Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system

I am finally pretty darn happy with my system. It consists of Epiphany 12/12 speakers, modded Dodd 120's, and APL 3910, with latest Sound Applications Linestage. I have lots more eq, but, I am trying to simplify. I may end up using a Pre-amp, but I am not sure yet. I do have Dodd Reference Modded, and Modwright modded. Now, my quandry lays here. I am presently using Xindak gold 3 meter interconnects(1 amp on each stand, 8 feet apart). Speaker cable I am using bested Virtual Dynamic Revelation in my system, it is no name, as of yet, but the wire is used to seal Nuclear waste, and sounds amazing. My power cords are Purist Dominus on Sound Applications, Electragide Ultra Khan RR on APL, and stock on my amps.

I have an opportunity to get "a deal" on the latest Kubala Sosna Emotion, and/or Purist line of cables. For the price I can get it for, I cannot audition.

I would also appreciate opinions on whether I should put my amps together, and get longer speaker wire, or longer interconnects.

I have been told by Rick Schultz(VD)and others that the only real way to get the BEST synergy is using same brand cable thu-out system. I just dunno, and in commiting well over 5K to cables alone....I would like some assistance.

Thanks in advance, and best of luck in your journey

I don't know if he's that busy, but that is not what I meant.
I concluded the same as Sherod. What then did you mean?

I dont want to confuse this issue further but I found my 1.5 meter Dominus PC to sound better than its 2 meter counterpart on my Vac Phi Beta. Both were purchased from US dealers, current version with Ferox. While they're tonally similar, the 1.5 meter had better focus and PRAT.
According to Jim Aud at Purist, the cords are designed(voiced) to the different types of equipment used through out the World. The Japanese equipment is more upper range, midrange, the US equipment is more bass heavy.
It seems that like all Manufacturers, Purist is constantly improving the design. That is why the same version sometimes the cables may sound slightly different.
When the change is significant, then he makes a model change ie: A,B,C.
The only true way of knowing when buying used is to check the serial number with Purist or order the newest version.
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"According to Jim Aud at Purist, the cords are designed(voiced) to the different types of equipment used through out the World. The Japanese equipment is more upper range, midrange, the US equipment is more bass heavy."

I find this a rather odd way of thinking from a manufacturing point of view. These US made Purist cords, I believe, will be used in high end USA systems predominately. I can't imagine the majority of USA high end equipment being "voiced" to be bass heavy. If this is indeed the designer's reason when making his power cords, I might be a little reluctant to pursue this line.
I did not mean that the cords were designed (voiced) for bass heavy, just that equipment and preferenecs in sound seems to be different in different in other parts of the world. The cords are made for that variety of equipment.
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Man, this is one thread where I'm having a difficult time determining what everybody means! Am I in the Twilight Zone? Please, somebody slap me and wake me up.
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As far as I know, all Purist cables marked Dominus or Dominus Ferox (and no other designation) are USA cables.

ALL Purist Aqueous Anniversary and ALL Purist Anniversary cables are identical, regardless of where in the world they are sold. There have been special runs of cables for Germany and Japan (and probably other places in the world).

In Japan one interconnect was called Primus and in Germany one AC cable was named Auctorita. Primus is basically Dominus Ferox with special conductors and restricted sales to Japan. When a person in Japan hears this cable and wants it, they cannot purchase it in the USA because it's not sold here.

Auctorita, same story, Dominus with special conductors, sold only in Europe. I think sold only in Germany but perhaps that distributor has market nearby countries as well.

All Purist cables are built to the same quality standard and all work anywhere in the world. Sound differences are primarily due to how high end that local market is, meaning Germany or Japan may have audiophiles willing to buy higher end (more evolved) product before the USA is willing to pay for it.

There are entire window displays dedicated to Purist cables in Japan. They love Purist and (at least in the past) one distributor purchased greater dollar amount of cables for his dealers than the entire US market combined.

Any wonder they have their own version?

I am still curious what qualities that Steve liked in the Kubala interconnects, and how they compared to the Purist.

This tangent has been very entertaining and enlightening, but has not helped with the original question that Steve asked, and others of us are wondering about.

Does anyone have personal experience with these two sets of cables? Would you be willing to offer your experience?


"As far as I know, all Purist cables marked Dominus or Dominus Ferox (and no other designation) are USA cables.

ALL Purist Aqueous Anniversary and ALL Purist Anniversary cables are identical, regardless of where in the world they are sold. There have been special runs of cables for Germany and Japan (and probably other places in the world)."

Albert, what about Venustas (interconnects)?
Tonyptony, I think all Venustas are the same too. The statements I made are what I am sure of. I can call Purist tomorrow and find out if Venustas had any variations or not.

As for comparisons between Kubala and Purist, I will leave that to those who have made a direct comparison in their own system. I heard a comparison in two systems owned by one of the guys in my audio group and both are excellent cables. You could not go wrong with either cable and I'll wager there will be people on both sides claiming superiority of one over the other.

Remember I am friends with Jim Aud at Purist, I even sell his products here at Audiogon and do photography for his ads. You can expect me to support his product because it's been my favorite cable for more than 20 years (19 years longer than I've sold it :^).

Still, there are lots of great cables out there. Far more choices than when Purist came on the scene 20 years ago. I've heard systems with almost every brand of cable and many were state of the art. It's about achieving balance.

I hate to throw this out, but you have to try these cables (Kubala, Purist, Elrod, Cardas, etc) for yourself to discover what works best in your system.

Cable company will allow you to borrow several brands to test against each other. Ultimately that is the only way the debate will be resolved for your own system and personal listening tastes.
Your statement is not true. I had a Purist Dominus that was made in Indonesia.
As I sated above, I have had all Kubala Emotion = power cords, interconnects, speaker cables. And All Dominus C Power Cords , Balanced interconnects (but not the speaker cables). Read my posting.
Just for the record, the only reason I posted the differences in sound in the various Purist Dominus is because I was bringing to the attention of would be used Purist Dominus Buyers that beware, they are not all created equal.

I know, I paid for a used pair that I did not Like. When I found out why, I was lucky the Seller did reverse the deal.

If you want to interpetate any other way , help yourself.
Your statement is not true. I had a Purist Dominus that was made in Indonesia.

That Dominus was either manufactured in Texas for sale in Indonesia, or was a counterfeit Dominus made in Indonesia.

There are no (legal) manufacturing facilities for Purist cables anywhere in the world except the factory, which is a few hours south of Houston, TX.

I have no doubt that Purist may have manufactured a cable for Indonesia that is sonically different for marketing reasons.

Dominus has been manufactured continually since 1995, no doubt it has changed somewhat over that period of time.
Alberporter. Probably the Dominus was created in Texas and was sold to the Indonesia market.
What does that matter?
If they end up on the US Market, people will not be getting what they think was purchased.
There is no idication on the cable. The serial number is the only check.

Albertporter, I know you are a Purist Dealer trying to protect your product ,
But we Audiogoners need to be aware of this danger when buying used Purist Dominus.
Ozzy I agree people need to be protected, that's why that distributor has been banned from getting any additional Purist product.

You would be surprised at just how many other big name lines that guy in Indonesia has been hacking into the US market. It's not just Purist we need to be careful of in this new world economy. Everyone should check the history and serial numbers of product they are considering buying.

Audiogon supports this and has removed suspicious product before members get burned. No other web site is nearly as responsible and protective of it's members.

I'm glad to see that "Smilin" has provided an update to the question:

08-06-06: Duffydawg

Hi Smilin,

Could you update us as to which cables you have chosen, and how they are working? Did you listen to both?

Here's the partial answer:


Thanks for the update Smilin!
Alright, here I go.............I am selling all my cables"interconencts, speaker wire"cause I have found MY FAVORITE in nanotec cables. Golden Strata 79 interconnects, and 201 speaker wire from Steve at SOS=sounds of silence audio. WOW, I can not believe the sound I am hearing from my system. Immediate sound, unburnt was better than my Dominus IC. after 72 hours, man oh man, I am a smilin guy now.

My system sounds like I have only been dreaming about, extended, with no glare, tight bass/mid bass,midrange to die for, halls, sound like halls, abience beyond belief. Vocals to die for, holographic as all get out. Just the ULTIMATE in musicality for me. I can use all the audiophile terms, but, they really do not do justice. I am finally, thank-god, not analyzing my music, but, I am listening, tapping my toes, and at the same time, saving BIG $$$$$, which also outs a great big smilin smile on my face. I am in awe. Nuff said.

BTW, all my PC's are still Dominus.(so far)
Hi Smilin,

Thanks for the update and suggestion (new direction)!

Best regards,

You nailed it re. the Nanotec cables. And after having the same experience as your's I decide to become a dealer for them. I'm also a Purist dealer and feel fortunate to be able to offer both lines.
I've now been using these products and couldn't be happier. The single best way to descibe them is MUSICAL!!!!!!
I did a lot of testing with all kinds of brands. I always received: loudspeaker cable, powercables, xlr/cinch cables of one brand. But always I had better results using some other cabels. Why? Because you can use more different properties of the other cables. So you can get closer to the sound you prefer.
hi smilin
very interesting thread.
i am on the market for ic's and sc's and was browsing the threads regarding the BEST to see what is out there even though i would not be able to afford a Dominous or Kubala Emotion. but i might try to get a Venustas...
but now you mention the Nanotec cables and that makes me very curious.

could you provide more information about your findings ?
how do they compare to the purist ?
how would you characterize the sound?
what do they cost?
thanks a lot

Asking $895.00
New Retail $895.00
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Days/Views 31 / 399
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Strada IC
Strada #201 info

From the makers of the Nespa Pro, Intron #8500 Fluid and the Golden Strada #79 speaker cable comes Nanotecs new Dual Core Shielded Interconnect cable.

This cable has the same nano-technology applied to it as their Golden Strada speaker cable. Nano sized Gold Micro particles are dispersed in a Pureified Natural Oil, which is soaked on the surface of OFC. A new level of 3D presentation is now heard with this interconnect.

Current lengths are 1m and 1.8m.
Retail price is $895 per 1m and $1195 for the 1.8m pair.

Call for more details 603-888-5104
The nanotec wire has taken my system to heights I have never heard, the soundstage is REAL, the sound is MUSIC, I can close my eyes and tell you where each instrument and vocals are positioned, the bass/mid bass/midrange/and treble are the best I have ever heard. My Epiphany's have NEVER sounded better, and the only change is the interconnects, and speaker wire.

Best of luck in your journey

I just received the Nanontec #79 speaker cables.
I must say they are not much to look at.

My findings thus far are different from yours Steve.

Your system is much more elaborate and much more $$$ than mine and I have only played them a short time tonight.
I will play them more tommorrow.
The cables that I have are broken in.

I also have owned the Purist Venustus, Aqueous, Ridgestreet Poimia , and listened in length to the Kubala Sosna Emotions (with a full system of Emotions). I have tried many more.
Ozzy, what is it that you hear? I've tried many others, like yourself, and though these Nanotec cables aren't the last word in detail (they are very detailed though) and don't go down as low as others I've had (but the bass is more tuneful than most) they don't have the air of some of the silver cables I've owned... they are the most musical cable I've yet had in my system.
If you just received your cables, and they were boxed, which means rolled in a ball, then they need a day or so to relax with music going through them to open-up and sing their magic.
Let us know how you make out please.
I'm now using the Nanotec cables thanks to your thread; best cables I have run across so far. Thanks Steve!
I have to apologize to everyone for my previous post because I have definitely jumped the gun regarding the Nanotec cables. After having lived with these cables for a while I now have somewhat of a different perspective, they are not the giant killers I thought they were. I was initially enthusiastic about the Nanotecs but after further evaluation and comparisons I have discovered that the Nanotec cables present someway of a one dimensional soundstage that lacks depth; this is quite apparent when comparing to more costly cables. The Nanotecs are also somewhat rolled off on the top end and the bottom end is by no means the deepest and tightest I have heard; it might actually be a little on the woolly side. The midrange is probably the Nanotec’s strongest point but still not quite up there with the more expensive cables. The Nanotecs are not an entirely bad cable though and I would recommend that you give them a listen if you have the opportunity.
Bobgates - How can your opinion so radically shift just a day after your post? You lived with the cables an extra day and this leads to the "After having lived with these cables for a while I now have somewhat of a different perspective"? Long term listening (several weeks and months) can indeed make the pros/cons more clear, and often lead to us keeping what he had, but only a day to make a 180?
Jafox - initially I listened to the interconnect on my small system upstairs and that is when I made my first positive comment about the cable on the forum. Later I tried the cables on my main system and this is when I realized they were not as good as I had previously thought. Again I apologize for the hastiness of my first response.
Bob I mentioned this as I wondered if the nanotecs would benefit from a burn-in time? If they changed so quickly for the worse, could they change back for the better? Maybe you could run them in the small system for a week and or two and then try them again before permanently sending them out to pasture.

What we need is to find an affordable IC that does not cost $2-3k or more. And from the sound of 711smilin, this sounds like it has great potential. I have already found a crazy priced PC that outperforms the competition like nothing I could have ever imagined. Getting a break on IC or speaker cables would be nice for a change.
Nanotec Speaker Cables my $.50 opinion.

As I posted earlier, my impression of this cable has been different than Steves.

After having a fully broken in pair of the Nanotec Speaker cables for several days now, I can post my findings with my equipment.

First impression , Visual ...
Gulp, ... they look like the cheapest Home Depot wire.


Ok , Straight from my listening notes.

The image moves back a little with a not so immediate presentation.
Cymbals are not as dynamic as I would like.There doesn't seem to be much zing.(my word)
Vocal presence is good, but not as good as I expected based on the comments on this thread.
Guitars seem to be a constrained.

And the biggest problem, there seems to be a sameness in all music. I am not sure if this would be defined as vieled but its the word that comes to mind. It was kind of boring.

Perhaps the next version with extra Shark Oil will be better.
The widely different opinions on this cable again confirms to me that every piece of Equipment has different cable needs.
One special cable may not be so special in a different system.
I just changed directions of the speaker cable and there is a marked improvement.
Since mine has been used,it must have been used in this direction.
There is a now a more forward and dynamic presentation and the treble is much better.
I still think it has a sound that is smoothing the detail with music though.
But, directionality is an important issue and may be contributing to the vastly different opinions.
Wow, I leave for a couple days, to further upgrade my system, and enjoy some tunes and I see a bit of crazyness.
I have been busy, picking up a SRA Craz rack, and Mactone MA300 amp, along with working on my HT. I still feel these are the most musical cables I have had in my system. According to Steve, at SOS, he said they are definately directional, as far as the interconnects go, the interconnects are different wire, than the speaker. They look REDICULOUS, as compared with all the beautiful cables I have used, but, in my system, to my ears, I am just listening to the tunes, instead of picking out parts of the music. I am trying to get off the buy, try, evaluate, sell, or keep train, and hope these cables continue to please me. I am not trying to steer anybody in a particular direction, only reporting MY journey. I hav ordered bulk wire to make my own cables, I have never done this before, but, I find myself exploring deeper into why this technology sounds so damn musical.


Good luck in t=your journey
Jafox, please tell me more about the PC, I really need 1 fabulous cord for my new source, the APL NWO 2.5 which I will hopefully have soon.
I stated a week ago that these cables do not do all the things many other cables do, don't have all the detail, don't go down as low (or don't have the slam others may have) don't have the top end air etc.ect..ect but I still find them musical. Yes I'm still on a quest to find a better cable and it will most likely be more expensive but I can live with these plain jane looking cables for the moment. Do I want to spend thousands more on cables? No but if they end up significantly better I will (I guess my wife will have to forget her new kitchen overhall if I find something soon!).
Ozzy..please keep us posted on what you hear against other products...and don't look at price, just performance and the musical experience.
Since you started this thread with you using Virtual Dynamics Revelation speaker cables.Then to try many cables after that.

I have gone full circle, Purist, Kubala Sosna, Ridgestreet Audio etc...

My question to you and anyone that can share info, Why did you not like the Virtual Dynamics Revelation? (Other than the extreme stiffness)
I am thinking of trialing these, any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
711smilin (Steve correct?). The Strada cable is good, I do enjoy them BUT it is not the last word in cable design or overall sound. Yes, I'm looking for more.. the search continues.
I never heard Kubala. Purist has a very distinctive sound. It is unlike any cable I have ever heard. It is extremely dark, but clean and clear. It has a huge sound space, but personally, I got tired of the coloration.