
Responses from duffydawg

What is the best arm for a Linn Soundeck 12
Hi Juan314,I had a Linn LP12 for about 20 years. The best arm I had on it was a Graham 2.2. I have heard Ittok's and Eko's (which I liked a lot), but the Graham will play with them. I have not heard the Naim Aro which is supposed to be very good o... 
Re; Linn LP12, what about the Cetech subchassis?
Hi Steelman,I had a Linn LP12 for about 20 years. I went through a number of upgrades, with the Cetech subchassis being one of the last. The Cetech and Lingo were the best money I spent (the stock springs will struggle).As far as platter mats, I u... 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
Hi Hce4,Friends of mine also have the Sophia 2's, and had a similar experience with their Gamut MKII amplifier. They are now using a Jadis Defy 7; which sounds very good. Their dealer, Brooks Berdan, had several possible choices for them, and they... 
Graham, Naim Aro, or Linn arms?
Hi Chashmal,I have not heard the Naim Aro. I have heard Itok, Ekos, and; owned the Graham 2.2 on my Linn (as well as the Basik, and Akito). I would'nt have a complaint with the Itok, Ekos or Graham. All sound excellent. The Graham ceramic arm may ... 
Martin Logan help, please....
Hi David,The panels are removed/accessed as follows:First you need to lay the speaker down on its side or on its back supported with a stool or box to support the top section. Use a soft blow hammer and tap upward on the bottom of the wood rail. I... 
Long speaker cables - cost vs performance
Hi Jbatlanta,I have limited experience with speaker cables. Since having Monster Cables from about 30 years ago, I have tried 21 foot runs of:Signal Cable (a verrrrrrrrrrrry good value).Purist Audio Maximus Rev.B (Good sound, limited depth)and now... 
Target VW2 Wall Stand
Hi Shventus,I think you are lucky to have Ken Lyon's input. I have a Target shelf assembly, with his Neuance shelf replacing the original MDF material. The performance is great, I can not imagine a better solution. I contacted Ken, and bought the ... 
LP -12 Felt Plater Mat
Hi Xagwell,I have used Herbie's Way Excellent Mat, and would recommend it as a substantial improvement for the price. I am now using Living Voices carbon fiber mat, and it is better than the Herbie's. I am able to use a Mitchell record clamp with ... 
Build my own speakers?
Hi Radrog,I posted the first link twice. Here is the link I wanted to post secondly. You will find plans for most of these projects.http://www.partsexpress.com/projectshowcase/projects.cfmGood luck,Mark 
Build my own speakers?
Hi Radrog,I admire your ambition. Most of the topics you should be concerned about have been identified already. I presume you have the knowledge and tools to build the cabinet. Building properly sized (tuned) cabinets and avoiding interior standi... 
freq range, 50hz-20khz at + -3db please explain
Hi Andrewrona,As you can see, this discussion can become very complex. As Gs5556 has pointed out, the most accurate transducer would reproduce the input energy without deviation (+-0db). No speaker performs that well. Standard tests graph the perf... 
freq range, 50hz-20khz at + -3db please explain
Hi Andrewrona,Sorry, I miss stated the 6db point. It is the volume change that is normally just precievable as a change in volume - usually requiring 1/2 or twice the power applied to the speaker.Mark 
freq range, 50hz-20khz at + -3db please explain
Hi Andrewrona,db (as you probably have infered) is the loudness value of the speaker output. Each speaker driver, cabinet design, and crossover design does not provide for the exact same volume level at each individual frequency. The +-3db refers ... 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Ouch is really approptiate. Did anyone read the Merrill-Scillia MS21 Reference Turntable review in the same issue - also by Fremer. Lots of direct comparisons with the Gran Prix. Here is a turntable at about the same price that it seems like Freme... 
Ayre C7xe integrated vs AR VSi55 with Proac D25 sp
Hi Jim,I' not sure what the prices are of the two units you have identified, but I would be very surprised if you liked anything better than this:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1184701247I have been using a Gamut 200 MKII for so...