Preamps in general

Ok, I know the story, Lexicon (which I own) is a great HT piece, and does 2-channel great (IMO) but there are better 2 channel units out there. From all I have read, and all my logical prowess, I can only assume that with dvd-a and sacd-multi, Lexicon will be among the best for those formats. Am I wrong?

I am mainly into this hobby for 2-channel, but can't ignore the onset of future formats. Do you all agree that the decoding power of Lexicon will make it wonderful for the multi-channel music formats? What preamps do you guys consider better...Anthem AVP-20, Tag, EAD...etc???

I like opinions, but facts and experience are better;).

To answer your second question, yes you can use two preamps in a combined HT/Stereo system very easily. The easiest solution is to buy a stereo preamp that has a home theater passthrough feature, which allows you to only use the stereo components for 2-channel listening but also lets you seamlessly switch to a pre/pro(your Lexicon) for surround music/movies by pushing one button. You never have to worry about volume matching and in stereo listening the Lexicon is totally out of the loop. Personally I think this is the least costly and most sonically pure way to go. Here's a partial list of companies that make stereo preamps with HT passthroughs:
Adcom, McCormack, Sonic Frontiers, Rogue, Levinson/Proceed, VAC, AR, Conrad-Johnson, PSE, and probably a few others I've forgotten.

You can do this with any stereo preamp, but if it doesn't have an HT passthrough feature you'll have to set the stereo preamp to a pre-determined reference volume level every time you switch to surround music/movies. Not a big deal, just a little bit of a pain and definitely more of a problem if other people(i.e. non-audiophiles) use your system. Hope this helps and best of luck.

Bookner and Mdomnick ( or anyone else for that matter ), drop me a line if you're interested on comparing notes or if you have questions on the Sunfire TG II. I can't say i'm anywhere near being an expert on this unit, but i can relate my findings with it. Sean

I can't commnet on Sunfire as I have not heard any of it. I think Bob Carver is a dedicated audiophile and I respect him as a designer (however I did own a Carver amp, TFM35X, which wasn't musical at all, but I'm not sure Bob was affiliated with Carver at the time of production). I would like to hear Sunfire, as it has gotten good reviews, but I would also check out Anthem AVM20 and the Tag Pre/Pro. I wish to God I could sit down with all these pre/pros and do A/B testing. Anyone A/B demo-ed some of these things? I may scrap Lexicon in favor of Anthem or Tag. Just too many decisions to make:/
No one mentioned Sunfire. How does it compare to those mentioned above, and to Meridian's 500 series pre/pros.

I had a Sunfire Theatre Grand II in my system for about a month, and was very impressed with the processor, and analogue pass through. It even has a pretty decent phono stage -- not quite the warmth of tubes, but quite as black night. I don't know this unit compares with the Lexicon, Bryston and others mentioned above, and would love to hear comments. I do know there is a significant difference between teh Sunfire I and II, and that the II new can be had most anytime on ebay and elsewhere for around $2400, and used for as much as $600 less. That seems a bargin for the money. The remote and set up were very user friendly.

I've not bought a Sunfire, or any other pre/processor yet since I've been considering Meridian, and have been for a number of months testing a mid level HT receiver (by Luxman, remember them? -- the Luxman's pre/process section is not the equal of the Sunfire, but it also does analogue pass through, and has 120 watts, I think, and others have said the little Luxman beats the sound of the Denon 4800, but I've not had the Denon in my sytems for a direct comparison).
Many threads on using the dual setup - I'll let you search for those as opposed to repeating them here. Short answer is definitely yes, though - get yourself a used Krell KRC-3 for $1200-1300 and you can use the Krell for 2-channel music, the DC-1 for movies and have both be great experiences. -Kirk
Thanks for all the input guys...I think I may try the MC1, but out of curiosity (this may be a dumb question) is it possible to use 2 seperate preamps, 1 for HT and 1 for 2-channel with the same amp/speakers? I can't think of how that would work, but there is lots in this world I can't figure out:)
The MC-12 is pretty well thought out in terms of future upgrades. I don't see it becoming "obsolete" any time real soon. As to features and performance, that would be a matter of personal tastes if it would work for you. Sean
I wouldn't pay anywhere close to $3K for an MC-1 - they seem readily attainable for $2500, even less if you're willing to buy one that has already been traded in (meaning it won't be eligible for trade-in allowance later).

Other pre/pros that do 2-channel exceedingly well (according to reputation, not my personal experience) are the Classe SSP-30, the new Tag-McLaren (not sure of model #) and Bryston's offering (again, not sure of the model #). All of them will do fine on HT as long as you're not addicted to Logic 7. If you value 2-channel music over HT, but want both, you'll probably be more satisfied with one of these other manufacturers. I found the MC-1 to be a decided improvement over the DC-1 for 2-channel, but these other models have a strong reputation at outperforming the MC-1. -Kirk

I have a DC-1, v4. Had it for a while now, and love it for movies. Can't say the same for 2 channel. I use a BAT tubed preamp and it's unity gain pass-thru for two-channel listening on that system. Many folks may be satisfied with the DC-1's 2 channel performance, I'm an old-time 2 channel guy, so it doesn't cut it for me.....on movies, the lex is great though.
I am using the DC-1 v.4 and am looking to upgrade. I love Lexicon stuff, but I'll be honest, when I bought it, I merely spent the money based on their reputation, and the recommendation of my salesman. I am now asking myself if there is a better preamp that will do 2 channel, as well as pull off HT. When I upgrade, I am thinking the MC1...the 12 series is WAY out of my price range, but I would buy it if I could. So for >$3000 (which is what I can buy a used MC1 for), what else is there that performs well, or IS Lexicon the sh*t in this price range?
One thing that I would look for is modular construction, so that as new technologies evolve, new modules/circuit boards can simply be plugged in. Don't know if this applies to the Lexicon, which has an excellent reputation! Happy Tunes!
Which Lexicon do you have? Everything before the MC-12 will NOT be a good choice for the new formats, as Lexicon has pretty much stated that they won't be upgraded in the future. The MC-12 is the first Lex. to have 2-channel analog pass-through (in fact, it has 6-channel analog pass-through). It also has a lot of upgrade capability to support digital inputs for the new formats if / when that is a possibility.

Many Lexicon owners like the Music 7 mode for multi-channel music out of whatever source. I assume it can be applied to a six-channel input, but have never looked into it myself. I'm not sure I'd want to go with a synthesized 7-channel mode when I could have 6 discrete channels from the source. So, for two-channel sources played back in multi-channel, yes, the Lexicon is great choice. For the new formats, I don't see where the Lexicon's processing power is any real advantage because I wouldn't want to employ it on a true multichannel SACD or DVD-A.

I've owned the DC-1, MC-1 and now MC-12, so I'm definitely a Lexicon advocate. They have a great record of offering their customers aggressive trade in values on new models. I find the MC-12 to be a very nice step towards "true" high-end, although I greatly enjoyed the MC-1 for music playback as well. If you have a system where you like both music and movies, and you want to keep the system as "simple" as possible, it's a fabulous choice IMO. -Kirk

Yes and no. Digital technology is still evolving; so that part of the preamp may be obsolete in a couple years, regardless of how good it is today. A great 2 channel preamp that can accomodate a external digital decoder that can be upgraded or replaced with something else as digital evolves, may be a better route.