Thank you to all who responded so far.
To Erik and Shadorne: I think your comments are right on target about the Revel F206 versus B&W CM10 S-2. I think the difference you indicate touches on the old issue of "euphonic" vs "analytical". The B&W being the latter Nevertheless, I missed 2 chances to buy either the F-206 and F-208. They sold quickly: F-206 on Audiogon; F-208 on US Audio Mart.
There 3 more pairs on AG, but one is for pick-up only and a bit beat up ; the other is asking too much and the seller seems reluctant to ship or negotiate. The last is a pair of F208's but are more than I want to spend; and, think the F-206 fits my listening space better, even though, several members claim the F-208 is a better speaker with useful tone controls
One last possibly, not mentioned above before is the Gallo 3.5. This would be an unusual choice for me because of the history of this model (which was has gone through 5 versions), and has received mixed reviews over the years.. I think I heard the second version about 10 years ago and thought them just average. Nevertheless, the Revels still lead the pack.