Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system

I am finally pretty darn happy with my system. It consists of Epiphany 12/12 speakers, modded Dodd 120's, and APL 3910, with latest Sound Applications Linestage. I have lots more eq, but, I am trying to simplify. I may end up using a Pre-amp, but I am not sure yet. I do have Dodd Reference Modded, and Modwright modded. Now, my quandry lays here. I am presently using Xindak gold 3 meter interconnects(1 amp on each stand, 8 feet apart). Speaker cable I am using bested Virtual Dynamic Revelation in my system, it is no name, as of yet, but the wire is used to seal Nuclear waste, and sounds amazing. My power cords are Purist Dominus on Sound Applications, Electragide Ultra Khan RR on APL, and stock on my amps.

I have an opportunity to get "a deal" on the latest Kubala Sosna Emotion, and/or Purist line of cables. For the price I can get it for, I cannot audition.

I would also appreciate opinions on whether I should put my amps together, and get longer speaker wire, or longer interconnects.

I have been told by Rick Schultz(VD)and others that the only real way to get the BEST synergy is using same brand cable thu-out system. I just dunno, and in commiting well over 5K to cables alone....I would like some assistance.

Thanks in advance, and best of luck in your journey


Showing 6 responses by sherod

I had been saving up to try a Purist Dominus power cord in my system. I was going to go for a good used one here on Audiogon, but I'm curious if anyone has contacted Purist to ask them what is the difference between the US, Japanese, and other international versions. Is there a code, color, label to ask the seller to determine what version it is? How can the US version be identified?
Thanks Tvad. Do you have all US versions in your system? I'm wondering why the same power cord name but designed for different countries sounds so differently.
"...my impression after speaking with Purist Audio was that the person in charge of labelling cords is perhaps over his head."

I'm not sure what this means. Is the labeller so busy that he sometimes puts the wrong label on the right cord and vice-versa?
"According to Jim Aud at Purist, the cords are designed(voiced) to the different types of equipment used through out the World. The Japanese equipment is more upper range, midrange, the US equipment is more bass heavy."

I find this a rather odd way of thinking from a manufacturing point of view. These US made Purist cords, I believe, will be used in high end USA systems predominately. I can't imagine the majority of USA high end equipment being "voiced" to be bass heavy. If this is indeed the designer's reason when making his power cords, I might be a little reluctant to pursue this line.
Man, this is one thread where I'm having a difficult time determining what everybody means! Am I in the Twilight Zone? Please, somebody slap me and wake me up.