


I'm still waiting for my final Hurricane power cord. I ordered it a month ago and Audioquest told me yesterday it may be another 60 days!!! 90 days for a power cord? Someone help me understand?
"From what I understand each of the three conductor bundels in the new design has its own unique geometry. Through testing and “trial and error” Audioquest has learned certain geometries work better for positive for example vs the negative. I find this fascinating."

Could you share from where you get this information from with regardings to different geometries per conductor?
After a long talk with Audioquest, I decided to order another Hurricane in lieu of the Dragon. If I had the money I would have purchased five Dragon power cords, but I submit four Hurricanes and one Tornado is a good compromise. I pray that I’m done!
Thank you everyone for your contributions. I currently own 26 after market power cords including NRG4, NRG1000, NRG WILD, flagship PS Audio PCs and many more. I am most curious to hear these new Audioquest PCs, the hurricane in particular. I really appreciate first hand user feedback!
From what I understand each of the three conductor bundels in the new design has its own unique geometry. Through testing and “trial and error” Audioquest has learned certain geometries work better for positive for example vs the negative. I find this fascinating.  I am hoping to eventually acquire a full loom of hurricanes if it truly is all I expect it to be. Please continue to keep us apprised those of you that own them. And yes, be sure to move these cables to different parts of your system to see if they are more effective in one place than another. These are 11 gauge cables I believe but should still be sufficient for any high current application. Keep the comments coming!
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Like to hear what you think of the Dragon.. So expensive.. Hope it isn't worth the money because if it is, I'd probably put the new speakers I've been saving for on the back burner..

Hi Richard, Since the reports that the Rowland Power Storage Unit based on ultracapacitors makes a huge difference on Corus -- And I have experienced its effect on the Rowland Aeris DAC, I am no longer surprised that some extremely good power cords might enhance performance of Corus as well.


I decided to borrow another Audioquest Tornado to go from my preamp to the power conditioner. I didn't expect much, because I already have three Audioquest cords, but I was wrong. So wrong, I decided to purchase one 15 amp Dragon source power cord and see where it goes best.
Guido I'm very, very surprised that changing the power cord on my Jeff Rowland Corus preamp made such a difference. 
To be honest I didn't have the opportunity to compare the Hurricane, Tornado, and Thunder to each other.
@ricred1 Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the AQ cables.  Curious if you have any insight regarding SQ differences (or simple performance differences) compare between Hurricane, Tornado and the earlier tested Thunder?
So, I ordered two Hurricane power cords and one Tornado. I have one Hurricane going from my amp to the power conditioner and one from the power conditioner to the wall(Shunyata outlet). I use the Tornado on my DAC. I want to be as succinct as possible without hyperbole!
I like to preface my findings with "in my system" and "in my room".
Simply put the new Audioquest power cords lower the noise floor. I'm not talking night and day, but to a degree that allows everything to be more easily heard. Music has weight to it and minor details are more apparent than ever. My frame of reference with power cords is relatively small...I've had Wireworld Silver and Platinum Electras, Shunyata Alphas and Sigmas, and Audioquest NRG-4s in my system. I'll order two more Hurricane power cords and call it a day. Although the differences aren't night and day, these are the type of improvements so many of us drool over and spend lots and lots of money for.
I agree about the improvements in sound...more to come. I want to be honest in my assessment; therefore I must talk about their weaknesses too. My dealer told me to take a piece of electrical tape and put it on the plug to get a tighter fit. It works, I just don't feel I should have to do something like that to have a tight connection. 
I wonder if we can change the plugs with something like the Furutech NCF plugs without ruining the design of the power cord ??? I wasn't too thrilled when I seen what the plugs looked like when I received my cord.. It still improved the sound though..
Thanks! I will post my thoughts by the end of the week. A couple things for now; the Hurricane is very stiff and unfortunately the IEC plug doesn't have a tight grip which exacerbates the stiffness. My friend has the Hurricane and he thinks the lack of grip will be problematic for most. 
@ricred1 I would love to hear your thoughts of the Hurricane either here or in a separate and complete review of your own. Thanks...👍
Replacing my power cords with Audioquest Hurricane power cords is one of the best upgrades I've done. It's the icing on the cake for my system.
I received one of two Hurricane cords that I ordered. I should have the second one on Monday and the Tornado I ordered by Friday. My system isn't connected at the moment, so I won’t have any feedback for a couple weeks.
I just ordered two Hurricane power cords. One will go from the amp to the power conditioner. The other from the power conditioner to the wall.
every story must have at least 3 parts. 
part 1. Introduction
part 2. Developing
Part 3. Conclusion.

Let's call Part 2 Tru-Fi shall we?
This leaves the door wide open for a sequel, Hurricane Part 3. Much like Sharknado. 🦈 🦈 🦈 Only this time he’s going to talk about all the stuff he promised, you know, like all the technical innovations and details and how controlling directionality, a big selling point, or at least a big marketing point, influences the sound.
Wow , what a read ! This was almost a good a part one ,,LOL ,...Well hopefully the best of the best in the recording industry are able some day to catch up with Bo1972 ,...

Thank you BO... I have trusted my ears for the last 50 years, and so far, they have served me well. I have not taken a nasty audio-stumble yet. SO, I intend to continue with the same empirical methodology for the next, ahem... 50 *Grins!*


Bo, you keep repeating the same tedius vague ideas at nauseam... It really gets boring eventually.


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We brought digital sound to a much more analogue sound than ever before. When you work by Tru-Fi you can adapt each single property of sound.

I made great progress in diversity in sound. I have a client who had a turntable with pre amp and cartridge worth of over 8000 dollar.

He compared his digital source with modifications different times with his (now sold) recordplayer.

His words; my digital source owns an even more analogue sound than my recordplayer can give. Based on the fact that he can reveal much more layers even in the middle freq. range than with his recordplayer.

Tru-Fi is so effective in each single part of an audio system. The problem in digital audio is that  over 99% of all the products are incomplete. It doesn’t matter which combination you make it will not bring you where you want to be.

I first use brands who own all the different properties. But the magic begins when I start with changing parts inside. Diversity is the key to succes.
Well I did leave vinyl behing ages ago.

>>>>Understand. You prefer the clean synthetic sound more than the full natural sound. That makes sense given your solid state proclivity.

so hi end is about upgrading or tru-fi? i smoke too much weed and sometimes get lost.
The thing what effects me the most is that I met too many people who spend a lot of money on audio who played at a very low level. I see and understand their frustration. I feel like I am just one of them.

I want to be there for these people to help them and to protect them. And that is why I hate those inferior products so much. They do not add anything in this world. They even have not the right to be there in my world. They limit people on facts, there is not even a discussion possible.

I did so many tests that I know for 100% that these products cannot make any person happy only those people who sell them. I wrote so many times that people need to learn to look further

But also in this parts the facts proof that most people are not able to look that much further. I had to learn to look a lot more further to find better options and to understand sound in general. I had to do this all by myself.

I am blessed that I can use the insight and knowledge of different specialists. They understand that I would do anything for them, so they do anything for me. And this is where live is all about.

It is not possible for me to work for a company or boss anymore. I need my freedom and time to test and do research. Different people and I think we can create a new and much better audio world. And yes this is important for me.

My goal in life is creating a foundation for those people who have nothing. For me this is the highest thing I can achieve in life. I want to use the money I make in sound&vision for this foundation.

That is why I am so dedicated to reach my goal. I wrote it many times that I said; it is not about me. Because this is how people react based on their narrow perspective.

Music is the thing I love most in life. Because I want to feel the emotion of the music. I had to read a lot about the human emotion and how it works. That is why diversity in sound is the main property of sound. This part will always influence the human emotion for the biggest part.

When you can think and work in properties you even can focus on just one property. This is how I work. It is almost 2 years ago that I found out that diversity is the most important part to experience the emotion of music.

I did many tests only on this part. I am not a technician. But I know the properties of many parts. And what they will do in a poweramp, pre amp, source etc. I have people who build in these parts as I wanted them to be used.

We modified many things in the last few years. I love to create products who have no competition at all. A perfectionist only wants to win. The endresult always need to be superior to the best there is. This is always my focus. 2nd best is not an option, this will always be for born losers in my world. And no one can change that.

For me it is very easy to create a level in both sound&vision what is superior to any other level created by another person for the same money. But.....the difficult part is to make it accepted.

The people with who I work togheter understand that the way I work that there is no competition. And ofcourse they are interested. I do not want to help them so they can outperform their competitors. I do not want to be responsible for that.

I understand that I cannot help everyone. But.....we all understand that when I share my knowledge and insight with a company it becomes very easy to outperform their competitors.

I have to think about this how I can mange this. This is so much more difficult than creating the best sound&vision. Because this is easy for me as 1 and 1 is 2. On the other hand I will not give anything for free. That is also no option.

It is like I can give a key what will open many doors which are now closed for all the trail and error thinking people. It cannot be learned by anyone. Only understood. The insight is in my head. It is like a enigma machine what can find many solotions for things which are now all done wrong. I can garantee you that there are many.
I got the impression that you're a perfectionist so I figured you'd be so tired of having to deal with inferior products that you'd create/design your own equipment.. make some money doing it.. teaching everyone how to do it.. To me thats what a perfectionist does..
We work a lot togheter with people who have their own speciality in just one part. I love people who are superior in a special part. I communicate a lot with these people.

At the end you are not alone in this world. And togheter you are so much stronger. A perfectionist wants to control things to the max. A ’normal’ person will never have the drive and insight to go this far. Not even 1%.

It needs to become better over and over and over again. The great thing about Tru-Fi is that is gives me so much insight in both sound and vision. I can improve it all the time because I create new information all the time. I am addicted in creating sound&vision and bring it to an even higher level.

It does not cost energy at all, this is not my work or hobby. It goes so much further than that. It has become a part of who I am as a perspon. It is like my second nature. The speed I see patterns makes me create a higher level all the time.

This energy is unlimited!
We will share some ideas with manufacturers this year. But......I do the things I love most.

I love the art of sound&vision. This means I create sound&vision on properties. This is where I am at good at and I would never want to focus on just one part in audio.

Both sound&vision is all about emotion. We want people to feel all the emotion of the music or a movie. We don’t sell products by trial and error. No we create sound&vision by properties.

This is a totally different world than the inferior limited trail and error world. For a perfectionist there is no room for error and no room for inferior products. It is not acceptable!

A perfectionist hates inferior products, based on the fact that they limit other people in the endresult what they own. It is difficult to understand for ’normal’ people to have an idea how extreme perfectionists think and work. It goes so much further into details that you can imagine.

This is what I created and people have to pay when they want to use it. I will not give anything away for free. I put so much effort and time to be able to see this far into details in both sound&vision.

I don’t blame people that they cannot understand it. But.....I want to protect people who spend a lot of money on sound&vision. Because I think they deserve the best for their hard earn money they spend on audio.

I think we do so much more for our clients than any other company does. We are there for them 24 hours a day. I go through a line of fire for all my clients. We take great care for all our clients. Even for things what has nothing to do with audio.

I want the audioworld to work harder for their clients with more respect and dedication. I have seen to many people in almost 20 years who where screwed by other audio companies. I know exactley where I am talking about.

bo1972, got to ask.. if you know it all, how come you don't put your knowledge together and build some great cables of your own and then market it.. you make a lot of money, right ? You said you been doing this research since 1998 and 20 years later, nothing ? I assume you have the knowledge to build cables ? since you bash everyone else' product they put out to market.. Then you can move up to putting out components..  

I think I agree with cleeds here. I am sure there are some neurotics ’upgrading’ continuously, but there are also many like me who keep much of their gear for years or even decades. Numbers would be hard to come by, but my hunch would be that the most vocal upgraders may also well be the minority. But who knows?

>>>>>I’m going to go out on a limb here and speculate that those audiophiles who found their own little Audio Nirvana back in the 80s and who missed almost the entire audio revolution are in the minority. It’s a little bit like coming face to face with Rip Van Winkle. 😛
When I aks the same question to each single person and no one can answer it, it proofs that audio is done by gambling all over the world.

When I aks even to people who work in audio can you tell me what the foundation is how you work in audio?

They often start to hesitate and have no idea what to say. They all admit that they work by trial and error and are listening to the endresult.

When I confront them they often start to laugh and say you are right that we are gambling.

I made the decision at the 3th of july 1998 to learn and understand why an audio system sounds like it sounds and builds the stage like it is being formed.

It looks like they all were sleeping and never had any idea that they all do audio without any kind of foundation. How it is possible that so many human beings all over the world are so stuppid? 

I am affraid that their insight is too limited to be aware that all these years they did audio by pure gambling. For me it is often very difficult to listen to trial and error systems. Because I can count often 10 till over 20 faults in these systems. I always start to look to their eyes and faces.

Then I am aware that they have no idea that they make so many faults. When this would be the level for me to do audio, I would directly look for another job. I would not want to be an inferior born loser to work in audio. 

I think I agree with cleeds here. I am sure there are some neurotics 'upgrading' continuously, but there are also many like me who keep much of their gear for years or even decades. Numbers would be hard to come by, but my hunch would be that the most vocal upgraders may also well be the minority. But who knows?


The holistic approach is the only one that will render 3D results, squeezing every last drop of sound from each of the components.

Holistic audio is thus akin to holistic medicine.

The most people who have audio as a hobby are in a circle from which they cannot get out. They change a part for another to hope to get the sound they are looking for ...
This is a stereotype and, as with many stereotypes, there's a shred of truth to it. But to state that "most people who have audio as a hobby" are subject to this is dubious, at best. There's a whole thread here about audiophiles with long-term equipment ownership and - of those audiophiles I know - most are pretty happy with their systems. We are not "audio gambling."

The most people who have audio as a hobby are in a circle from which they cannot get out. They change a part for another to hope to get the sound they are looking for.

But....the facts proof that trial and error does not make clear to them which properties they took out and which they brought in. They all do audio gambling. And this will never make clear what you are doing. 

I want to make people understand that this is the main reason why audio is so ineffective. You only have access to a low level out of each single part in your audio system.

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