I have tried both in a complete system except the Dominus Speaker Cables. For my system, and taste The Dominus C Ferox is much more dynamic and full range. The Kubala Emotion is warmer and powerful but would sound better in a more detailed type System. I think my system is ever so slight to the warm side. Just recieved the Balanced Dominus C Ferox interconnects to complement the same Power cords. Right out of the box the music has so much more slam and feeling. Wow! I am using them with Kubala Emotion Speakers cable. This combo sounds very good. I have not tried the Speaker Dominus Ferox C yet in my system.
Note: To all Dominus would be Purchasers. I did try a Dominus Ferox Power Cord from Indonesia and found that to have a very rolled off sound, nothing like the Dominus Ferox C used in the US. It sounds way, way different then the US version.
I am told the Japenses version is even more rolled off for the brighter type of Equipment preffered there. Purist should add some additional labeling to identify the versions.
My system consists of APL Denon the latest version , Pass Labs x350.5 Amp and Legacy Focus Speakers. |
The sound was much different, also, the cord was lighter and a little thicker than my new Dominus Ferox C. I contacted Purist and gave them the serial number. That's where I learned the info on that particular cord and the the others made around the world. |
I agree. Makes you need to be aware when buying used. |
That is correct.There are probably many in US home systems now. Perhaps that is why there is such a differance of opinion on its sonic quailites. |
Mrtennis, Sure mix and match. I am using 2 Shunyata Annacondas on my Pass Labs X350.5 Amp with a Shunyata Hydra 2 in between. On my digital, I am using a Virtual Dynamics Master from the wall to my Hydra 8. My Purist Dominus C is from the Hydra 8 to my APL. The other Purist Dominus C is my Balanced interconnects. I would say that is a mix and Match, wouldnt you ? |
According to Jim Aud at Purist, the cords are designed(voiced) to the different types of equipment used through out the World. The Japanese equipment is more upper range, midrange, the US equipment is more bass heavy. It seems that like all Manufacturers, Purist is constantly improving the design. That is why the same version sometimes the cables may sound slightly different. When the change is significant, then he makes a model change ie: A,B,C. The only true way of knowing when buying used is to check the serial number with Purist or order the newest version. |
I did not mean that the cords were designed (voiced) for bass heavy, just that equipment and preferenecs in sound seems to be different in different in other parts of the world. The cords are made for that variety of equipment. |
Alebertporte, Your statement is not true. I had a Purist Dominus that was made in Indonesia. |
As I sated above, I have had all Kubala Emotion = power cords, interconnects, speaker cables. And All Dominus C Power Cords , Balanced interconnects (but not the speaker cables). Read my posting. |
Just for the record, the only reason I posted the differences in sound in the various Purist Dominus is because I was bringing to the attention of would be used Purist Dominus Buyers that beware, they are not all created equal.
I know, I paid for a used pair that I did not Like. When I found out why, I was lucky the Seller did reverse the deal.
If you want to interpetate any other way , help yourself. |
Alberporter. Probably the Dominus was created in Texas and was sold to the Indonesia market. What does that matter? If they end up on the US Market, people will not be getting what they think was purchased. There is no idication on the cable. The serial number is the only check.
Albertporter, I know you are a Purist Dealer trying to protect your product , But we Audiogoners need to be aware of this danger when buying used Purist Dominus. |
Steve, Since you started this thread with you using Virtual Dynamics Revelation speaker cables.Then to try many cables after that.
I have gone full circle, Purist, Kubala Sosna, Ridgestreet Audio etc...
My question to you and anyone that can share info, Why did you not like the Virtual Dynamics Revelation? (Other than the extreme stiffness) I am thinking of trialing these, any additional info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, |
I just received the Nanontec #79 speaker cables. I must say they are not much to look at. My findings thus far are different from yours Steve. Your system is much more elaborate and much more $$$ than mine and I have only played them a short time tonight. I will play them more tommorrow. The cables that I have are broken in.
I also have owned the Purist Venustus, Aqueous, Ridgestreet Poimia , and listened in length to the Kubala Sosna Emotions (with a full system of Emotions). I have tried many more. |
Nanotec Speaker Cables my $.50 opinion.
As I posted earlier, my impression of this cable has been different than Steves.
After having a fully broken in pair of the Nanotec Speaker cables for several days now, I can post my findings with my equipment.
First impression , Visual ... Gulp, ... they look like the cheapest Home Depot wire. ----------------------------------------------------------
Ok , Straight from my listening notes.
The image moves back a little with a not so immediate presentation. Cymbals are not as dynamic as I would like.There doesn't seem to be much zing.(my word) Vocal presence is good, but not as good as I expected based on the comments on this thread. Guitars seem to be a constrained.
And the biggest problem, there seems to be a sameness in all music. I am not sure if this would be defined as vieled but its the word that comes to mind. It was kind of boring.
Perhaps the next version with extra Shark Oil will be better. ---------------------------------------------------------- The widely different opinions on this cable again confirms to me that every piece of Equipment has different cable needs. One special cable may not be so special in a different system. |
I just changed directions of the speaker cable and there is a marked improvement. Since mine has been used,it must have been used in this direction. There is a now a more forward and dynamic presentation and the treble is much better. I still think it has a sound that is smoothing the detail with music though. But, directionality is an important issue and may be contributing to the vastly different opinions. |