
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


The demo cost is $300 and not of the amplifier being proposed for your speakers. This when you were not considering a change in amplifier until a salesman suggested it. Not worth it in my opinion. 

If you were interested in trying a Pass amplifier with your speakers I would ask for a demo of an XA-25.  One could bring one home and place into their system on their own,  

This sort of thing is situational.  If you have been a good customer and they have reason to expect that you would make a purchase if you like it, this would seem like a too high charge.  If the fee were refundable if you make the purchase that is another story.  It might take two people to deliver and set up the amp and they would have to give you a reasonable amount of time to audition.  Their cost might actually be close to this charge.  You might negotiate a lower charge and explain that the lower charge means both you and the store have some skin in the game.

In all fairness, it is almost a 100lb. amp that they’ll have to cart over, install, and return back to the store. But $300 is a little absurd! BTW, it’s not the salesman, but his boss, the owner, who determined that fee.

$300 just to demo the amp, and it’s not even the right amp??? You gotta be kidding me. The prospect of making a nice sale should be plenty for him to let you try the amp for free especially if he’s really so damn confident your system would “sound a lot better” with it. The $300 fee is just pure greed and frankly insulting as you’re already a paying customer of his, but apparently he’s is unwilling to put his money where his mouth is. This guy’s sure got a pair, I’ll give him that. I’d tell him to stick his absurd offer up his Class A hole (if the amp puts out 30Wpc it’s Class A, not A/B BTW).

Wow!   With all the negative commentsI’m probably going to “pass” on the demonstration.

$300 to listen to gear that someone is trying to sell you and they don’t even have the amp they are recommending? For me, that would be a no go from the start. I own a Pass XA25 and think it is a great amp. I would have a hard time trusting someone who told me that I should try something else they thought was much better and wanted to charge me to do so.

@rvpiano states, "I'm really happy with my System"

What more is the Goal.

For me such a statement means the end sound I experience, as I don't do too much with the capturing of ones thoughts with a aesthetic. Function before Form is how my Audio Tools have evolved.

Additional to this, I have been demo'd numerous systems beyond my own, where a selection have been undoubtedly containing devices, I am certain would be beneficial to try out in my home system.

I have at present a short list of devices to achieve home system demo's off, with the intention to learn how these devices work to produce a alternate (not better/bettered end sound).

There is not a device out there that I sense can be brought home to be used, that will change the way I enjoy my system as it is at present or even in earlier guises.

Creating an alternate end sound, does not mean for myself the change heard is able to be more enjoyable, merely just a expansion on sonics I am exposed to, as  result of the influence of a particular electronics selected for a device.

If one wants to part with $300 to experience different end sonics produced in their home system, I suggest the supplier of the alternate devices is encouraged to bring along more than one device only. At least the end experience will be a broader understanding than what just one device will do.

FWIW, it will usually take a longer period than a few hours of exposure to a different electronics device to fully realise the value of it being added into the Signal Path of a very familiar system.   

What sounds a "lot better" to one person doesn't mean the next person will hear it that way..Never heard your amp but have heard the big Pass monoblocks & found them to be a touch cold to my ears,reminding me of an older Krell I demo'd once..
I am also dubious of ANY salesman proclaiming "much better"sound when he's pushing a high commission piece..If your happy with the current sound I would Pass(pun intended)on a $300.00 demo........If the difference is that much,they should be willing to demo it for free!